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There is a strong demand for Planetary Exploration Mobile robots (PEMRs) that have the capability of the traversability, stability, efficiency and high load while tackling the specialized tasks on planet surface. In this paper, an electric parallel wheel-legged hexapod robot which has high-adaption locomotion on the unstructured terrain is presented. Also, the hybrid control framework, which enables robot to stably carry the heavy loads as well as to traverse the uneven terrain by utilizing both legged and wheeled locomotion, is also proposed. Based on this framework, robot controls the multiple DOF leg for performing high-adaption locomotion to negotiate obstacles via Gait Generator (GG). Additionally, by using Whole-Body Control (WBC) of framework, robot has the capability of flexibly accommodating the uneven terrain by Attitude Control (AC) kinematically adjusting the length of legs like an active suspension system, and by Force/torque Balance Control (FBC) equally distributing the Ground Reaction Force (GRF) to maintain a stable body. The simulation and experiment are employed to validate the proposed framework with the physical system in the planetary analog environments. Particularly, to smoothly demonstrate the performance of robot transporting heavy loads, the experiment of carrying 3-person load of about 240 kg is deployed.  相似文献   
中国空间探测领域40年发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国空间科学学会成立的40年,是中国空间探测逐渐走进世界舞台的40年,空间探测极大推动了空间科学和相邻学科的发展,也影响到经济、军事和日常生活诸多方面.本文简要回顾了从空间探测专业委员会成立的1980年至今,中国空间探测领域的主要发展历程,包括探空火箭、高空气球、科学卫星、月球与行星探测、载人航天空间探测、遥感卫星地面站等主要项目、进展和所取得的成果,对未来若干年空间探测的发展进行了展望.   相似文献   
This paper describes the scientific objectives and payloads of Tianwen-1, China’s first exploration mission to Mars. An orbiter, carrying a lander and a rover, lifted-off in July 2020 for a journey to Mars where it should arrive in February 2021. A suite of 13 scientific payloads, for in-situ and remote sensing, autonomously commanded by integrated payload controllers and mounted on the orbiter and the rover will study the magnetosphere and ionosphere of Mars and the relation with the solar wind, the atmosphere, surface and subsurface of the planet, looking at the topography, composition and structure and in particular for subsurface ice. The mission will also investigate Mars climate history. It is expected that Tianwen-1 will contribute significantly to advance our scientific knowledge of Mars.  相似文献   
可靠、安全地实现月面软着陆及月面起飞是完成月面探测任务的基本条件,也是探测器研制的一项关键技术,需要开展地面验证试验。地面环境与月面有较大的差异,探测器在地面的工作特性也与实际过程不尽相同,地面试验的设计及实施有较大的难度。分析了探测器月面着陆起飞的设计要点和地面试验的关键因素,指出了当前试验技术存在的缺陷,在此基础上提出了一种利用探测器自身动力实现月面着陆和起飞的验证方案,通过动力学仿真验证了试验实施的可行性,并对方案的拓展应用价值进行了展望,相关内容可为后续我国月球及其他行星表面探测器的研制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
张磊 《深空探测学报》2019,6(4):391-397
面向月球采样返回任务分析需求,对月面上升段的轨迹优化及燃料消耗影响因素进行了研究。基于上升器运动模型,建立以燃料消耗最优为目标考虑入轨约束的轨迹优化模型,通过Gauss伪谱法和序列二次规划求解上升过程最优推力方向。改变运动模型中的初始推重比、入轨约束中的目标轨道参数,根据轨迹优化结果得到对应的燃料消耗,分析了这些因素对上升器燃料消耗的影响。针对上升器非共面起飞的问题,提出了上升偏航、升交点调整、倾角调整3种方案,从燃料消耗的角度分析了各方案的适用情况,为未来工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
在新的教学环境下,开展翻转课堂教学面临着巨大的挑战。结合教学实践,分析实施翻转课堂教学存在的问题,在教学设计、教学形式和教学评价等方面提出相应的对策。大部分学生对翻转课堂内容及形式总体满意,但课程设计方面存在一些不足,需在教学实践中不断完善。  相似文献   
The presented study examines contingency target selection and trajectory design for NASA’s Near-Earth Asteroid Scout mission under the assumption of a missed lunar gravity assist. Two previously considered asteroids are selected as potential targets for the given scenario based on favorable orbital characteristics for launch dates ranging from June 27, 2020 through July 26, 2020. Initially, a simplified circular restricted 3-body problem + ideal solar sail model is utilized to survey trajectory options for a month-long launch window. Selected solutions from this data set are then converged in an N-body ephemeris + non-ideal sail model. Results suggest that NEA Scout can still perform asteroid rendezvous mission under the missed lunar gravity assist scenario with new targets, 2019 GF1, 2018 PK21, and 2007 UN12, based on the target launch dates. Further target assessment is carried out for 165 days beyond the current June 27, 2020 launch date.  相似文献   
罗棕  杜春  陈浩  彭双  李军 《航空学报》2021,42(4):524721-524721
应急观测任务规划是一个强时效性的复杂组合优化问题,必须在规定的时限内完成相应的计算。采用机器学习的方法对规划问题进行初始规划方案预测,可以有效地简化计算复杂度。为此,提出一种基于Transformer层次预测的多星应急观测任务规划方法,将多星任务规划的求解过程分解为3个步骤:首先,利用基于Transformer的任务可调度性预测模型预测待规划任务是否执行,得到预执行任务集合;然后,基于Transformer的任务分配模型对预执行任务集合分配卫星,得到初始规划方案;最后,利用基于随机爬山的约束修正算法对初始规划方案进行优化调整,得到可行规划方案。为验证所提方法的有效性,通过大量仿真实验与CPLEX优化器、标准遗传算法、长短期记忆网络等方法模型进行比较,实验结果表明所提方法计算耗时短,规划收益高,适用于多星观测任务快速规划。  相似文献   
摘要: 为满足未来脉冲星导航和空间天文观测任务对X射线望远镜的载荷需求,Wolter I光学系统的研制正逐渐成为新的研究热点,电铸镍方案是当前国内外X射线光学系统镜筒制造的主要技术方案.文章对电铸镍X射线光学系统制造工艺、国内外研制现状、未来应用需求进行了介绍和整理,梳理了电铸镍X射线光学系统研制遇到的关键技术和难点,提出了后续研究发展建议,以促进中国在 X射线脉冲星自主导航、空间探测领域的快速发展.  相似文献   
本文对世界首颗独立完成地月转移、近月制动、环月飞行的微卫星“龙江二号”进行了介绍。首先阐述了龙江二号的任务目标和总体方案;然后重点分析了轨道设计与控制、复杂电磁干扰的标定与抑制、宽视场三维基线干涉测量等关键技术难点;接着回顾了任务的实施过程;最后详细介绍了低频射电探测仪、沙特光学相机和VHF/UHF通信模块与学生微型CMOS相机等有效载荷,并展示了上述载荷获取的初步成果。  相似文献   
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