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随着软件的应用规模越来越大,软件系统一旦出现故障,很可能会造成人员伤亡或财产等重大损失,因此对软件可信性进行评估尤为重要.在安全攸关如航空航天等领域,作为可信关键属性之一的安全性影响着整个软件系统的可信评估.特别当一个组件受到安全攻击或缺陷出现时,可信性会下降,会影响到与它可信关联的组件可信性,从而影响到整个系统的可信性.遵循这一思路,设计了软件系统组件可信性发生改变后对其它组件可信性影响度量公式,进一步给出当一组件可信性发生变化,整个软件系统各组件可信性度量发生变化的度量模型.本文以某“航天电源管理设备”为例,证明了本文所建立的组件可信依赖关系度量模型的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   
不稳定和召回率低效的软件缺陷预测模型难以在行业领域应用,为解决稳定和高效各项性能评价指标的软件缺陷预测模型在工程实践应用的问题,提出了一种基于知识图谱和自动化机器学习的软件缺陷预测方法AutoKGGAS,首先获取软件缺陷预测模型数据,对知识建模、知识获取、知识融合、知识储存与知识计算等知识图谱构建技术研究,实现知识图谱推荐优质软件缺陷预测模型作为自动化搜索的热启动输入条件,根据不同的软件缺陷预测评价指标,优化不同最佳的模型结构.其次实证研究采用NASA开源数据集实验对象和六种性能评价指标,实验结果表明, AutoKGGAS自动化软件缺陷预测模型在不同数据集不同评价指标方面,性能优于知识图谱推荐的传统经典软件缺陷预测模型.自动化软件缺陷预测模型为航天软件缺陷预测辅助代码审查测试提供了原型,在工程实践应用方面具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
赵洪利  张猛 《推进技术》2021,42(3):488-494
针对发动机下发间隔预测的问题,研究了发动机性能衰退规律。基于发动机排气温度裕度(EGTM)数据,建立了随机维纳模型,并使用严酷度因子修正模型,表征不同的工作条件对发动机的影响。利用期望最大化(EM)算法结合贝叶斯定理,对模型参数求解,最终得到了基于性能衰退的发动机平均下发间隔。研究结果表明,在严酷度因子为1.2696的使用条件下,某型号航空发动机性能衰退平均下发间隔为8219循环;基于该模型预测的发动机平均下发间隔与厂商建议的下发时间之间的误差仅为1.7%。  相似文献   
As the lighter-than-air (LTA) flight vehicle, the stratospheric airship is a desirable platform to provide communication and surveillance services. During the ascent from sea-level to the mission altitude, the volume of the lifting gas may change significantly, which will result in the change of the center-of-buoyancy (CB). A general calculation method is developed to specify CB for the stratospheric airship with a double-ellipsoid hull and an arbitrary number of the gas cells. The cross-section-integral (CSI) method is used as a basic calculation scenario to specify CB. Considering the complexity in determining the boundary between the helium and air in the gas cell, a searching algorithm is put forward and the specification of CB can be conducted by the iterative calculation. As an important application, the stable condition of the pitch angle is analyzed when the change of CB is involved. Under different initial configurations, the stable pitch angle of the stratospheric airship during the ascent is specified and compared, which shows the advantages of the multi-gas-cell configuration. The results of this paper may provide an important reference for the engineering application of the stratospheric airship.  相似文献   
以火星采样返回任务中火星表面上升为背景,研究了基于惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU)、嵌入式大气数据传感系统(Flush Air Data Sensing System, FADS)和无线电信标的组合导航方法。首先,在传统的IMU导航框架中加入由无线电测量获得的相对距离、速度信息,以及由FADS获取的动压、温度数据,建立了基于IMU、无线电和FADS的导航观测模型;然后,基于无迹卡尔曼滤波(Unscented Kalman Filter, UKF)技术对测量信息进行了融合,并压制了过程噪声和测量噪声,从而对上升器的状态进行了联合估计;最后,在数值仿真中,将UKF与自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波(Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter, AUKF)技术进行了对比,在比较不同滤波器性能的同时,验证了组合导航方法的有效性。  相似文献   
利用深度学习中的卷积神经网络理论,基于单目视觉系统和带有标识物的航天器影像,实现对航天器的三维姿态角、距拍摄点距离和相对拍摄中心偏移量的精准测量。利用机器学习理论实现网络自主学习样本特征,这一方式将大幅降低动态测量的误差。同时,这种测量方式也避免了人工提取特征的复杂过程,实现任意、精准、快速测量,对航天器在组装及发射过程中的姿态估计、距离测算起到关键性作用。  相似文献   
