1. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, U.S.A.;2. Applied Research Corporation, Landover, MD, U.S.A.
Superrotation on Venus is discussed in the context of comparative planetary atmospheres. In our planetary system, the rigid shell component (global average) of superrotation is ubiquitous (Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Venus, Mars, Titan). The largest equatorial values of the component are between 25 and 150 m/sec. We present a simplified, heuristic analysis, utilizing mixing length theory to describe the small scale non-linear advections of energy and angular momentum, thereby providing a closure of the dynamic system. This leads to the conjecture that the zonal velocity may be crudely estimated by , approximating the observed planetary trends; with c the speed of sound, the parameter a being 1 or 2 for geostrophic or cyclostrophic conditions respectively, Pα an effective Prandtl number which becomes less than one when radiative cooling is important, So the average stability, Γ the adiabatic lapse rate and γ the ratio of specific heats.