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周广飞  侯博川  杨建华  吴杨飞 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723771-723771
多电机协调控制达到转速一致是电机控制中的一个关键难题,外加负载变动和电机参数变化时会引起电机性能的下降,达不到良好的控制效果。为使电机间保持转速同步,建立了永磁同步电机d-q坐标系下的矢量控制数学模型,基于转速跟随控制,提出一种基于单神经元PID的变增益速度补偿器进行偏差耦合控制。在MATLAB/Simulink建立了3台永磁同步电机的仿真模型。仿真结果表明,与传统PID固定增益速度补偿器算法相比,单神经元PID的变增益速度补偿器具有更强的鲁棒性以及更快的收敛性。  相似文献   
针对柔性空间机械臂在轨服务应用需求,提出一种基于刚体运动与柔性振动相耦合的空间双臂机器人协同控制方法.首先引入空间位姿变量的概念,构造出面向协同控制目标的Jacobian矩阵,建立柔性空间机器人系统的刚柔耦合动力学模型,基于指定的最小距离得到其运动学逆解,并根据系统动量矩守恒关系及系统的Jacobian矩阵,并根据机械臂末端的运动速度,然后采用阻尼最小二乘法得出关节角度,使柔性空间机器人能够有效完成协同控制和空间避障任务,并基于RecurDyn V7R5软件环境验证算法的正确性.最后,基于SolidWorks和ADAMS虚拟样机建立柔性空间机器人系统的立体CAD模型,并结合空间在轨搬运任务进行模拟仿真,柔性空间机器人关节操作和运动轨迹的仿真结果图验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   
对高强度辐射场(HIRF)环境特点与干扰类型进行分析,采用理论计算、计算机仿真技术(CST)的仿真分析及实测等方法分别对某型飞机航空电子系统综合显示单元的外部强电磁辐射场孔缝耦合、场线耦合及芯片前端电路影响关键芯片的相关规律进行了研究,给出了相关设计建议。结果表明,可通过分析孔缝、场线耦合获得进入关键芯片前端电路的电磁干扰能量,再结合关键芯片前端电路网络对干扰的插入损耗分析,获得关键芯片在外部强场激励下的感应电压。  相似文献   
脉宽调制(PWM)变频驱动器在提高交流传动系统效率的同时,产生的高次谐波导致共模电流显著增加。其中电动机定子绕组与定子铁心之间的耦合电容是共模电流的主要通路。准确计算定子绕组与定子铁心之间的耦合电容对于预测共模电流具有重要意义。由于电机绕组内部导线排列不规则,准确进行解析计算较为困难,将其简化为集中导体后,会导致计算精度变差。在绕组全散线模型的基础上,提出了一种简化散线建模方法,能在计算精度不变的情况下,有效地减小模型的复杂度。通过对比解析计算、全散线模型、简化散线模型和测量值,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
用于叶片减振的压电材料分布拓扑优化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
提出一种可用于实际叶盘结构的压电分支阻尼器拓扑优化方法,可以给出总质量受约束的压电材料在叶片上的最佳分布,达到尽可能大的模态阻尼比。通过理论推导说明:压电阻尼器所产生的模态阻尼比仅取决于模态机电耦合系数,且该系数只与压电材料的几何形状以及模态应力场有关。进一步结合压电本构关系,基于应力分量的线性加权给出了有限的压电材料在叶片上铺设位置“优先级”的判断指标。给出了基于叶盘结构有限元模型的压电材料拓扑优化方法,通过替换单元类型和材料参数的方式对压电材料进行布置,并给出了多模态族优化、极化方向设置、电极铺设等问题的解决方案。在一个接近真实的叶盘模型上应用了此优化方法。结果表明,仅使用质量占叶片质量10%的压电材料,就可以为多个模态提供约12%的阻尼比。   相似文献   
袁磊  徐明进  吴振兴  许金 《航空动力学报》2019,46(11):43-49, 102
在交流伺服系统运动控制领域,针对双电机同步精确控制时由于两轴负载惯量相差较大、额定运行速度快、到位精度要求高等控制难点,提出了简单且有效的同步控制方法,并在试验中进行了验证。该方法包括对同步控制方式的设计和误差补偿算法2个部分。首先,设计使用基于虚拟主轴的主从控制方式,可实现惯量匹配的同步指令输出;在此基础上,从负载特性入手,提出了基于加权耦合的误差补偿方法,能实现快速稳定的同步误差补偿。仿真与试验结果表明,该方法能够满足伺服运动系统的定位精度和同步控制精度要求,同时在一定程度上提升了系统的平稳性和补偿响应速度,工程实现效果较好。  相似文献   
针对YKS规格的高压高速电机单机容量高、局部温升大等特点,以1台YKS5602 3 000 kW规格的高压高速电机为例,依据电机实际尺寸,建立了电机端部绕组及定转子模型。采用有限元法对流体场与温度场进行了仿真,计算出电机运行时各个通风槽内冷却气体流动情况,并对电机整体进行流固耦合分析,得到高压电机端部绕组及定转子温度场分布。对仿真计算结果分析,并与样机试验数据比较,结果表明:流体场和温度场耦合的方法能够准确地了解YKS电机各个通风槽内的气体流动情况及电机内局部温升分布。  相似文献   
噪声水平是现代飞机封闭腔室设计的重要指标,设计中单纯地对壁板进行加肋处理虽能显著降低噪声但会大大增加结构质量,为此对由封闭腔室构成的结构-声耦合系统进行了减重降噪优化研究。基于结构-声耦合有限元模型,利用有限元软件ACTRAN计算了频谱加载时舱内的声压响应。通过试验对简化处理及数值计算进行了验证,并修正了相关模型参数。为了降低结构质量,以加强肋为边界对舱门壁板进行了分区,通过对各个区域壁板厚度及肋条截面积的优化设计,使系统动刚度分配更趋合理,降低了声辐射能量以及结构-声腔的耦合性,从而实现了在满足噪声约束条件下减轻结构质量的目标。本文的工作对实际工程中由加肋壁板所构成的类似结构的减重降噪设计有着较好的工程指导价值。  相似文献   
