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引用本文:杨志涛, 刘林, 刘静, 张耀, 程昊文. 空间目标碰撞预警中的一种高效筛选方法[J]. 空间科学学报, 2013, 33(2): 176-181. doi: 10.11728/cjss2013.02.176
作者姓名:杨志涛  刘林  刘静  张耀  程昊文
作者单位:1.南京大学天文与空间科学学院 南京 210093;;2.南京大学空间环境与航天动力学研究所 南京 210093;;3.中国科学院国家天文台 北京 100012
摘    要:在航天器碰撞预警工作中, 为节省计算时间, 需要从大量空间目标中筛选出 可能的危险目标, 计算碰撞概率等参量并进行风险评估. 通常采用的筛选方 法包括高度筛选、几何筛选和时间筛选三步, 不同文献中后两步筛选的算 法略有不同, 同时各方法均难以实现预报三天的快速碰撞预警. 本文通过充 分考虑一阶摄动项对目标轨道的影响, 改进了时间筛选算法, 并在其后增加 了距离筛选, 将筛除比例从通常的大约99%提高到99.97%, 为实现快速碰 撞预警工作提供了理论支持. 通过对实测数据的计算比较, 验证了方 法的正确性及高效性.

关 键 词:空间碎片   碰撞预警   时间筛选   距离筛选   摄动修正

A High Efficiency Orbit Screening Method for Space Debris Collision Prediction
Yang Zhitao, Liu Lin, Liu Jing, Zhang Yao, Cheng Haowen. A high efficiency orbit screening method for space debris collision prediction[J]. Chinese Journal of Space Science, 2013, 33(2): 176-181. doi: 10.11728/cjss2013.02.176
Authors:Yang Zhitao  Liu Lin  Liu Jing  Zhang Yao  Cheng Haowen
Affiliation:1. Astronomy Department, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093;;2. Institute of Space Environment and Astronautics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093;;3. National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012
Abstract:In general, there are three prefilters for orbit screening, namely height prefilter, geometrical prefilter and time prefilter. The algorithms of the last two prefilters are slightly different in literatures. The Methods offered by references can hardly be competent in fast collision warning for three days. In this paper, a new orbit screening method is introduced, which can highly improve the screening efficiency and hence reduce the computation time for space debris collision predictions. In this method, the time prefilter algorithm is improved by giving more consideration to the first order perturbation of the target orbit. After that, a distance prefilter is added, which screens through the minimum distance between two objects. As a result, the ratio of objects excluded from the candidates can be improved from about 99% to 99.97%. The correctness and high efficiency of this method got verified through the calculation of the measured data. Therefore, this method can be treated as a theoretical basis for three-day fast collision warning. 
Keywords:Space debris  Collision prediction  Time prefilter  Distance prefilter  Modification for perturbation
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