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区域导航星座能够以较低成本和较短时间获得目标区域导航能力,且地球同步轨道是构建非极区区域导航星座的重要轨道类型。提出一种基于GEO(地球静止轨道)和IGSO(倾斜地球同步轨道)的区域导航星座设计方法。基于星下点轨迹特性构造对称星座设计参数和优化参数集,并考虑地球扁率长期摄动影响,计算星座轨道参数。以导航服务区的统计GDOP(几何精度因子)为目标函数,利用差分进化算法构建星座优化模型。以印度IRNSS的7星星座为例,仿真检验了设计和优化算法的正确性,讨论了IRNSS星座优化构型和轨道类型选取。本方法采用的对称星座设计参数少,能够提升GEO/IGSO混合区域导航星座的全局优化效率,为后续非对称星座快速提供最佳星数和构型设计。  相似文献   
壁虎脚的粘着机理对航天机器人脚掌的研制和开发具有重要启发意义.通过单根刚毛与光滑表面黏着力模型与计算、卫星粗糙表面分布模型与接触概率与计算、刚毛阵列与卫星粗糙表面黏着力模型与计算等,分析仿壁虎刚毛阵列对卫星表面的吸附能力,发现在一定条件下仿壁虎刚毛阵能够在太空失重环境中黏着在卫星表面,对航天舱内爬行机器人、管道机器人的研制和开发具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   
中国空间探测领域40年发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国空间科学学会成立的40年,是中国空间探测逐渐走进世界舞台的40年,空间探测极大推动了空间科学和相邻学科的发展,也影响到经济、军事和日常生活诸多方面.本文简要回顾了从空间探测专业委员会成立的1980年至今,中国空间探测领域的主要发展历程,包括探空火箭、高空气球、科学卫星、月球与行星探测、载人航天空间探测、遥感卫星地面站等主要项目、进展和所取得的成果,对未来若干年空间探测的发展进行了展望.   相似文献   
This work presents a precise analytical model to reconstruct the line-of-sight vector to a target satellite over time, as required by angles-only relative navigation systems for application to rendezvous missions. The model includes the effects of the geopotential, featuring: the analytical propagation in the mean relative orbital elements (up to second-order expansion), the analytical two-way osculating/mean orbital elements’ conversion (second-order in J2 and up to a given degree and order of the geopotential), and a second-order mapping from the perturbed osculating elements’ set to the local orbital frame. Performances are assessed against the line-of-sight reconstructed out of the precise GPS-based positioning products of the PRISMA mission. The line-of-sight modelled over a far-range one day long scenario can be fitted against the true one presenting residuals of the order of ten arc-seconds, which is below the typical sensor noise at far-range.  相似文献   
针对立方星在轨服务任务中的近距离相对导航问题,提出一种相对位姿测量视觉传感器设计。为应对空间复杂的光照条件,设计一种具有多层结构的立体靶标,选取波长为850nm的LED灯作为立体靶标的光源。在相机镜头处安装850nm的红外窄带滤镜以提高立体靶标成像质量。为提高视觉传感器的测量精度,提出一种迭代直接求解(iterative direct solution, IDS)的相对位姿估计算法。该算法直接利用立体靶标上的非共面点提供的深度信息获得初始相对位姿,然后引入Haralick迭代算法来优化初始测量结果。搭建六自由度实验平台对该视觉传感器进行性能测试。实验结果表明,该视觉传感器能克服背景光的干扰,且提出的 IDS相对位姿估计算法的精度优于经典的P3P算法和EPnP算法。  相似文献   
The comparison of the IRI model with the foF2 distribution in the equatorial anomaly region obtained by topside sounding onboard the Interkosmos-19 satellite has been carried out. The global distribution of foF2 in terms of LT-maps was constructed by averaging Intercosmos-19 data for summer, winter, and equinox. These maps, in fact, represent an empirical model of the equatorial anomaly for high solar activity F10.7 ~ 200. The comparison is carried out for the latitudinal foF2 profiles in the characteristic longitudinal sectors of 30, 90, 210, 270, and 330°, as well as for the longitudinal variations in foF2 over the equator. The largest difference between the models (up to 60%) for any season was found in the Pacific longitudinal sector of 210°, where there are a few ground-based sounding stations. Considerable