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Asteroid and comet hazard: Identification problem of observed space objects with the parental bodies
Authors:M.G. Sokolova  Y.A. Nefedyev  N.Y. Varaksina
Affiliation:Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya st., Kazan 420008, Tatarstan, Russia
This article focuses on the genetic identification of observed small cosmic bodies with alleged parental bodies; namely, comets, asteroids and meteoroid swarms. There is a problem of the upper D-value limit as a measure of proximity between the orbits of the bodies in the five-dimensional phase space (Southworth and Hawkins, 1963). In the study of genetic relationships of the comet and meteor complexes, the D value is usually taken as equal to 0.2 for all meteor showers. However, the upper D limit should be investigated for each meteoroid complex. For example, such investigation was performed for the Taurid meteor complex (Porub?an et al., 2006). In this paper, the upper D-criterion limit value was investigated for the Perseid meteor shower. The 1862 III Swift–Tuttle comet is its parental comet.
Keywords:Asteroid and comet hazard   Meteoroids   Meteoroid streams   Small bodies of the Solar system   The orbits evolution
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