Abstract: | The coaxial compound helicopter has two possible strategies for heading control: collective differential and rudder deflection. A flight dynamics model is developed to assess the effect of different heading control strategies. This includes the trim characteristics, steady flight performance,controllability, and manoeuvrability. The trim study demonstrates that heading control strategies are less influential on trim results, and the steady flight performance is also not significantly affected by the heading control strategy adopted. The controllability analysis shows although heading bandwidth and phase delay results at various speeds with different heading control strategies are all satisfied, the control derivative of the collective differential decreases as speed increases, and its heading aggressive agility is degraded into Level 3 in high-speed flight. In addition, using collective differential would lead to severe heading-rolling coupling as forward speed increases. On the contrary, the control derivative and aggressive agility of the rudder deflection is improved with forward speed, and there is no evidence of heading-rolling coupling. Finally, the transient turn MissionTask-Element(MTE) is utilized to investigate the heading manoeuvre characteristics in different heading control strategies, which indicates that the collective differential would add the amplitude of control input and the power consumption during this MTE. |