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引用本文:龚俊斌,明德烈,刘德坤,田金文. 基于哈特莱变换的快速图像模板匹配算法[J]. 宇航学报, 2011, 32(5). DOI: 10.3873/j.issn.1000-1328.2011.05.022
作者姓名:龚俊斌  明德烈  刘德坤  田金文
摘    要:去均值归一化模板互相关(ZNCC)是工程中应用最多的图像匹配算法,但过高的计算复杂度严重限制了其在实时系统中的应用.针对这一问题,提出了基于快速哈特莱变换的快速模板图像匹配算法,首先推导了该算法在哈特莱域的表达式,利用可分离的快速哈特莱变换对相关面进行高效率整体计算,然后在空间域对获取的相关面进行快速归一化处理和极值搜索,并通过空间换取时间和积分图的策略进一步加快算法的计算速度.对算法计算量的定量分析和仿真实验结果表明,算法计算效率高,并且可以完全重构,加速比与图像内容无关,综合性能全面优于现有算法,具有良好的工程应用前景.

关 键 词:图像匹配  离散哈特莱变换  导航系统  快速算法

Fast Image Template Matching Algorithm Based on Discrete Hartley Transform
GONG Jun-bin,MING De-lie,LIU De-kun,TIAN Jin-wen. Fast Image Template Matching Algorithm Based on Discrete Hartley Transform[J]. Journal of Astronautics, 2011, 32(5). DOI: 10.3873/j.issn.1000-1328.2011.05.022
Authors:GONG Jun-bin  MING De-lie  LIU De-kun  TIAN Jin-wen
Affiliation:GONG Jun-bin,MING De-lie,LIU De-kun,TIAN Jin-wen(Institute for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,National Key laboratory of Science and Technology on Multi-Spectral Information Processing,Wuhan 430074,China)
Abstract:The exhaustive-search zero-mean normalized cross-correlation algorithm(ZNCC) is one of the most widely used image matching algorithms in the autonomic navigation systems of unmanned aerial vehicle.However,the computational cost of the algorithm is too high for many real-time applications.A fast image template matching algorithm based on discrete Hartley transform is proposed to greatly reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm.First,the ZNCC algorithm is described in the Hartley domain.Second,the...
Keywords:Image matching  Discrete hartley transforms  Navigation systems  Fast algorithm  
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