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Dynamic modeling and analysis of vortex filament motion using a novel curve-fitting method
Affiliation:Department of Aerospace Information Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul 05029, Republic of Korea
Applications of a novel curve-fitting technique are presented to efficiently predict the motion of the vortex filament, which is trailed from a rigid body such as wings and rotors. The gov-erning equations of the motion, when a Lagrangian approach with the present curve-fitting method is applied, can be transformed into an easily solvable form of the system of nonlinear ordinary dif-ferential equations. The applicability of Be′ zier curves, B-spline, and Lagrange interpolating polyno-mials is investigated. Local Lagrange interpolating polynomials with a shift operator are proposed as the best selection for applications, since it provides superior system characteristics with minimum computing time, compared to other methods. In addition, the Gauss quadrature formula with local refinement strategy has been developed for an accurate prediction of the induced velocity computed with the line integration of the Biot–Savart law. Rotary-wing problems including a vortex ring problem are analyzed to show the efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility in the applications of the pro-posed method.
Keywords:Aerodynamics  Biot-Savart law  Curve-fitting method  Free-vortex wake  Rotary wing  Vortex filament
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