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We studied a set of 74 CMEs, with shedding the light on the halo-CMEs (HCMEs), that are associated with decametric – hectometric (DH) type-II radio bursts (1–16?MHz) and solar flares during the period 2008–2014. The events were classified into 3 groups (disk, intermediate, and limb events) based on their longitudinal distribution.We found that the events are mostly distributed around 15.32° and 15.97° at the northern and southern solar hemispheres, respectively. We found that there is a clear dependence between the longitude and the CME’s width, speed, acceleration, mass, and kinetic energy. For the CMEs’ widths, most of the events were HCMEs (~62%), while the partial HCMEs comprised ~35% and the rest of events were CMEs with widths less than 120°. For the CMEs’ speeds, masses, and kinetic energies, the mean values showed a direct proportionality with the longitude, in which the limb events had the highest speeds, the largest masses, and the highest kinetic energies. The mean peak flux of the solar flares for different longitudes was comparable, but the disk flares were more energetic. The intermediate flares were considered as gradual flares since they tended to last longer, while the limb flares were considered as impulsive flares since they tended to last shorter.A weak correlation (R?=?0.32) between the kinetic energy of the CMEs and the duration of the associated flares has been noticed, while there was a good correlation (R?=?0.76) between the kinetic energy of the CMEs and the peak flux of the associated flares. We found a fair correlation (R?=?0.58) between the kinetic energy of the CMEs and the duration of the associated DH type-II radio bursts.  相似文献   
以火星采样返回任务中火星表面上升为背景,研究了基于惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU)、嵌入式大气数据传感系统(Flush Air Data Sensing System, FADS)和无线电信标的组合导航方法。首先,在传统的IMU导航框架中加入由无线电测量获得的相对距离、速度信息,以及由FADS获取的动压、温度数据,建立了基于IMU、无线电和FADS的导航观测模型;然后,基于无迹卡尔曼滤波(Unscented Kalman Filter, UKF)技术对测量信息进行了融合,并压制了过程噪声和测量噪声,从而对上升器的状态进行了联合估计;最后,在数值仿真中,将UKF与自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波(Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter, AUKF)技术进行了对比,在比较不同滤波器性能的同时,验证了组合导航方法的有效性。  相似文献   
在综合无线电平台中,根据硬件平台通用化要求,需要选择一种总线同时满足CNI 不同波形的中频 数据传输对延时、带宽和误码率的要求。本文针对不加协议的GTX 和加上高速串行通信协议的Aurora、SRIO 进行测试,得到这三种高速串行总线在延时、带宽和误码率的对比分析,从而选择一种总线作为多波形综合的 中频数据传输总线。  相似文献   
The LAGEOS (LAser GEOdynamic Satellite) satellites use a 1.5 in. uncoated retroreflector (cube corner). Design studies done for LAGEOS-1 showed that using smaller cubes would result in greater accuracy and lower thermal gradients. However, this would require using a larger number of cubes. Simulations showed that the accuracy goal of 5 mm could be met using 1.5 in. cubes by adding a dihedral angle offset. The LARES (LAser RElativity Satellite) satellite launched in 2012 is a smaller version of