Affiliation: | * Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16801, USA ** Service d'Astrophysique Centre d'Études de Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France *** Observatoire de Paris and Centre d'Analyse des Images, 61 Avenue de l'Observatoire, F-75014, Paris, France |
Abstract: | Two soft X-ray images of the Chamaeleon I star forming cloud obtained with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter are presented. Seventy reliable, and perhaps 19 additional, X-ray sources are found. Up to Ninety percent of these sources are certainly or probably identified with T Tauri stars formed in the cloud. Twenty to 35 are probably previously unrecognized ‘weak’ T Tauri (WTT) stars. T Tauri X-ray luminosities range from log , or 102 – 104 times solar levels, with mean in the 0.2–2.5 keV band. The X-ray luminosities of well-studied Chamaeleon cloud members are correlated with a complex of four stellar properties: effective temperature, mass, radius and bolometric luminosity. The spatial distribution, H-R diagram locations of the stars indicate WTT and CTT are coeval. The total premain sequence population of the cloud is likely to be > 100 stars, with WTT stars outnumbering ‘classical’ T Tauri (CTT) stars by 2:1. |