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敏感器视场遮挡分析是航天器构型布局设计的重要组成部分,针对大型在轨变构型航天器敏感器视场遮挡分析工作量大、出错率高、遮挡率无法量化等特点,本文提出一种基于敏感器第一视角的视场遮挡快速分析方法。该方法通过设置第一视角图像蒙版及图像映射,模拟方锥形、圆锥形、球形等各类敏感器视场,通过逐个像素比对,计算视场遮挡率和遮挡方位。使用此方法建立了空间站敏感器视场遮挡分析系统,结果表明新方法能够显著提高视场遮挡分析效率和准确率,并且为机构类部件运动过程对敏感器视场遮挡的分析提供了有效工具。  相似文献   
与国外主流海洋重力仪相比,国产海洋重力仪的分辨率低一个数量级,这制约了国产海洋重力仪的应用。针对国产海洋重力仪亟需提高分辨技术的需求,根据ZSGA-2型重力敏感器的工作原理,建立了弹性系统的力学模型,并开展了样机的静态性能测试。测试结果表明,经零位漂移和大地固体潮汐修正后的静态精度达到了0.03mGal,样机随重力仪进行楼层高差测量的重复性为0.15mGal。该型重力敏感器的分辨率已经达到了国外同类产品的技术水平,并具备了一定的动态适应性,为该型高分辨率零长弹簧重力敏感器开展高动态环境适应性技术研究奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   
高温异型传感器广泛应用在热防护材料研究领域,因其测温部分比通用温度传感器尺寸短,现有的校准装置无法满足该类传感器的校准需求。针对高温异型传感器无法校准的问题,提出了一种应用专用高温恒温炉、基于比较法的校准方法,研制了高温异型传感器校准装置,实现了该类温度传感器的量值溯源,并进行了不确定度分析。  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于电阻法的工艺液位传感器测量系统的设计与实现,该传感器测量系统包括利用液位传感器、点式液位传感器、耗尽关机液位传感器与剩余液位传感器及对应的变送器。设计了相应的半自动校准系统对传感器的精度进行标定,分析了测量结果的不确定度。经过测试,所有传感器各项指标均满足设计要求。该传感器的研制解决了现有容积计量及液压试验系统不能对贮箱各不同部位进行容积和高度监测的问题。  相似文献   
Manmade debris and natural meteoroids, travelling in the Low Earth Orbit at a speed of several kilometers per second, pose a severe safety concern to the spacecraft in service through the HyperVelocity Impact(HVI). To address this issue, an investigation of shock Acoustic Emission(AE) waves induced by HVI to a downscaled two-layer Whipple shielding structure is performed,to realize a quantitative damage evaluation. Firstly a hybrid numerical model integrating smoothparticle hydrodynamics and finite element is built to obtain the wave response. The projectiles, with various impact velocities and directions, are modelled to impact the shielding structure with different thicknesses. Then experimental validation is carried out with built-in miniaturized piezoelectric sensors to in situ sense the HVI-induced AE waves. A quantitative agreement is obtained between numerical and experimental results, demonstrating the correctness of the hybrid model and facilitating the explanation of obtained AE signals in experiment. Based on the understanding of HVI-induced wave components, assessment of the damage severity, i.e., whether the outer shielding layer is perforated or not, is performed using the energy ratio between the regions of ‘‘high frequency" and ‘‘low frequency" in the acquired AE signals. Lastly, the direct-arrival fundamentalsymmetric wave mode is isolated from each sensing signal to be input into an enhanced delay-andsum algorithm, which visualizes HVI spots accurately and instantaneously with different sensor network configuration. All these works demonstrate the potential of quantitative, in situ, and real time HVI monitoring using miniaturized piezoelectric sensor network.  相似文献   
Angle of Attack (AOA) is a crucial parameter which directly affects the aerodynamic forces of an aircraft. The measurement of AOA is required to ensure a safe flight within its designed flight envelop. This paper intends to summarise a comprehensive survey on the measurement techniques and estimation methods for AOA, specifically in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) applications. In the case of UAVs, weight constraint plays a major role as far as sensor suites are concerned. This results in selecting a suitable estimation method to extract AOA using the available data from the autopilot. The most feasible and widely employed AOA measurement technique is by using the Multi-Hole Probes (MHPs). The MHP measures the AOA regarding the pressure variations between the ports. Due to the importance of MHP in AOA measurement, the calibration methods for the MHP are also included in this paper. This paper discusses the AOA measurement using virtual AOA sensors, their importance and the operation.  相似文献   
为了实现MW级热流环境的长时间稳态测量,研制了一种新型结构的水卡式大热流传感器。该传感器采用U型水冷通道结构,基于沸腾换热理论进行换热设计,设计量程5~15 MW/m~2。在高温超声速燃气流试验台上进行了热流测试试验,实际测试量程3~25 MW/m~2。沸腾换热理论的应用可以在较小的水流速下实现MW级热防护,大大降低了设计难度。新型结构传感器相对传统的中心冲击结构换热效率更高,可实现的量程范围更大。  相似文献   
Hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnels and their measurement techniques are the cornerstone of the hypersonic flight era that is a dream for human beings to fly faster, higher and further. The great progress has been achieved during the recent years and their critical technologies are still in an urgent need for further development. There are at least four kinds of hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnels that are widely applied over the world and can be classified according to their operation modes. These wind tunnels are named as air-directly-heated hypersonic wind tunnel, light-gas-heated shock tunnel, free-piston-driven shock tunnel and detonation-driven shock tunnel, respectively. The critical technologies for developing the wind tunnels are introduced in this paper, and their merits and weakness are discussed based on wind tunnel performance evaluation. Measurement techniques especially developed for high-enthalpy flows are a part of the hypersonic wind tunnel technology because the flow is a chemically reacting gas motion and its diagnosis needs specially designed instruments. Three kinds of the measurement techniques considered to be of primary importance are introduced here, including the heat flux sensor, the aerodynamic balance, and optical diagnosis techniques. The techniques are developed usually for conventional wind tunnels, but further improved for hypersonic and high-enthalpy tunnels. The hypersonic ground test facilities have provided us with most of valuable experimental data on high-enthalpy flows and will play a more important role in hypersonic research area in the future. Therefore, several prospects for developing hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnels are presented from our point of view.  相似文献   
微惯性器件是目前制导战术武器的核心元器件,具有成本低、体积小、寿命长等优点,但是其如何在火炮膛内、侵彻着靶等过程中存活甚至正常工作,一直是各军事大国科研院所发展精确打击制导武器的重要研究方向。查阅了相关国内外文献,然后详细评述了目前关于应用于高过载环境下的微机械陀螺与微机械加速度计研究现状,指出了目前高过载环境微惯性器件的发展趋势与各国的研究进程,为我国发展高过载微惯性器件提供了方向与指导。  相似文献   
针对有位置传感器的无刷直流电机需要位置传感器提供换相信号的问题, 提出了基于磁势确定霍尔传感器安装位置的方法。霍尔传感器通过检测转子磁势确定转 子位置,产生传感器信号控制定子绕组换相,使得定、转子磁势相位差在60°~120°之间 波动,从而使电机输出最大力矩。通过实验测得使用该方法进行霍尔传感器位置安装的 无刷直流电机的输出力矩波形与理论一致,从而验证了此方法正确可行。  相似文献   
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