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Frequency-Agile Radar Signal Processing
Authors:Waters   W.M. Linde   G.J.
Affiliation:Search Radar Branch, Radar Diviaion, Naval Reasearch Laboratory, Washington, D. C. 20375;
Modern radars may incorporate pulse-to-pulse carrier frequency modulation to increase probability of detection, to reduce Vulnerability to jamming, and to reduce probability of interception. However, if coherent processing is used for clutter rejection, the frequency of N consecutive pulses must be held constant for N-pulse clutter cancellation or Doppler filtering. If M pulses are transmitted during the time the antenna illuminates a target, there are M/N coherently integrated echoes available for noncoherent integration in the computer or the operator's display to further improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this paper, analytical and simulation methods are employed to determine the balance between coherent and noncoherent integration that yields the greatest SNR improvement. Attention is focused upon a model using peak selection of fast Fourier transform (FFT) Doppler channels and is compared to a reference model involving only a single Doppler channel. Curves of detectable SNR as a function of M and N are presented for both models.
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