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JMP超高效率消防泵专用三相异步电动机是河南豫通电机股份公司与新乡市电机系统节能工程技术研究中心共同进行研究、设计、开发的新型节能专用电动机产品。其能效水平达到IE4能效等级。目前,产品开发已经完成,通过国外第三方能效检测机构的检测,取得了产品能效检测报告及出口许可的标识,并且已经批量出口到国外,得到国外客户的认可。介绍了该电动机的设计思路和样机检测结果。  相似文献   
Owing to the lack of a direct link with the operations in short-range air combat,conventional aircraft flying qualities criteria are inappropriate to guide the design of a task-tailored flight control law.By applying the mission-oriented flying qualities evaluation approach,various aircraft with different control law parameters are evaluated on a ground-based simulator.This paper compares the evaluation results with several conventional flying qualities criteria,and discusses the appropriate parameter combination to reflect the flying qualities requirements of short-range air combat,The comparison and analysis show that a short-range air combat mission requires a higher minimum short period mode natural frequency and a smaller maximum roll mode time constant,and allows a lower minimum pitch attitude bandwidth and a higher maximum short period mode damp ratio than those of conventional flying qualities criteria.Furthermore,a combination of the pitch attitude bandwidth,the pitch attitude magnitude at the bandwidth frequency,and the pitch attitude transfer function gain can define the flying qualities requirements of short-range air com bat.The new metric can successfully predict the flying quality levels of aircraft in a short-range air combat mission.  相似文献   
针对航空发动机控制软件安全性需求的验证问题,提出了基于需求模型与安全性分析结果的软件测试技术。从软件需求的结构化描述和软件安全性分析结果中的失效和危险因果关系链出发,研究并制定了符合航空发动机控制软件特点的测试用例生成方案,给出了程序化的自动实现算法,并描述了在某重点发动机型号的工程实践情况。  相似文献   
空间站维修性系统设计与验证方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟  夏侨丽 《载人航天》2014,(2):134-138
空间站在轨运行时间长,因此需采用维修性设计和在轨维修的方法实现长寿命高可靠在轨运行。根据维修性设计理论,结合工程实际,提出了基于产品特性分析的维修需求分析方法和维修支持下的可靠度计算方法。明确了系统维修性设计应包括布局、供电、信息、故障检测、维修工作模式等设计内容。并根据维修难度,提出了四级维修策略。最后根据在轨维修特点,提出了地面试验验证和仿真验证的方法。为空间站系统维修性设计提供了一个技术途径。  相似文献   
维修目标与要求(MORs)是为了能够并便于对产品进行维修而对航空器设计、维修和保障所提出的目标与要求,是设计、使用、维修、成本、效率等多种因素的综合权衡结果,也是维修工程学要实现的具体要求和指标。本文立足民用飞机,结合自身民机维修经验,从MORs指标确定的风险、过程、指标的分类等方面对MORs及其指标进行了研究。  相似文献   
王勇  孙金标 《飞行力学》1997,15(1):8-11
首先推导了飞机运动的逆动力学模型,为使问题具有一般性,采用了刚体运动模型,其中力方程建立在风轴系中,力矩方程建立在体轴系中,并且已知气动力模型,其次,由于飞行轨变地标位置(x,y,z)的形式给出,因此构造了一种基于坐标位置的算法,当给定坐标值后,即可据此对逆问题进行求解并得出相应的操纵要求,最后以一种非常规机动动作为例进行了逆仿真,得出了操纵要求。  相似文献   
航务报文处理系统的分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航务报文处理系统是对民航系统中充当部门间信息交换媒介的航务报文进行处理的软件系统,可以在民航多个部门中得到广泛应用.当前已有的航务报文处理系统存在通用性不好、可集成性差以及信息发布方式不合理等缺点.ATPS(Aeronautical Telex Processing System) 2.0航务报文处理系统就是针对这些问题,在对航务报文处理业务以及已有系统进行分析的基础上,综合使用UML(Unified Modeling Language)、中间件以及构件等多种技术的航务报文处理系统.  相似文献   
The origination of duration and distance requirements on planetary mobility systems (generally, rovers) are reviewed in detail. It is found that a ‘clean’ flow down from scientific objectives to requirement to capability is rarely presented. Rather, the historical record shows that the capability of emerging designs has been adopted post-hoc as a requirement, simple comparative superiority to predecessor missions has been invoked in competitive situations, or the requirement has been driven by capability of other elements of a mission architecture, such as delivery precision or astronaut life support. These deviations from the idealized systems engineering process have nonetheless resulted in missions that have generally been considered highly successful.  相似文献   
对X射线天文卫星观测需求进行了分析,提炼了观测任务对观测模式、源的高精度定位与对准、轨道、热控、测控数传等多项需求与约束;针对X射线观测的多需求、多约束难点,设计了集巡天观测、定点观测与小天区扫描观测于一体的观测模式,解决了一颗卫星同时实现全天扫描、银道面深度扫描、重要惯性区域扫描、重要及机遇目标深度观测以及伽马暴全天监测的多种观测需求的难题,该技术已在我国硬X射线调制望远镜卫星上得到应用.  相似文献   
In this study, a process for establishing design requirements and selecting alternative con-figurations for the conceptual phase of aircraft design has been proposed. The proposed process uses system-engineering-based requirement-analysis techniques such as objective tree, analytic hier-archy process, and quality function deployment to establish logical and quantitative standards. Moreover, in order to perform a logical selection of alternative aircraft configurations, it uses advanced decision-making methods such as morphological matrix and technique for order prefer-ence by similarity to the ideal solution. In addition, a preliminary sizing tool has been developed to check the feasibility of the established performance requirements and to evaluate the flight perfor-mance of the selected configurations. The present process has been applied for a two-seater very light aircraft (VLA), resulting in a set of tentative design requirements and two families of VLA configurations: a high-wing configuration and a low-wing configuration. The resulting set of design requirements consists of three categories: customer requirements, certification requirements, and performance requirements. The performance requirements include two mission requirements for the flight range and the endurance by reflecting the customer requirements. The flight performances of the two configuration families were evaluated using the sizing tool developed and the low-wing configuration with conventional tails was selected as the best baseline configuration for the VLA.  相似文献   
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