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High speed driving of a gain-switched laser diode with anexponential transmission line
Authors:Zheng Li Yilcai Su Yueping Tang
Affiliation:Dept. of Electron. Eng., Beijing Univ. of Aeronaut. & Astronaut.;
Abstract:With the increase of information capacity of an airborne system, high speed driving of laser diodes have been of interest. In order to match the low resistive LD, proposed in this paper is an exponential transmission line, which is used as preshaping to compensate the pattern effect in gain switching of laser diodes. It also will be used to overcome the effect of parasitic elements in high speed driving to improve the rise and trail edges of the output waveform. An accurate circuit model of the exponential line for the PSPICE program has been developed and simulations are conveniently carried out by employing PSPICE
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