discrepancies, however, are sometimes observed in the longitudinal sectors, where there are many ground-based stations, for example, in the European or Indian sector. The discrepancies reach their maximum at 00 LT, since a decay of the equatorial anomaly begins before midnight in the IRI model and after midnight according to the Interkosmos-19 data. The discrepancies are also large in the morning at 06 LT, since in the IRI model, the foF2 growth begins long before sunrise. In the longitudinal variations in foF2 over the equator at noon, according to the satellite data, four harmonics are distinguished in the June solstice and at the equinox, and three harmonics in the December solstice, while in the IRI model only two and one harmonics respectively are revealed. In diurnal variations in foF2 and, accordingly, in the equatorial anomaly intensity, the IRI model does not adequately reproduce even the main, evening extremum.  相似文献   
仅测角自主导航方法具有设备简单、复杂度低,功耗低的优点,在空间任务中具有广泛的应用前景.针对中远距离下空间目标特征少的特点,提出了一种利用基于OPTICS聚类算法的空间目标检测方法,可用于仅测角导航过程中的目标检测.对原始星图进行预处理提取星点及目标点,并结合星图识别的结果选择部分帧,使用经过改进的OPTICS聚类方法获得目标运动轨迹.最后,使用本文中的算法对软件仿真出的含有目标的高精度星图进行处理验证了算法的可行性.在卫星相对于空间目标抵近过程中,目标检测的水平误差及垂直误差小于0.15°的帧数分别占到了85.4%以及99.6%.相比AVANTI实验中的目标检测方法,减少了在轨任务中相关参数的调节,进一步提升了算法的自主性.  相似文献   
在深空探测任务中,光学自主导航的精度受导航敏感器件安装精度的影响较大。提出了一种基于期望最大化-扩展卡尔曼滤波(EM-EKF)的光学自主导航系统光轴偏差补偿算法。算法基于条件概率的思想,预先设定状态变量和观测量的统计特性参数,通过不断地最大化条件期望,得到出现概率最大的状态变量估值和光轴偏差参数估值。该算法可分为4步:EKF、固定区间平滑、求解条件期望和期望最大化,不断迭代即可得到光轴偏差估计值。以火星探测近火段为例进行仿真验证,经光轴偏差补偿后,导航精度由100 km提升至20 km以内。  相似文献   
空间技术的快速发展使得利用空间卫星的编队飞行构建大型空间星座成为可能,在引力波探测、射电望远镜编队、星座组网等任务方面具有重要作用。超精度控制是实现卫星高精度编队飞行的关键技术。推进系统是实现卫星编队长期高度稳定飞行的保证,从而实现内部科学装置的正确运行。不同于常规的推进系统,卫星精密编队超精度控制对推进系统的推力可调范围、分辨率、响应时间、推力的一致性等有着极高的要求。根据卫星精密编队任务需求,对微牛级推进系统的功能及技术要求进行了分析,提出了基于M2微波离子推力器的卫星超精度控制推进系统。阐述了M2超精密微牛级推进系统的关键技术和研究进展,为后续M2推力器在无拖曳控制方面的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Pulsar navigation is a promising navigation method for high-altitude orbit space tasks or deep space exploration. At present, an important reason for restricting the development of pulsar navigation is that navigation accuracy is not high due to the slow update of the measurements. In order to improve the accuracy of pulsar navigation, an asynchronous observation model which can improve the update rate of the measurements is proposed on the basis of satellite constellation which has a broad space for development because of its visibility and reliability. The simulation results show that the asynchronous observation model improves the positioning accuracy by 31.48% and velocity accuracy by 24.75% than that of the synchronous observation model. With the new Doppler effects compensation method in the asynchronous observation model proposed in this paper, the positioning accuracy is improved by 32.27%, and the velocity accuracy is improved by 34.07% than that of the traditional method. The simulation results show that without considering the clock error will result in a filtering divergence.  相似文献   
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