The full dynamics of spacecraft around an asteroid, in which the spacecraft is considered as a rigid body and the gravitational orbit–attitude coupling is taken into account, is of great value and interest in the precise theories of the motion. The spectral stability of the classical relative equilibria of the full spacecraft dynamics around an asteroid is studied with the method of geometric mechanics. The stability conditions are given explicitly based on the characteristic equation of the linear system matrix. It is found that the linearized system decouples into two entirely independent subsystems, which correspond to the motions within and outside the equatorial plane of the asteroid respectively. The system parameters are divided into three groups that describe the traditional stationary orbit stability, the significance of the orbit–attitude coupling and the mass distribution of the spacecraft respectively. The spectral stability of the relative equilibria is investigated numerically with respect to the three groups of system parameters. The relations between the full spacecraft dynamics and the traditional spacecraft dynamics, as well as the effect of the orbit–attitude coupling, are assessed. We find that when the orbit–attitude coupling is strong, the mass distribution of the spacecraft dominates the stability of the relative equilibria; whereas when the orbit–attitude coupling is weak, both the mass distribution and the traditional stationary orbit stability have significant effects on the stability. We also give a criterion to determine whether the orbit–attitude coupling needs to be considered.  相似文献   
Experimental investigation of large amplitude yaw-roll coupled oscillations was conducted in a low-speed wind tunnel using an aircraft configuration model. A special test rig was designed and constructed to provide different coupled motions from low to high angles of attack.A parameter ‘‘coupling ratio" was introduced to indicate the extent of yaw-roll coupling. At each pitch angle, seven coupling ratios were designed to study the yaw-roll coupling effects on the lateraldirectional aerodynamic characteristics systematically. At high angles of attack, the damping characteristics of yawing and rolling moments drastically varied with coupling ratios. In the coupled motions with the rotation taking place about the wind axis, the lateral-directional aerodynamic moments exhibited unsteady characteristics and were different from the ‘‘quasi-steady" results of the rotary balance tests. The calculated results of the traditional aerodynamic derivative method were also compared with the experimental data. At low and very high angles of attack, the aerodynamic derivative method was applicative. However, within a wide range of angles of attack, the calculated results of aerodynamic derivative method were inconsistent with the experimental data, due to the drastic changes of damping characteristics of lateral-directional aerodynamic moments with yaw-roll coupling ratios.  相似文献   
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