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火星大气层的主要成分为二氧化碳,如果能够利用低温等离子体方法高效分解二氧化碳,使其转化为氧气和一氧化碳加以利用,可以大幅降低航天员生命保障相关载荷长途运输的成本,进一步提高生命保障能力。低温等离子体放电过程中会产生大量活性组分,可以在数百度温度下实现二氧化碳的高效解离,是具有很大潜力的二氧化碳解离与转化方式。设计了一种尺度在亚毫米级、功率输入为数瓦的直流微槽等离子体反应器,可以在较低气体温度下实现二氧化碳分解。测量了反应器电流、功率等放电参数,采用发射光谱确定了体系中激发态组分,分析了激发态粒子谱线强度随输入电压、稀释气体比例等反应器工作参数变化,利用氮气分子振转谱带测量了等离子体放电区振动温度和气体温度。研究表明,添加氩、氦、氮气均可以增强二氧化碳的分解,添加氦气可以促进二氧化碳的电离过程。稀释气体激发态因具有高能量,可以通过潘宁解离通道增强二氧化碳分解。氦组分激发态的能量高于二氧化碳电离能,可以促进二氧化碳的电离反应。微等离子体内存在强烈的振动 平动非平衡现象:振动温度约为4400~4800K,而气体温度仅为450 ~600K,表明可以通过合理的放电和结构设计,定向将能量注入到振动态,从而进一步促进二氧化碳的振动解离。  相似文献   
通过平板声衬流管试验,测试了管道内无流动和有流动下不同入射声波频率的管道壁面复声压,并基于试验模型与数据分别开展了二维和三维管道声传播预测,将试验测量结果与预测结果进行了对比。结果表明:二维和三维的预测结果非常吻合,尤其是在无流动条件下;在不同流动条件和不同频率下,声传播预测给出了与试验数据较为吻合的结果,壁面声压级的趋势与试验结果一致,基本验证了管道声传播预测模型的准确性;对比不同流动条件和频率点,有流动下预测的壁面声压级的误差比无流动更大,低频下预测的壁面声压级的误差比高频更大。   相似文献   
微阴极真空电弧推力器具有结构简单、重量轻、功耗低、比冲高等优点,因而在航天推进领域有着广阔应用前景.当前推力器设计研制、可靠性和寿命的提高等方面遇到的一些关键问题均与微阴极真空电弧放电过程的基本物理问题密切相关.对微阴极电弧推力器运行中涉及的电子发射、电极间起弧过程、阴极斑点形成及特点、烧蚀和形貌变化、电极间等离子体射流加速过程进行了梳理,相关认识可以为今后进一步开展微阴极电弧推力器的设计优化、性能提高奠定基础.  相似文献   
Plasma of the free burning electric arc between Ag–SnO2–ZnO composite electrodes as well as brass electrodes were investigated. The plasma temperature distributions were obtained by Boltzmann plot method involving Cu I, Ag I or Zn I spectral line emissions. The electron density distributions were obtained from the width and from absolute intensity of spectral lines. The laser absorption spectroscopy was used for measurement of copper atom concentration in plasma. Plasma equilibrium composition was calculated using two independent groups of experimental values (temperature and copper atom concentration, temperature and electron density). It was found that plasma of the free burning electric arc between brass electrodes is in local thermodynamical equilibrium. The experimental verification of the spectroscopic data of Zn I spectral lines was carried out.  相似文献   
许玮健  杨明绥  武卉  王萌  梁宝逵 《航空学报》2020,41(12):123943-123943
湍流控制屏(TCS)是航空发动机风扇噪声试验必备的试验设施。由于湍流控制屏的作用,风扇前传噪声向远场传播时会产生传递损失。通过对湍流控制屏的声学校准,可以获取湍流控制屏的声学修正量,从而实现对风扇前传噪声的修正。本文结合实际工程应用条件,分析了湍流控制屏重复安装的位置精度、校准声源重复性、稳定性、校准声源位置偏差、温湿度修正等因素对湍流控制屏声学修正量精度的影响;结合上述影响因素,对湍流控制屏160 Hz~40 kHz的声学修正量的特征进行分析,总结工程应用中湍流控制屏高精度声学校准的注意事项,提出湍流控制屏的声学校准应包含测量不确定度。  相似文献   
为了研究四喷管运载火箭起飞时火箭周围噪声环境问题,建立燃气/空气双组分的可压缩流动模型,采用2阶Roe格式、SAS(scale-adaptive simulation)湍流模型和声学类比积分法Ffowcs-Williams Hawkings(FW-H)求解三维Navier-Stokes方程。以单机火箭的噪声问题为对象开展数值模拟,并将噪声数值计算结果与试验数据对比,误差在3dB以内(相对误差小于1.6%),验证预测噪声方法的有效性,进而研究四喷管运载火箭起飞阶段采用不同导流槽构型对箭体舱段区域噪声环境的影响,结果表明:在相同噪声接收点处,单侧导流槽对应的总声压级比双侧导流槽大,两者的总声压级(OASPL)之差最大为10.7dB。另外,当采用单侧导流槽时,沿周向接收点的噪声总声压相对单侧导流槽中心截面呈对称分布,而且沿导流出口方向逐渐增大。所建立的噪声数值方法为大推力捆绑运载火箭舱段的噪声环境预测及其控制提供一定参考。  相似文献   
从试验方法、试验装置、试验数据处理等方面对如何有效测试L型声学谐振器法向和切向的吸声特性(包括吸声系数和声阻抗)展开了详细论述,并得出有一定工程价值的试验结论.  相似文献   
