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In order to compensate for the disturbance of wide variation in rotor demanded torque on power turbine speed and realize the fast response control of turboshaft engine during variable rotor speed, a cascade PID control method based on the acceleration estimator of gas turbine speed (Ngdot) and rotor predicted torque feedforward is proposed. Firstly, a two-speed Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) model is applied in the integrated rotor/turboshaft engine system to achieve variable rotor speed. Then, an online estimation method of Ngdot based on the Linear Quadratic Gaussian with Loop Transfer Recovery (LQG/LTR) is proposed for power turbine speed cascade control. Finally, according to the cascade PID controller based on Ngdot estimator, a rotor demanded torque predicted method based on the Min-batch Gradient Descent-Neural Network (MGD-NN) is put forward to compromise the influence of rotor torque interference. The simulation results show that compared with cascade PID controller based on Ngdot estimator and the one combined with collective pitch feedforward control, the novel control method proposed can reduce the overshoot of power turbine speed by more than 20%, which possesses faster response, superior dynamic effect and satisfactory robustness performance. The control method proposed can realize the fast response control of turboshaft engine with variable rotor speed better.  相似文献   
Numerical simulations of flow and heat transfer to supercritical RP-3 through the inclined tubes have been performed using LS k–e model embedded in Fluent. The physical properties of RP-3 were obtained using the generalized corresponding state laws based on the fourcomponent surrogate model. Mass flow rate is 0.3 g/s, system pressure is 3 MPa, inlet temperature is 373 K. Inclination of the inclined pipe varied from -90° to 90°, with heat flux varied from 300 k W/m~2 to 400 kW/m~2. Comparison between the calculated result and the experimental data indicates the range of error reasonable. The results of ±45° show that temperature inhomogeneity in inclined pipe produce the secondary flow in its cross section due to the buoyancy force. Depending on the strength of the temperature inhomogeneity, there will be two different forms of secondary flow and both contribute to the convective heat transfer in the pipe. The secondary flow intensity decreases when the inhomogeneity alleviates and thermal acceleration will play a leading role. It will have a greater impact on the turbulent flow to affect the convective heat transfer in the pipe. When changing the inclination, it affects the magnitude of the buoyant component in flow direction. The angle increases, the buoyancy component decreases. And the peak temperature of wall dominated by the secondary flow will move forward and increase in height.  相似文献   
针对变截面结构产品,提出了一种变截面搭接结构搅拌摩擦焊接方法,通过加装辅助板将整条焊缝焊接方向上补偿为等厚度。焊接采用一次定位焊接+二次定位焊接+正式焊接的工艺方式,一次定位焊为预定位,二次定位焊保证辅助板与试片主体结构之间形成有效连接,正式焊保证形成完整的焊缝。焊缝表面成形良好,超声相控阵检测无超标缺陷。通过对力学性能的分析,变截面搭接结构处焊缝与非搭接处焊缝和常规对接焊缝的力学性能基本相同,平均抗拉强度均达到母材的70%以上,平均延伸率均在5.8%以上。变截面搭接焊缝焊核处晶粒形态为细小的等轴晶,靠近轴肩影响区部分的晶粒尺寸大于靠近焊缝根部的晶粒尺寸,受再结晶影响,焊缝两侧热机影响区处辅助板搭接界面消失。  相似文献   
