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Cosmic Rays From Supernova Remnants: a Brief Description of the Shock Acceleration of gas and Dust
Authors:Ellison  Donald C.  Drury  Luke O'c.  Meyer  Jean-Paul
Affiliation:1. Department of Physics, North Carolina University, Box 8202, Raleigh, NC, 27695, U.S.A.
2. School of Cosmic Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland
3. Service d'Astrophysique, CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Space Science Reviews - We summarize our model of galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) origin and acceleration, wherein a mixture of interstellar and/or circumstellar gas and dust is accelerated by a...
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