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引用本文:欧阳自远. 嫦娥一号卫星的初步科学成果与嫦娥二号卫星的使命[J]. 航天器工程, 2010, 19(5): 1-6
摘    要:嫦娥一号卫星于2007年10月24日在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射,2009年3月1日受控落月,在轨运行495d,一共取得了1.37Tbyte的原始科学探测数据,在此基础上生产出4Tbyte科学应用数据产品。通过对这些科学探测数据的初步分析和应用研究,已经获得了包括"我国首次月球探测工程全月球影像图"等在内的一系列科学成果,圆满实现了预期的各项科学目标,为推动我国月球与行星科学的研究和后续月球探测工程的开展奠定了重要基础。嫦娥二号卫星在嫦娥一号卫星取得圆满成功之后,进行了一系列技术改进,作为探月二期工程的先导星,将于今年年底前发射升空。嫦娥二号卫星从发射到第一次近月制动所经历的时间由13d缩短为5d,环月轨道高度由200km降低为100km,CCD相机的像元分辨率由120m提高到10m,激光高度计测量月面高程由1次/s提高到5次/s。嫦娥二号卫星将重点开展对月面着陆区地形地貌的精细探测,试验验证相关关键技术,为探月二期月面软着陆奠定科学和技术基础。

关 键 词:绕月探测工程  嫦娥一号卫星  嫦娥二号卫星  月球探测器  科学任务  科学成果

Science Results of Chang'e-1 Lunar Orbiter and Mission Goals of Chang'e-2
OUYANG Ziyuan. Science Results of Chang'e-1 Lunar Orbiter and Mission Goals of Chang'e-2[J]. Spacecraft Engineering, 2010, 19(5): 1-6
Authors:OUYANG Ziyuan
Affiliation:OUYANG Ziyuan1,2 (1 National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012,China) (2 Institute of Geochemistry,Guiyang 550002,China)
Abstract:The Chang’e-1 was successfully launched on Oct. 24th,2007 from Xichang Satellite Launch Center and was guided to crash the Moon on Mar. 1st,2009. The total mission duration is 495 days. The total amount of raw data is about 1.37Tbyte,on the basis of which 4Tbyte of scientific data have been produced. By the analysis and application of these data,a series of science results have been achieved,especially "The Global Image of the Moon by the First Lunar Mission of China",The Chang’e-1 has made out its four scientific objectives and provided foundations for the promotion of the lunar sciences and planetology and the succeeding lunar exploration missions in China. Since the success of Chang’e-1,the technical modification for Chang' e-2(CE-2)has been completed for the new mission goals. Chang’e-2 will be developed as a technical test probe for the second stage of China’s Lunar Exploration Program,and will be launched in Oct. 2010. The time from the probe launch to its capture by the Moon will be shortened from CE-1’s 13 days to CE-2’s 5 days. The orbit altitude will lowered down from CE-1’s 200 km to CE-2’s 100km. The spatial resolution of CCD stereo camera will be improved from CE-1’s 120m to CE-2’s 10m. The frequency of laser pulse of laser altimeter will be improved from CE-1’s 1 Hz to CE-2’s 5 Hz. The mission goals of CE-2 will focus on the high resolution image for the future landing site of CE-3 lunar lander and rover. The key technologies for soft landing on the moon will be tested in the CE-2 mission. The success of CE-2 will provide important technical basis for the successful implementation of China’s future lunar exploration.
Keywords:lunar orbiting project  Chang’e-1  Chang’e-2  lunar orbiter  scientific goal  science result
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