In this paper a new flow field prediction method which is independent of the governing equations, is developed to predict stationary flow fields of variable physical domain. Predicted flow fields come from linear superposition of selected basis modes generated by proper orthogonal decomposition(POD). Instead of traditional projection methods, kriging surrogate model is used to calculate the superposition coefficients through building approximate function relationships between profile geometry parameters of physical domain and these coefficients. In this context,the problem which troubles the traditional POD-projection method due to viscosity and compressibility has been avoided in the whole process. Moreover, there are no constraints for the inner product form, so two forms of simple ones are applied to improving computational efficiency and cope with variable physical domain problem. An iterative algorithm is developed to determine how many basis modes ranking front should be used in the prediction. Testing results prove the feasibility of this new method for subsonic flow field, but also prove that it is not proper for transonic flow field because of the poor predicted shock waves.  相似文献   
马旭  程咏梅  郝帅  陈克喆  王涛 《航空学报》2015,36(2):596-604
对未知着降区平坦度测量是无人机在复杂地形下安全着陆的关键问题。首先,根据小孔成像原理推导出基于单目序列图像的未知区域深度计算方程;其次,针对稀疏匹配存在深度信息重构误差大而稠密匹配在平滑区域误匹配率高的问题,提出一种基于Delaunay三角剖分的稠密点特征生成算法;然后,分别对序列图像中的2帧图像提取亚像素级Harris角点和尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)特征点,并分别进行特征点匹配;再以2种特征点间的欧氏距离作为约束条件将2种特征点进行融合,生成准稠密特征点;最后,将准稠密特征点进行Delaunay三角剖分,并根据每个剖分三角形上3个顶点像素偏差的方差值制定稠密特征点的生成策略,并结合所提出的深度计算方程计算整个未知区域各点的深度信息。通过Vega Prime(VP)搭建仿真演示验证系统,实验结果表明在机载相机距地面400m处计算高度分别为90m和55m的物体深度信息时,其深度测量相对误差不超过0.89%,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
钛合金材料在航空器和发动机中的应用极为广泛,涡扇发动机中低压压气机静子叶片基本由钛合金材料制成,由于钛合金的磨削性能较差,对选用金刚石砂轮进行钛合金材料磨削时的主要工艺影响因素(如进给速度、磨抛深度等)进行了试验分析,优选出更适用于金刚石砂轮磨削钛合金的工艺参数,该参数不仅能够用于自研的双面仿形抛修设备,还可以对其他型号磨床磨削钛合金材料时的工艺参数选择提供指导。  相似文献   
程洪杰  赵谢  赵媛  高蕾 《推进技术》2019,40(11):2444-2453
针对导流锥结构参数对内弹道流场耦合影响问题,基于动态分层动网格技术,构建了含导弹运动和二次燃烧的内弹道数值模型,并验证了模型可靠性。解耦分析了导流锥半径、高度及冲击高度对内弹道流场特性和载荷的影响。结果表明:导流锥的结构直接决定燃气飞溅现象的产生和流场结构的紊乱程度,导流锥的半径、高度和冲击高度的改变会对燃气反射点的位置、二次燃烧的区域以及剧烈程度产生影响;结构优化后的导流锥,较大程度地缓解了冲击现象,获得了较好的平滑效果,筒底压力较实验装置降低了24.5%。  相似文献   
本文对弹射座椅弹射筒上连接头挂耳断裂失效现象、安装位置和作用进行了简要介绍;对可能造成上连接头挂耳断裂失效的原材料、尺寸、生产过程、断口、设计及工况强度等主要因素进行了系统排查、分析和验证,最终,找准了零件失效的机理,并准确定位,验证有效,对航空产品提升抗疲劳性能的设计应用起到积极的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
环形脉冲爆震发动机引射性能   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用解析方法得出爆震波在爆震管内的参数分布,应用数值方法对爆震波衰退为激波后的传播、排除过程进行了多循环模拟.通过对环形爆震管非稳态引射过程的分析,得出非稳态引射过程可以分成四个阶段,环形爆震管比传统的圆形爆震管的引射作用更强.不同结构参数的引射喷管对环形爆震管的引射增推性能不同,经过分析,得到了较佳的引射喷管的入口尺...  相似文献   
双管爆轰单引射增推机理的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于二维Euler方程,结合高精度Roe/HLL(Harten-Lax-Van Leer)混合格式与自适应网格加密技术,对引射模态下的双管爆轰非定常单次引射复杂流场进行了数值模拟.结果分别描述了方管爆轰波喷出及引射管内二次爆轰波的传播过程.双爆轰波喷出爆轰管后,以欠膨胀射流形式向外传播,同时,它们相互作用延长了引射管尾...  相似文献   
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