LAGEOS using the same size cube corner and floating mount as LAGEOS.The recent development of COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) cube corners has eliminated cost as an obstacle to using a larger number of smaller cubes. COTS cubes have no dihedral angle offset. However, no offset is needed if the size is chosen properly. The diffraction pattern of a 1.0 in. uncoated cube with no dihedral angle offset has 6 lobes around the central peak due to total internal reflection, The velocity aberration for LAGEOS is about 32–40 microradians. The OCS (Optical Cross Section) of a one inch uncoated COTS retroreflector is about 0.5 million sq m for the LAGEOS orbit.Testing of 10 inexpensive COTS cubes by Ludwig Grunwaldt and Reinhart Neubert shows good cross section (unpublished work done at GFZ Potsdam, Germany). Measurement of 50 COTS cubes at INFN (Mondaini et al., 2018), shows a loss of cross section of only 33% (Slide 10). Simulations show that systematic range errors on the order of a half millimeter are possible for a spherical geodetic satellite such as LARES. Adjustments for the holding and ejection system result in some loss of accuracy.  相似文献   
如今,运载火箭大量使用液氧、煤油等液体推进剂,其液位测量技术主要有浮子式、激光式、电容式、雷达式等。介绍并实现了一种激光液位测量系统,该系统体积小、功耗低,可适应多种测量环境,能满足航天燃料液位测量高精度、高动态、连续稳定测量的要求。系统利用相位式激光测距技术,通过测量激光回波信号的相位延迟,计算激光光程从而得到距离数据并通过客户端进行直观展示和数据存储。系统最大测量距离可达100 m,精度为±1 mm。该系统为非接触测量,耐腐蚀,通过加入反射板可实现透明、非透明液体测量。  相似文献   
认知无线电Ad Hoc网络中,吞吐量最大化是一个关键的挑战.为了实现这一目标,协同传输是前景看好的技术,利用在每个空间节点的多样性中继链路以增加性能,特别是在无线环境中由于不同的信道质量、有限的能源和带宽资源,这种想法是有吸引力的.文章在分布式动态环境下,研究了联合动态路由.中继分配和频谱分配分布式和本地算法,提出了一...  相似文献   
CCSDS(国际空间数据系统咨询委员会)于2009年3月发布了伪码测距的蓝皮书,规定了再生伪码测距的技术要求。我国正在研制的深空应答机和深空站测控设备要求具备再生伪码测距功能,同时为了实现国际联网,伪码测距系统需满足CCSDS建议的要求。为给我国深空测控设备伪码测距系统的研制提供设计依据,通过分析伪码特性和伪码捕获跟踪方法,推导得到伪码测距的捕获性能和跟踪性能。分析得到的性能与CCSDS建议书一致,可作为我国深空应答机和深空站测控设备伪码测距系统设计的参考。  相似文献   
本文对世界首颗独立完成地月转移、近月制动、环月飞行的微卫星“龙江二号”进行了介绍。首先阐述了龙江二号的任务目标和总体方案;然后重点分析了轨道设计与控制、复杂电磁干扰的标定与抑制、宽视场三维基线干涉测量等关键技术难点;接着回顾了任务的实施过程;最后详细介绍了低频射电探测仪、沙特光学相机和VHF/UHF通信模块与学生微型CMOS相机等有效载荷,并展示了上述载荷获取的初步成果。  相似文献   
为更好地开展深空无线电干涉测量试验,基于DiFX(Distributed FX,分布式FX型相关处理)、SPICE(Spacecraft Planet Instrument Camera-matrix Events,航天器行星仪器照相机矩阵事件)、HOPS(Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System,Haystack克天文台后处理系统)及AIPS(Astronomical Image Processing System,天文图像处理系统)等开源软件,搭建了一套可用于深空探测器信号相关处理的无线电干涉测量数据处理系统。首先介绍了该系统的整体架构及组成,然后介绍了系统各组成模块的功能及工作原理,最后利用该系统对嫦娥三号着陆器开展了观测试验,并对观测数据进行了处理。试验结果表明,该系统能成功实现深空航天器信号的相关处理、条纹拟合,以及时延解算等功能,有望为我国嫦娥五号任务及火星探测任务数据处理提供支持。  相似文献   
白天激光漫反射测距因存在强背景噪声,导致微弱回波信号的检测十分困难,严重限制了激光漫反射测距的广泛应用。因此,提出了采用单开门多触发方法解决白天激光漫反射测距的微弱信号检测难题。首先,介绍了一种GM-APD (Geiger-ModeAvalanchePhotoDiode,盖革模式雪崩光电二极管)多触发概率分布函数的快速求解方法。接着,取激光漫反射测距系统典型参数,理论分析了多触发情况下的回波信号检测概率,分析结果表明单开门多触发方法可提高激光漫反射测距在白天情况下的回波信号检测概率。同时,通过对触发次数限制的优选,可以增加有效检测比,减少白天观测条件下回波信号的提取代价。最终,通过系统仿真验证了理论分析结果的正确性。因此,单开门多触发方法是解决白天激光漫反射测距微弱信号检测的可行途径之一。  相似文献   
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