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阐述了跨音速机翼的方案设计方法,文中所描述的研究是开发该技术用于方案设计,建立并存取跨音速气动力数据库的第一步,该研究的主导思想是开发一种可以进行非线性气流数据叠加的方法,用轻型公务机的实际设计对该方法进行了测试。  相似文献   
全面阐述了影响飞机空气动力的诸多因素。主要从6个方面进行了论述:收音机形状和方向效应、雷诺数效应、马赫数效应、机翼平面形状的影响、增升装置和阻力等。最后提出飞机性能的基本空气动力假设来研究飞机运动特性。  相似文献   
The Martian surface is exposed to both UVC radiation (<280 nm) and higher doses of UVB (280-315 nm) compared to the surface of the Earth. Terrestrial organisms have not evolved to cope with such high levels of UVC and UVB and thus any attempts to introduce organisms to Mars, particularly in closed-loop life support systems that use ambient sunlight, must address this problem. Here we examine the UV radiation environment of Mars with respect to biological systems. Action spectra and UV surface fluxes are used to estimate the UV stress that both DNA and chloroplasts would experience. From this vantage point it is possible to consider appropriate measures to address the problem of the Martian UV environment for future long term human exploration and settlement strategies. Some prospects for improving the UV tolerance of organisms are also discussed. Existing artificial ecosystems such as Biosphere 2 can provide some insights into design strategies pertinent to high UV environments. Some prospects for improving the UV tolerance of organisms are also discussed. The data also have implications for the establishment of closed-loop ecosystems using natural sunlight on the lunar surface and elsewhere in the Solar System.  相似文献   
Recently, Supernova 2006gy was noted as the most luminous ever recorded, with a total radiated energy of approximately 10(44) Joules. It was proposed that the progenitor may have been a massive evolved star similar to eta Carinae, which resides in our own Galaxy at a distance of about 2.3 kpc. eta Carinae appears ready to detonate. Although it is too distant to pose a serious threat as a normal supernova, and given that its rotation axis is unlikely to produce a gamma-ray burst oriented toward Earth, eta Carinae is about 30,000 times nearer than 2006gy, and we re-evaluate it as a potential superluminous supernova. We have found that, given the large ratio of emission in the optical to the X-ray, atmospheric effects are negligible. Ionization of the atmosphere and concomitant ozone depletion are unlikely to be important. Any cosmic ray effects should be spread out over approximately 10(4) y and similarly unlikely to produce any serious perturbation to the biosphere. We also discuss a new possible effect of supernovae-e-ndocrine disruption induced by blue light near the peak of the optical spectrum. This is a possibility for nearby supernovae at distances too large to be considered "dangerous" for other reasons. However, due to reddening and extinction by the interstellar medium, eta Carinae is unlikely to trigger such effects to any significant degree.  相似文献   
随着信息时代的到来,未来战争对部队的远程快速机动能力提出了更高的要求。为此,美国等世界航空大国已经开始新概念飞行器的研究。其中包括V-22倾转旋翼机、“超蛙”倾转机翼一旋翼高级战术运输机以及无人运输机(UALV)、大型地效飞行器等新概念运输机方案。  相似文献   
戴姆勒.奔驰航宇公司研究并发展了商用运输机的机翼设计方案。该商用运输机比任何现行运输机要大得多。  相似文献   
美国空军于1999年3月公布的新的轰炸机线路图制定了一套详细的现役轰炸机群升级计划,并对轰炸机在整个国家战略以及空军新的远征力量构成中的作用做了理论上的阐述。但线路图中缺少新型轰炸机的预算部分。不过,美空军已拥有的未来攻击机(FSA)方案将考虑诸如无人战斗飞行器、高超音速导弹以及其它技术的发展,确定可能成为未来10~15年远程先进打击替换系统技术基础的技术。文章对轰炸机线路图的内容、不足以及各方反应作了阐述。  相似文献   
文章从避免严重失速、操纵失效概率、所有发动机停车操纵以及安全复飞等飞机要求着手,描述了飞机操纵对C-17飞行控制系统(FCS)提出的要求,并对FCS分配到电传操纵(FBW)电子飞行控制系统(EFCS)和备用机械飞行控制系统的要求做了叙述,对满足FCS要求的EFCS结构作了讨论,最后对当前的飞行试验结果作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
文章介绍了米格-29系列战斗机新的发展方向,即计划研制它的改进型以及改进现役的战斗机。改进型包括舰载型战斗机米格-29K、双座陆基型多用途战斗机米格-29M2等;对现役米格-29进行模块化改进成为米格-29SMT并简要介绍了它们改进后的性能特点。  相似文献   
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