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引用本文:吴粉侠,张小波. NSCT变换域PCNN彩色图像增强算法[J]. 航空计算技术, 2016, 0(5). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-654X.2016.05.006
作者姓名:吴粉侠  张小波
摘    要:
为了改善由于光照不均对真彩色图像的影响,根据人类对颜色的感知特性,利用YCbCr彩色模型空间,提出了一种基于非抽样Contourlet变换( NSCT)的PCNN模型的图像增强算法。首先,将图像从RGB彩色空间转换到YCbCr彩色空间;然后对亮度分量进行NSCT分解,得到低频子带系数和高频方向子带系数,对低频子带,利用PC-NN增强,对高频子带采用非线性变换进行增强;最后,使用NSCT逆变换重构图像的亮度分量,并将图像从YCbCr色彩空间模型还原到RGB空间得到增强后的图像。实验结果表明,算法增强效果明显优于同态滤波、空域PCNN及NSCT域的PCNN算法,不仅增加了彩色图像的明亮度,而且图像保真性好,纹理更清晰。

关 键 词:非抽样Contourlet变换  脉冲耦合神经网络  YCbCr颜色模型  彩色图像增强

An Enhanced Method of Color Image Combined PCNN Based on NSCT
A new enhanced method of non-uniform illuminaton color image based on NSCT was pro-posed.First,a color image is transformed from RGB color space to YCbCr color space .Second,luminance channel is decomposed by NSCT ,and We can obtain the low-frequency sub-image and a series high-fre-quency sub-images.Third the PCNN was applied to the low-frequency subimage ,and nolined translation was applied to high-frequency sub-images.Forth,luminance component image is obtained by inverse NSCT.Last,the color image is transformed from YCbCr color space to RGB color space .Experiments il-lustrate that this algorithm can not only corrected non-uniform illumination in images ,but also maintained a good image color and the local details .
Keywords:nonsubsampled Contourlet transform  pulse coupled neural networks  YCbCr  color image en-hancement
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