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A Structured Mesh Euler and Interactive Boundary Layer Method for Wing/Body Configurations
Authors:Li Jie  Zhou Zhou
Affiliation:School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Abstract:To compute transonic flows over a complex 3D aircraft configuration, a viscous/inviscid interaction method is developed by coupling an integral boundary-layer solver with an Eluer solver in a semi-inverse manner. For the turbulent bonndary-layer, an integral method using Green's lag equation is coupled with the outer inviscid flow. A blowing velocity approach is used to simulate the displacement effects of the boundary layer. To predict the aerodynamic drag, it is developed a numerical technique called far-field method that is based on the momentum theorem, in which the total drag is divided into three component drags, i.e. viscous, induced and wave-formed. Consequently, it can provide more physical insight into the drag sources than the oflen-used surface integral technique.The drag decomposition can be achieved with help of the second law of thermodynamics, which implies that entropy increases and total pressure decreases only across shock wave along a streamline of an inviscid non-isentropic flow. This method has been applied to the DLR-F4 wing/body configuration showing results in good agreement with the wind tunnel data.
Keywords:viscous/inviscid interaction  far-field drag prediction  transonic flow  wing/body configuration
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