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Remote sounding of atmospheric gravity waves with satellite limb and nadir techniques
Authors:Dong L. Wu   Peter Preusse   Stephen D. Eckermann   Jonathan H. Jiang   Manuel de la Torre Juarez   Lawrence Coy  Ding Y. Wang

aJet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 183-701, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109, USA

bInstitute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere I, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

cE.O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA

dInstitut fur Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract:Recent advances in satellite techniques hold great potential for mapping global gravity wave (GW) processes at various altitudes. Poor understanding of small-scale GWs has been a major limitation to numerical climate and weather models for making reliable forecasts. Observations of short-scale features have important implication for validating and improving future high-resolution numerical models. This paper summarizes recent GW observations and sensitivities from several satellite instruments, including MLS, AMSU-A, AIRS, GPS, and CLAES. It is shown in an example that mountain waves with horizontal wavelengths as short as 30 km now can be observed by AIRS, reflecting the superior horizontal resolution in these modern satellite instruments. Our studies show that MLS, AMSU-A and AIRS observations reveal similar GW characteristics, with the observed variances correlated well with background winds. As a complementary technique, limb sounding instruments like CRISTA, CLAES, and GPS can detect GWs with better vertical but poorer horizontal resolutions. To resolve different parts of the broad GW spectrum, both satellite limb and nadir observing techniques are needed, and a better understanding of GW complexities requires joint analyses of these data and dedicated high-resolution model simulations.
Keywords:Gravity waves   Satellite observations   Instrument filter   Wave sources
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