Affiliation: | * Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, 9 Av du Colonel Roche, BP 4346, Toulouse Cedex, France ** Service d'Astrophysique, Centre d'Etude Nucléaire de Saclay CEA, CEN Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, Cedex, France *** Space Research Institute, Profsouznaya, 84/32, 117296, Moscow, Russia |
Abstract: | ![]() Unlike black hole candidate systems, accreting neutron stars seem to encounter appreciable difficulties in emitting strong hard X-ray fluxes. However, in the catalogue of the hard X-ray sources detected by SIGMA, three sources are associated with type I X-ray bursters. In this paper, we review the present status of the SIGMA observations of these three X-ray burst sources, namely X 1724-308 in the globular cluster Terzan II, KS 1731-260, and GX 354+0. |