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引用本文:王国军, 史建魁, 王霄. 低纬(海南)地区电离层偶发E层的潮汐类周期研究[J]. 空间科学学报, 2013, 33(5): 501-508. doi: 10.11728/cjss2013.05.501
作者姓名:王国军  史建魁  王霄
作者单位:中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心 空间天气学国家重点实验室 北京 100190
摘    要:基于低纬(海南)台站(19.5°N,109.1°E)电离层测高仪在2004年观测到的偶发E层(Es)临界频率(f0Es)和虚高(h'Es)数据,利用谱分析方法,给出了中国低纬地区Es层在全年和不同季节内的短周期变化特性.对全年数据谱分析表明,Es层除具有非常强的24h周期外,还具有显著的12h和8h周期.对不同季节内两个参数的谱分析进一步表明,8h周期主要出现在f0Es参数的春秋分季和夏末及在h'Es参数的几乎所有季节;6h周期主要出现在f0Es参数的11-12月.海南低纬Es层中具有显著的6h和8h周期特性,特别是这两个周期还能同时出现在冬季,这是以往研究中不曾发现的新结果.初步分析认为,Es层的6h和8h周期极可能是分别由1/4日和1/3日潮汐所造成的.

关 键 词:低纬电离层   偶发E层   周期变化   潮汐

Tidelike Periodicities of Ionospheric Sporadic E Observed at Low Latitude Hainan Station
Wang Guojun, Shi Jiankui, Wang Xiao. Tidelike Periodicities of Ionospheric Sporadic E Observed at Low Latitude Hainan Station[J]. Chinese Journal of Space Science, 2013, 33(5): 501-508. doi: 10.11728/cjss2013.05.501
Authors:Wang Guojun  Shi Jiankui  Wang Xiao
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
Abstract:The time series of the ionospheric Sporadic E (Es) critical frequency (f0Es) and its virtual height (h'Es) were performed on a large database of DPS-4 ionograms recorded at Hainan station (19.5°N, 109.1°E) in 2004 to investigate the features of tidelike periodicity variations in low latitude. On yearly spectra, there was pronounced 8-hour periodicity in low latitude Es in addition to the well known 24-and 12-hour tidal variations. The yearly average phases of 24-, 12-, and 8-hour periodicities for f0Es (h'Es) were at 13:00LT (13:00LT), 11:00LT (09:00LT), and 09:30LT (09:30LT). On every two-month spectra, the results showed that (1) the 24-hour periodicity in Es was the most pronounced in each season; (2) The 12-hour periodicity in Es was outstanding in each season except in January-February months; (3) The 8-hour periodicity was remarkable in equinoxes and July-August months for f0Es, and it was notable in almost each season for h'Es; (4) The 6-hour periodicity mainly occurred in November and December for f0Es, whereas for h'Es it appeared more in summer and winter, and weakly in equinox months. It is clearly distinct from previous results by the fact that the 6-and 8-hour periodicities in Es layer at Hainan station can occur in winter or other seasons. The 6-and 8-hour periodicities in Es layer most probably are caused by the quarter-diurnal and terdiurnal tide components, which needs to be investigated further by combining the observations and modeling of local tide. 
Keywords:Low latitude ionosphere  Sporadic E  Periodicity variation  Tide
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