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引用本文:康旺,张有光,金令旭,王名邦. Flash存储中的纠错编码[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2012, 38(9): 1176-1180
作者姓名:康旺  张有光  金令旭  王名邦
摘    要:Flash闪存是一种非易失性的存储器件,随着工艺尺寸的不断减小,存储容量需求的不断增加,存储可靠性与寿命成为Flash生产与应用过程中最严重的两个挑战.基于多级 (MLC,Multilevel Cell) "与非(NAND)型" Flash的层级结构特征与读写操作特性,构造了一种基于正交映射的纠错编码方法,给出其编解码原理与结构,并分析其纠错能力.在此基础上,分析了该编码方法在Flash存储系统中的两种典型应用场景,即分布式多用户共享存储以及历史数据的无差错恢复.此外,Flash存储单元的可靠性受擦除次数的限制,其寿命相当有限,该编码方法可以有效地利用坏块来提高Flash的整体生命周期.分析结果表明:不改变整体结构,只需对编码模块进行简单调整,即可实现多种实际应用需求.

关 键 词:闪存  纠错编码  正交映射  多用户共享  数据恢复

Error correction code for Flash memory
Kang Wang Zhang Youguang Jin Lingxu Wang Mingbang. Error correction code for Flash memory[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012, 38(9): 1176-1180
Authors:Kang Wang Zhang Youguang Jin Lingxu Wang Mingbang
Affiliation:School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China
Abstract:Flash memory is a non-volatile storage device,as the technology continuously scales down and storage density requirement increases up,the storage reliability and lifetime of flash memory become two of the most serious challenges.According to the multi-level cell(MLC) NAND Flash structural features and operating characteristics,an error correction coding approach based on orthogonal mapping was proposed,and the error correcting ability was analyzed.On this basis,two typical application scenarios in flash memory system were presented,i.e.,distributed multi-user access storage and error-free recovery of historical data.Moreover,the lifetime of flash is strictly limited by the block-erasures operation;this coding scheme could utilize the bad block to enhance the flash lifetime.The analysis shows that this coding scheme could achieve multiple practical applications with simple adjustment to the encoder module.
Keywords:Flash memory  error correction code  orthogonal mapping  multi-user access  data recovery
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