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Solar wind turbulence during the solar cycle deduced from Galileo coronal radio-sounding experiments
Authors:A.I. Efimov  L.N. Samoznaev  M.K. Bird  I.V. Chashei  D. Plettemeier
Affiliation:1. Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics, Russian Academy of Science, 125009 Moscow, Russia;2. Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Universität Bonn, Auf dem Hügel 71, 53121 Bonn, Germany;3. Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, 117924 Moscow, Russia;4. Technische Univ. Dresden, Elektrotechnisches Inst., 01062 Dresden, Germany
Abstract:Seven coronal radio-sounding campaigns were carried out during the active lifetime of the Galileo spacecraft in the years 1994–2002. The observational data analyzed in the present work are S-band frequency fluctuation measurements recorded during the solar conjunctions at different phases of solar activity cycle #23, specifically: periods near solar maximum (three conjunctions), near solar minimum (three conjunctions) and during the ascending phase (one conjunction). These data are all applicable to low heliographic latitudes, i.e. to the slow solar wind. The rms frequency fluctuation and power-law index of the frequency fluctuation temporal spectra are determined as a function of heliocentric distance. The turbulence power spectrum tends to be flatter inside ca. 20 solar radii during all phases of the solar cycle. This coincides with a transition in the flow from the inner acceleration region to the outer region of constant velocity. The radial falloff rate and absolute level of the rms frequency fluctuation are essentially invariant over the solar cycle.
Keywords:Solar corona   Radio-sounding   Coronal turbulence   Galileo spacecraft
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