This article studies the cooperative search-attack mission problem with dynamic targets and threats, and presents a Distributed Intelligent Self-Organized Mission Planning (DISOMP) algorithm for multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (multi-UAV). The DISOMP algorithm can be divided into four modules: a search module designed based on the distributed Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm, an attack module designed based on the Parallel Approach (PA) scheme, a threat avoidance module designed based on the Dubins Curve (DC) and a communication module designed for information exchange among the multi-UAV system and the dynamic environment. A series of simulations of multi-UAV searching and attacking the moving targets are carried out, in which the search-attack mission completeness, execution efficiency and system suitability of the DISOMP algorithm are analyzed. The simulation results exhibit that the DISOMP algorithm based on online distributed down-top strategy is characterized by good flexibility, scalability and adaptability, in the dynamic targets searching and attacking problem.  相似文献   
姜宏  杨孟飞  刘波  刘鸿瑾  龚健 《宇航学报》2019,40(9):1071-1079
针对航天高速SpaceWire总线系统对协议IP的高可靠性要求,提出一种用于静态随机访问存储器(SRAM)型现场可编辑逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的增强三模冗余(TMR)方法。该方法对传统三模冗余和部分三模冗余做了改进,将需要进行三模冗余的原设计分为一般单元集和可靠性薄弱的关键单元集,对一般单元集中的每个单元做三模冗余,对关键单元集中的每个单元做顺序四模冗余。给出了顺序四模冗余的可靠度计算式和表决器的布尔表达式。建立了系统可靠性的马尔科夫模型并基于模型开展了可靠性仿真。仿真结果表明增强三模冗余系统的可靠性不仅明显优于传统三模冗余系统,而且优于部分三模冗余系统,使系统可靠性得到有效提高。  相似文献   
A theoretical methodology for thermochemical non-equilibrium flow combing with the HLLC (Harten-Lax-van Leer Contact) scheme was applied to study the hypersonic thermochemical non-equilibrium environment of an entry configuration in ionized flow. A two-temperature controlling model was utilized and the Gupta’s 11 species (N2, O2, NO, O, N, NO+, N2+, O2+, N+, O+, e?) thermochemical non-equilibrium model was taken. Firstly, numerical calculations of hypersonic thermochemical non-equilibrium environments for different aerodynamic shapes were carried out to verify the reliability of the method above. Then, the method was used to research the effects of ionization and wall catalysis on the hypersonic thermochemical non-equilibrium environment of the entry configuration in ionized flow. The shock stand-off distance can be reduced by thermochemical reactions but doesn’t continue to decrease significantly when ionization occurs. The shock stand-off distance calculated by the 11 species model is 4.2% smaller than that calculated by the 5 species (N2, O2, NO, O, N) thermochemical non-equilibrium model without considering ionization. Ionization reduces wall heat flux but increases wall pressure a little. The effect of ionization on aerothermal loads is greater than that of aerodynamic loads. The thermochemical reactions of electrons and ions catalyzed at the wall increase wall heat flux significantly but make a small change in wall pressure. The maximum wall heat flux obtained by only considering the electrons and ions catalyzed at the partially catalytic wall condition is 11.8% less than that calculated at the super-catalytic wall condition.  相似文献   
自主研发了小型磁偏转质谱计,并对其质量范围、分辨本领、灵敏度和最小可检分压力四个主要性能指标进行了实验测试和比对。结果表明,该质谱计的质量范围为(1~143)amu,相对N2的分辨本领为1400,灵敏度为4.2×10-5 A/Pa,最小可检分压力为9.5×10-7 Pa。该测试和比对结果为磁偏转质谱计进一步的优化设计和性能提高奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
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