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王凯  雷凡培  杨岸龙  杨宝娥  周立新 《航空学报》2021,42(6):124384-124384
为了研究径向孔形状对针栓式喷注器液膜下漏率的影响并对其进行准确预估,以径向圆孔液束的相对变形模型为基础,通过类比分析提出了矩形孔的相对变形理论模型,并考虑多喷注单元间相互影响和不同高宽比矩形孔的绕流侧边效应,首次建立了径向矩形孔的下漏率模型。通过试验及数值仿真对模型进行了验证分析,结果表明理论预估结果与数值仿真及试验结果吻合较好,也表明针对矩形孔建立的相对变形模型及下漏率模型具有较好的准确性。另外,研究表明矩形孔的下漏率除了与几何阻塞率、有效动量比及液膜厚度与液束孔宽度之比有关外,还与高宽比有关;3种不同高宽比情况下的下漏率均显著小于几何下漏率;同时下漏率随有效动量比增大而增大的趋势均较平缓。综合分析径向圆孔和3种不同高宽比矩形孔的结果发现,在径向孔横截面积及流量等工况参数完全相同的情况下,径向孔形状对下漏率有显著的影响,矩形孔的下漏率显著低于圆形孔的;矩形孔的高宽比越大,下漏率越大。实际应用中选择矩形孔更有利于控制下漏率,并可通过改变高宽比控制下漏率;同时在变工况过程中,矩形孔的下漏流量也会随着主路推进剂一起调节变化,保持下漏率变化不大,故具有较好的大范围变推力流量匹配特性。  相似文献   
熊国淼  李云鹏  李鹏蛟  陈超 《航空学报》2021,42(8):525821-525821
针对雷达-电子战一体化共享信号波形的设计需求,提出一种伪码噪声调频与线性调频复合调制的探测干扰共享波形。在伪码序列的伪随机性和规律性上,通过理论推导和仿真实验,分析并验证了该探测干扰共享波形具有良好的模糊函数以及线性可控的频谱特征,有效通带内干扰功率利用率平均可达38%;通过探测干扰共享信号的相关信号处理,本地接收机能够成功地对信噪比不低于-27 dB的回波信号进行检测,且改善因子可达30 dB。  相似文献   
This study creates and combines the general maneuver libraries for fixed-wing aircraft to implement tactical maneuvers. First, the generalized maneuver libraries are established by analyzing the characteristics of tactical maneuvers required in battlefields. The 7th order polynomial is applied to both the creation of the maneuver libraries and the generation of the trajectories or flight paths for modal inputs. To track the desired trajectory, we design the Attitude Command Attitude Hold (ACAH) system and the Rate Command Rate Hold (RCRH) system using Model Following Controller (MFC). Moreover, the Line-of-Sight (LOS) guidance law is designed. In particular, the CONDUIT® is employed to optimize the gains so that the control systems meet the aircraft Handling Qualities (HQ) criteria. Finally, flight simulations are performed for the longitudinal loop, immelmann-turn, and climb-slalom-descent maneuvers to verify that tactical aggressive maneuvers are realizable via the combination of maneuver libraries. This study can contribute to the development of flight techniques for aircraft tactical maneuvers and to the revision of air force operational manuals.  相似文献   
偏心撞击对撞击式喷嘴雾化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究偏心撞击对撞击式喷嘴雾化特性的影响,建立了求解自燃推进剂冷态射流撞击雾化过程的数值模拟方案,计算了不同偏心度条件下的射流撞击雾化过程。采用树形自适应加密算法直接求解不可压Navier-Stokes方程组,由分段线性的流体体积(VOF)方法对流体界面进行捕捉。结果表明偏心撞击会导致雾场发生偏转,当无量纲偏心度E为1/8时,雾场偏转角度约为9.2°,应控制加工偏差小于该值。随着偏心度的增大,液膜的偏转角度增大,理论推导得到的液膜偏转角度要小于数值计算得到的液膜偏转角度。正心撞击时燃料与氧化剂流强峰值接近,雾场的流强分布呈单峰分布。当发生偏心撞击时,由于燃料与氧化剂部分射流未参与撞击导致流强峰值出现交错,雾场的流强分布呈双峰分布,混合比的空间分布发生较大改变。正心撞击时撞击点下游液滴的速度分布近似呈轴对称分布,而偏心撞击之后的速度分布则呈中心对称分布。偏心撞击导致的射流动量损失使得雾化性能变差,当无量纲偏心度E为1/8时,一甲基肼(MMH)的Sauter平均直径增大约4.8%,四氧化二氮(NTO)的Sauter平均直径增大约5.8%。   相似文献   
张瑶佳  王莉  尹振东  高杨  王帮亭 《航空学报》2019,40(1):522404-522404
由于飞机内部布线空间有限、电弧故障存在发生时间地点随机以及特征不明显等问题,导致检测困难。本文基于航空270 V高压直流(HVDC)系统开展直流串行电弧故障特征提取方法研究,采用希尔伯特黄变换(HHT)提取电弧电流交流分量的时域和频域特征量。选择HHT的固有模态函数IMF5瞬时幅值的峰峰值和标准差作为识别电弧故障的时域特征,与原始信号中提取的时域特征量对比,正常和电弧特征量的区分度更大;选择HHT的固有模态函数IMF1+IMF2、一定频带范围内的瞬时幅值计算得到的谐波功率和作为区分正常和电弧情况的频域特征量。与常用的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法相比,HHT三维时频谱能够反映信号的局部特征,HHT方法计算得到的正常和电弧特征量之间的区分度更大,电弧和正常特征量的比值最高可达346。基于HHT的电弧故障特征提取方法能够更好地区分正常和电弧情况,有助于提高电弧故障的检测率,降低虚警率,具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
