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Some early results of the keV plasma experiment on GEOS-1
Authors:H. Borg  L. -A. Holmgren  B. Hultovist  F. Cambou  H. Rème  A. Bahnsen  G. Kremser
Affiliation:(1) Kiruna Geophysical Institute, S-981 01 Kiruna, Sweden;(2) C.E.S.R., Toulouse University, B.P. 4346 Toulouse, France;(3) Danish Space Research Institute, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark;(4) Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, D-3411 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
Some preliminary new results are presented of the keV plasma experiment on GEOS-1. Electrons and ions have been observed to stream along the magnetic field lines in the dayside magnetosphere from the ionospheric side of the satellite towards the equatorial plane during magnetic storms, with streaming velocities corresponding to a kinetic energy of the order of a keV. The opposite streaming velocity has also been seen, but primarily in the ions only and with a smaller flux ratio for the two opposite directions along the field lines. The transition between the two opposite streaming directions, as seen by the satellite, has been found to occur even in a fraction of a second.In magnetic storm conditions azimuthal asymmetries in ion fluxes corresponding to electric field intensities of several tens of millivolts per meter have been observed.
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