噪声水平是现代飞机封闭腔室设计的重要指标,设计中单纯地对壁板进行加肋处理虽能显著降低噪声但会大大增加结构质量,为此对由封闭腔室构成的结构-声耦合系统进行了减重降噪优化研究。基于结构-声耦合有限元模型,利用有限元软件ACTRAN计算了频谱加载时舱内的声压响应。通过试验对简化处理及数值计算进行了验证,并修正了相关模型参数。为了降低结构质量,以加强肋为边界对舱门壁板进行了分区,通过对各个区域壁板厚度及肋条截面积的优化设计,使系统动刚度分配更趋合理,降低了声辐射能量以及结构-声腔的耦合性,从而实现了在满足噪声约束条件下减轻结构质量的目标。本文的工作对实际工程中由加肋壁板所构成的类似结构的减重降噪设计有着较好的工程指导价值。  相似文献   
The charged dust particles can be mobilized electrostatically by the repulsion between the adjacent grains and the surface electric field due to the incoming electron current and the charge accumulation within the micro-cavities. In this study, the experimental results of the initial vertical launching velocities and the maximum dust heights are compared with the estimated values for the lofted spherical dust grains by the patch surface charging equations. Silica particles with the sizes between <6 and 45?µm in radius are loaded on a graphite plate, and they are exposed to the electron beam with 450?eV energy under 4?×?10?3?Pa vacuum chamber pressure. During the first set of the experiments, the dust samples are tested without an initial compression process and an additional horizontal electric field. Second, the dust samples are compressed by two different weights in order to increase the packing density under approximately 780.7?Pa and 3780?Pa. Finally, the dust grains are placed between the two parallel aluminum plates to apply approximately 2000?V/m and 4800?V/m horizontal electric field. A high-speed camera is used to record the transportation of the dust grains together with a microscopic telescope, and the results point out that the patch surface dust-charging model estimations are in agreement with the first experiments. On the other hand, the dust particles from the compressed samples are lofted with higher velocities than the estimations, and the number of the dust lofting observations decreases significantly, which demonstrates the importance of the micro-cavities and the increased charging requirement to overcome the contact forces. When the horizontal electric field is present, the initial vertical launching velocities are measured to be lower than the other experiments, which can be attributed to the decreased charging requirement for the dust lofting as a result of inter-particle collisions and rolling motion. According to the experimental results, the electrostatic dust transportation can be controlled not only by the ambient plasma and the solar irradiation on the airless planetary bodies, but also by the surface properties such as the contact surfaces between the dust grains, the number of the micro-cavities related to the packing density, and the presence of the horizontal electric field contributing to the external forces by other particle motions.  相似文献   
为了考察防风网对堆场煤堆的遮风效果,进行了防风网与煤堆之间区域的流场可视化实验。使用风洞模拟大气边界层条件,并将开孔率为38.5%的防风网模型布置在煤堆模型前方。实验中采用粒子成像测速(PIV)系统测量了防风网和堆场区域的平均风速分布,并且获得了煤堆表面的摩擦风速分布,进一步估算煤堆起尘量的变化情况。实验发现,防风网可有效降低煤堆表面迎风区域的摩擦风速,而对背风面的流场分布影响较小。研究结果可为防风网的遮护作用提供一定的实验支持。  相似文献   
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