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SIGMA/GRANAT observations of hard X-ray emission from type I X-ray bursters
Authors:D. Barret   J. P. Roques   P. Mandrou   M. Denis   A. Claret   P. Laurent   F. Lebrun   J. Paul   R. Sunyaev   E. Churazov   M. Gilfanov   A. Dyachkov   N. Khavenson   B. Novikov   V. Kovtunenko  R. Kremnev

* Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, 9 Av du Colonel Roche, BP 4346, Toulouse Cedex, France

** Service d'Astrophysique, Centre d'Etude Nucléaire de Saclay CEA, CEN Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, Cedex, France

*** Space Research Institute, Profsouznaya, 84/32, 117296, Moscow, Russia

Unlike black hole candidate systems, accreting neutron stars seem to encounter appreciable difficulties in emitting strong hard X-ray fluxes. However, in the catalogue of the hard X-ray sources detected by SIGMA, three sources are associated with type I X-ray bursters. In this paper, we review the present status of the SIGMA observations of these three X-ray burst sources, namely X 1724-308 in the globular cluster Terzan II, KS 1731-260, and GX 354+0.
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