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The Voyager infrared spectroscopy and radiometry investigation
Authors:R. Hanel  B. Conrath  D. Gautier  P. Gierasch  S. Kumar  V. Kunde  P. Lowman  W. Maguire  J. Pearl  J. Pirraglia  C. Ponnamperuma  R. Samuelson
Affiliation:(1) Goddard Space Flight Center, 20771 Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
The infrared investigation on Voyager uses two interferometers covering the spectral ranges 60–600 cm–1 (17–170 mgrm) and 1000–7000 cm–1 (1.4–10 mgrm), and a radiometer covering the range 8000–25 000 cm–1 (0.4–1.2 mgrm). Two spectral resolutions (approximately 6.5 and 2.0 cm–1) are available for each of the interferometers. In the middle of the thermal channel (far infrared interferometer) the noise level is equivalent to the signal from a target at 50 K; in the middle of the reflected sunlight channel (near infrared interferometer) the noise level is equivalent to the signal from an object of albedo 0.2 at the distance of Uranus.For planets and satellites with substantial atmospheres, the data will be used to investigate cloud and gas composition (including isotopic ratios), haze scale height, atmospheric vertical thermal structure, local and planetary circulation and dynamics, and planetary energy balance. For satellites with tenuous atmospheres, data will be gathered on surface and atmospheric composition, surface temperature and thermal properties, local and global phase functions, and surface structure. For Saturn's rings, the composition and radial structure, particle size and thermal characteristics will be investigated. Comparative studies of the planets and their satellite systems will be carried out.Paris Observatory.Cornell University.Jet Propulsion Laboratory.University of Maryland.
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