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Review of basic medical results of the Salyut-7--Soyuz-T 8-month manned flight.
Authors:O G Gazenko,E B Schulzhenko,A I Grigoriev,A D Atkov OYu  Y"  >Egorov
Affiliation:Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, USSR.
This paper presents the results of medical investigations performed in the Salyut-7 8-month mission in which a professional physician took part. The paper contains anthropometric measurements, results of investigating the vestibular function, cardiovascular function at rest and in response to multi-step tests (with emphasis on echocardiographic measurements), metabolic parameters and hormonal status. It also discusses medical aspects of the extravehicular activity. The medical investigations, although some new methods were applied, provided the continuity of methodical approaches and data accumulated in previous missions.
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