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Morphological synthesis method of search for promising technicalsystem
Authors:Rakov  DL
Institution:Inst. fur Luft-und-Raumfahrt, Tech. Univ. Berlin ;
Abstract:The work studies the application of the morphological (structural) synthesis method of search for the new technical approaches. The method is based on the application of the theory of system, morphological and cluster analysis, methods of mathematics simulation and calculation experiments made by computer. The work shows how this method is used to synthesize the landing spacecrafts, hypersonic spacecrafts and medical equipment and gives the comparison of the present and synthesized technical systems (TS). The conclusion is that this method increases the degree of the validity decision made and broadens the number of possible variants which allows an increase in the quality (technical level) of the TS under development. The work also points out that the method allows the system to search for promising inventions to solve the problems of prognostication and to single out the trends of TS evolution. It also allows the system to single out these systems which are able to respond flexibly to the changing external conditions with the lowest expense, and therefore, increases the compatibility of the chosen TS
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