Recently, the development of modern vehicles has brought about aggressive integration and miniaturization of on-board electrical and electronic devices. It will lead to exponential growth in both the overall waste heat and heat flux to be dissipated to maintain the devices within a safe temperature range. However, both the total heat sinks aboard and the cooling capacity of currently utilized thermal control strategy are severely limited, which threatens the lifetime of the on-board equipment and even the entire flight system and shrink the vehicle’s flight time and range. Facing these thermal challenges, the USA proposed the program of “INVENT” to maximize utilities of the available heat sinks and enhance the cooling ability of thermal control strategies. Following the efforts done by the USA researchers, scientists in China fought their ways to develop thermal management technologies for Chinese advanced energy-optimized airplanes and spacecraft. This paper elaborates the available on-board heat sinks and aerospace thermal management systems using both active and passive technologies not confined to the technology in China. Subsequently, active thermal management technologies in China including fuel thermal management system, environment control system, non-fuel liquid cooling strategy are reviewed. At last, space thermal control technologies used in Chinese Space Station and Chang’e-3 and to be used in Chang’e-5 are introduced. Key issues to be solved are also identified, which could facilitate the development of aerospace thermal control techniques across the world.  相似文献   
文中选择大、中、小3种典型结构尺寸的发射箱,利用计算流体动力学(Computational fluid dynamics,CFD)仿真软件Fluent对发射箱蒙皮表面在导弹发射过程中的力、热环境进行了仿真分析。以铝合金材料为例,对发射箱蒙皮材料在燃气流环境中力学性能损伤情况进行了烧蚀试验研究。研究结果表明,随着烧蚀时间延长,铝合金材料力学性能损伤存在一个突变点,在1.5 s内下降不明显,但是当烧蚀时间延长至2.0 s时,力学性能急剧下降至0。该研究结果为铝合金发射箱轻量化设计、热防护设计和使用次数设计等提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   
舵机速率限制是造成电传操纵飞机人机耦合的主要原因。利用描述函数法对舵机速率限制非线性进行建模,分析舵机速率限制非线性、人机耦合发生频率及人机闭环稳定性间的关系,并基于此提出舵机速率边界的确定方法;以典型放宽静稳定性飞机为例,基于最优McRuer驾驶员模型,确定人机闭环稳定性所需的最小舵机偏转速率;基于开环起始点(OLOP)准则对所确定的速率限制边界进行验证。结果表明:本文提出的舵机速率边界的确定方法最小成本地避免了人机耦合;所确定的舵机速率限制边界与OLOP准则边界对应的舵机速率基本吻合,即所建立的舵机速率限制边界确定方法合理。  相似文献   
Ionospheric inhomogeneous plasma produced by single point chemical release has simple space-time structure, and cannot impact radio wave frequencies higher than Very High Frequency (VHF) band. In order to produce more complicated ionospheric plasma perturbation structure and trigger instabilities phenomena, multiple-point chemical release scheme is presented in this paper. The effects of chemical release on low latitude ionospheric plasma are estimated by linear instability growth rate theory that high growth rate represents high irregularities, ionospheric scintillation occurrence probability and high scintillation intension in scintillation duration. The amplitude scintillations and the phase scintillations of 150?MHz, 400?MHz, and 1000?MHz are calculated based on the theory of multiple phase screen (MPS), when they propagate through the disturbed area.  相似文献   
自主研发了小型磁偏转质谱计,并对其质量范围、分辨本领、灵敏度和最小可检分压力四个主要性能指标进行了实验测试和比对。结果表明,该质谱计的质量范围为(1~143)amu,相对N2的分辨本领为1400,灵敏度为4.2×10-5 A/Pa,最小可检分压力为9.5×10-7 Pa。该测试和比对结果为磁偏转质谱计进一步的优化设计和性能提高奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
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