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Flaring loop parameters estimated from solar decimeter type U-like and type J-like fine structures
Authors:Francisco C.R. Fernandes,José   Augusto S.S. Dutra,Rafael D. Cunha da Silva,Hanumant S. Sawant
Affiliation:1. IP&D - UNIVAP, Av. Shishima Hifumi. 2911 - Urbanova, CEP 12244-000, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil;2. DAS - INPE, Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 - Jd. da Granja, CEP 12201-970, São José dos Campos, SO, Brazil
This work presents the analysis of five fine structures in the solar radio emission, observed between June 2000 and October 2001 by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS), in the decimeter frequency band of 950–2500 MHz. Based on their morphological characteristics identified in the dynamic spectra, the fine structures had been classified as type U-like or type J-like bursts. Such emissions are variants of the type III bursts. They support the hypothesis of generation by plasma emission mechanism, from interaction of electron beams accelerated during solar flares, propagating along closed magnetic structures, within the trapped plasma of the solar corona. The spectral and temporal characteristics of the five fine structures had been obtained from the dynamic spectra and the parameters of the agent and the emitting source have been determined, assuming both fundamental and harmonic emissions. The analysis revealed the flux density of the structures is less than 20–80 s.f.u. For assumption of harmonic emission, the interval of values for the source parameters estimated are: the loop size is (0.3–5.1) × 1010 cm; the electron beam velocity is in the range of 0.16–0.53 c; the temperature of coronal loop top is of the order of (0.25–1.55) × 107 K; and the low limit for the magnetic field is of 7–26 G. These results are in agreement with previous determinations reported in the literature.
Keywords:Sun   Solar flares   Decimeter emission   Type U burst
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