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Thermal behavior of an isolator with mode transition inducing back-pressure of a dual-mode scramjet
Authors:Yang Qingchun  Bao Wen  Chetehouna Khaled  Zhang Silong  Gascoin Nicolas
Affiliation:1. School of Astronautics, Beihang University, 100083, China;School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, China;2. School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, China;3. INSA Centre Val de Loir, 88 Boulevard Lahitolle, 18000 Bourges, France
Combustion mode transition is a valuable and challenging research area in dual-mode scramjet engines. The thermal behavior of an isolator with mode transition inducing back-pressure is investigated by direct-connect dual-mode scramjet experiments and theoretical analysis. Combustion experiments are conducted under the incoming airflow conditions of total temperature 1270 K and Mach 2. A small increment of the fuel equivalence ratio is scheduled to trigger mode transition. Correspondingly, the variation of the coolant flow rate is very small. Based on the mea-sured wall pressures, the heat-transfer model can quantify the thermal state variation of the engine with active cooling. Compared with the combustor, mode transition has a greater effect on the iso-lator thermal behavior, and it significantly changes the isolator heat-flux and wall temperature. To further study the isolator thermal behavior from flight Mach 4 to Mach 7, a theoretical analysis is carried out. Around the critical point of combustion mode transition, sudden changes of the isola-tor flowfield and thermal state are discussed.
Keywords:Combustion mode  Dual-mode scramjet  Isolator  Mode transition  Thermal behavior
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