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引用本文:丰松江,聂万胜,宋丰华,庄逢辰. 固体火箭发动机尾焰红外辐射特性预估研究[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2009, 32(2)
作者姓名:丰松江  聂万胜  宋丰华  庄逢辰
作者单位:1. 装备指挥技术学院研究生院,北京,101416
2. 装备指挥技术学院航天装备系,北京,101416
3. 装备指挥技术学院光电装备系,北京,101416
摘    要:运用离散颗粒模型对固体火箭发动机及尾焰两相流进行了一体化仿真,得出了各燃气组分和Al2O3颗粒的流场参数分布.通过建立固体火箭尾焰红外辐射模型,计算出了二维轴对称尾焰的光谱辐射亮度.研究表明,颗粒辐射起着主导性作用,颗粒尺寸越小,在4.3 μm波长处气相辐射作用越明显;燃烧室内燃面颗粒速度越大,尾焰辐射越弱;颗粒尺寸越大,颗粒辐射越强,但随燃面颗粒速度增大,辐射降低越快.所得结论与相关文献数据一致,表明计算模型和方法可行.

关 键 词:固体火箭发动机  尾焰  红外辐射  两相流

Evaluation research of infrared radiation characteristics of solid rocket motor exhaust plume
FENG Song-jiang,NIE Wan-sheng,SONG Feng-hua,ZHUANG Feng-chen. Evaluation research of infrared radiation characteristics of solid rocket motor exhaust plume[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2009, 32(2)
Authors:FENG Song-jiang  NIE Wan-sheng  SONG Feng-hua  ZHUANG Feng-chen
Affiliation:FENG Song-jiang~1,NIE Wan-sheng~2,SONG Feng-hua~3,ZHUANG Feng-chen~2 (1.Department of Postgraduate,the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology,Beijing 101416,China,2.Department of Space Equipment,3.Department of Photoelectricity Equipment,China)
Abstract:The two-phase flow of solid rocket motor and exhaust plume was numerically simulated by using discrete particle model.Flow field parameters distribution of gaseous ingredients and Al_2O_3 particles were acquired.Spectral radiance of two dimension axial symmetry plume was computed through the development of infrared radiation model of solid rocket exhaust plume,and comparison with that in document.The study shows that the radiation of particles plays dominant role in the infrared radiation of exhaust plume,a...
Keywords:solid rocket motor  exhaust plume  infrared radiation  two-phase flow  
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