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引用本文:李永洲,孙迪,张堃元. 前后缘型线同时可控的乘波体设计[J]. 航空学报, 2017, 38(1). DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0112
作者姓名:李永洲  孙迪  张堃元
作者单位:1. 中国航天科技集团公司 航天系统发展研究中心,北京 100094;中国航天科技集团公司 西安航天动力研究所,西安 710100;2. 中国航天科技集团公司 西安航天动力技术研究所,西安,710025;3. 南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,南京,210016
基金项目:国家自然科学基金,National Natural Science Foundation of China
摘    要:提出了一种前后缘型线同时可控的乘波体设计方法,在马赫数可控的外锥形曲面基准流场中,结合流线追踪技术和混合函数,实现了椭圆前缘转椭圆后缘的乘波体设计,并在设计点(Ma=6.0)和接力点(Ma=4.0)对其进行数值仿真研究。前后缘同时可控的乘波体在型面剧烈过渡处产生了较弱的激波,出口两侧存在高温高压区,后部对称面附近的激波形状由圆弧变为平直线且出口处流场基本均匀,非常有利于与进气道匹配设计。另外,该乘波体具有较高的容积率和预压缩效率,附面层修正后的容积率为0.24,设计点时乘波特性较好,接力点时前部完全乘波,具有较高的升阻比,有黏条件下设计点和接力点的升阻比分别为2.54和2.41。此外,与给定前缘的乘波体相比,其升力、阻力、俯仰力矩和出口增压比都有明显增加,但是升阻比和出口总压恢复系数有所降低,在设计点无黏升阻比由3.56降为3.00。以上研究表明,本文的设计方法可行且更加灵活,拓宽了乘波体的选择范围。

关 键 词:高超声速  乘波体  弯曲激波  混合函数  流线追踪

Waverider design for controlled leading and trailing edge
LI Yongzhou,SUN Di,ZHANG Kunyuan. Waverider design for controlled leading and trailing edge[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2017, 38(1). DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0112
Authors:LI Yongzhou  SUN Di  ZHANG Kunyuan
Abstract:The design method of waverider with controllable leading and trailing edge is proposed in this paper.Based on the external conical basic flowfield with controlled Mach number distribution,the waverider with elliptical leading edge to elliptical trailing edge transition is designed utilizing the streamline tracing technique and blend function.Numerical simulation results at design (Ma=6.0) and relay point (Ma=4.0) indicate that the waverider with controlled leading and trailing edge produces a weaker shock on the acute transition surface.There is a high temperature and pressure section on both sides of the exit plane.The back shock shape near symmetric plane changes from circular arc to straight line and the exit flowfield is essentially uniform,which would be very favorable to match the inlets.Moreover,the waverider is of high volume ratio and precompression efficiency,and the volume ratio after boundary layer correction is 0.24.Also,it has good waverider characteristics on design point,and its forepart rides wave completely on relay point.The lift-drag ratio is high,which is 2.54 and 2.41 for the viscous design and relay point,respectively.In addition,comparison with the waverider with controlled leading edge indicates that the lift force,drag force,pitching moment and exit compression ratio are significantly increased,but the lift-drag ratio and exit total pressure recovery coefficient are decreased.On design point,lift-drag ratio decreases from 3.56 to 3.00 under inviscid condition.In conclusion,this design method is feasible and more flexible,and extends the scope of waverider.
Keywords:hypersonic  waverider  curved shock wave  blend function  streamline tracing
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