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引用本文:唐亮,王敏琪,盛佳敏,黄春华,刘辉. 一种构建天地一体化网络的航天器信息系统设计方法[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 50(S1): 1-5
作者姓名:唐亮  王敏琪  盛佳敏  黄春华  刘辉
作者单位:1. 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海, 201109;2. 上海航天电子技术研究所, 上海, 201109
摘    要:随着航天技术的发展,天地间数据交互容量、实时性等需求不断凸显。传统航天器信息系统基于1553B总线或RS422,LVDS等硬线直连架构传输数据,传输速率最多只能达到1Mb/s或100 Mb/s,已无法满足大容量数据实时传输的需求。本文提出一种新的系统设计方法,将地面成熟的1 000 Mb/s/10 Gb/s以太网技术应用到航天器中,构建天地一体化通信网,在天地间无线链路传输总带宽允许的情况下,较大程度提高天地间数据传输速率,同时有效减少星上电缆网配套数量,进而减轻飞行器重量。本文所提方法正在国内某大型组合式航天器设计中应用,可为后续航天器数传设计提供参考。

关 键 词:航天器  信息系统  一体化通信网

Design Method of Spacecraft Information System Based on Integrated Network of Satellite and Earth
TANG Liang,WANG Minqi,SHENG Jiamin,HUANG Chunhu,LIU Hui. Design Method of Spacecraft Information System Based on Integrated Network of Satellite and Earth[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2018, 50(S1): 1-5
Authors:TANG Liang  WANG Minqi  SHENG Jiamin  HUANG Chunhu  LIU Hui
Affiliation:1. Shanghai Aerospace System Engineering Institute, Shanghai, 201109, China;2. Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute, Shanghai, 201109, China
Abstract:With the development of spaceflight technology, the demands of data exchange capacity and real time between satellite and earth are more and more prominent. The traditional spacecraft information system is based on 1553B bus or RS422 and LVDS, and transmits data at most at 1 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s, which cannot meet the requirement of real-time data transmission. In this paper, a new system design method is proposed. The method applies the mature 1 000 Mb/s/10 Gb/s Ethernet technology to the spacecraft to construct the integrated communication network, greatly improve the data transmission rate and reduce the weight of onboard cables when the total bandwidth of wireless link is allowed. The method has been successfully applied in a large combined spacecraft mission, and can be a reference for the future spacecraft data transmission system design.
Keywords:spacecraft  information system  integrated communication network
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