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Large-scale waves in the solar corona: The continuing debate
Authors:Alexander Warmuth
Affiliation:Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, D 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Ten years after the first observation of large-scale wave-like coronal disturbances with the EIT instrument aboard SOHO, the most crucial questions concerning these “EIT waves” are still being debated controversially – what is their actual physical nature, and how are they launched? Possible explanations include MHD waves or shocks, launched by flares or driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), as well as models where coronal waves are not actually waves at all, but generated by successive “activation” of magnetic fieldlines in the framework of a CME. Here, we discuss recent observations that might help to discriminate between the different models. We focus on strong coronal wave events that do show chromospheric Moreton wave signatures. It is stressed that multiwavelength observations with high time cadence are particularly important, ideally when limb events with CME observations in the low corona are available. Such observations allow for a detailed comparison of the kinematics of the wave, the CME and the associated type II radio burst. For Moreton-associated coronal waves, we find strong evidence for the wave/shock scenario. Furthermore, we argue that EIT waves are actually generated by more than one physical process, which might explain some of the issues which have made the interpretation of these phenomena so controversial.
Keywords:Sun   Solar corona   Solar flares   Coronal mass ejections   Waves   Shocks
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