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In the machining process of aircraft monolithic parts, the initial residual stress redistribution and structural stiffness evolution often lead to unexpected distortions. On the other hand, the stress redistribution and stiffness reduction during the machining process depend on the material removal sequence. The essence of the stress redistribution is releasing the initial elastic strain energy. In the present study, the influence of the material removal sequence on the energy release is studied. Moreover, a novel optimization method is proposed for the material removal sequence. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the mechanism of the machining distortion is firstly analyzed based on the energy principle. Then a calculative model for the machining distortion of long beam parts is established accordingly. Moreover, an energy parameter related to the bending distortion and the procedure of the material removal sequence optimization is defined. Finally, the bending distortion analysis and material removal sequence optimization are performed on a long beam with a Z-shaped cross-section. Furthermore, simulation and experiments are carried out. The obtained results indicate that the optimized sequence results in a low distortion fluctuation and decreases the bending distortion.  相似文献   
提出航天铝合金深腔零件整体成形方法,开展预制坯优化设计。对比分析直筒和变径筒两种预制筒坯结构变形规律,数值模拟研究了底部圆角对开口球形件液压成形的影响规律。以直径D=450 mm的球形整体零件为验证对象,进行底部圆角r=60 mm的变径筒形件的液压成形试验验证。结果表明:直筒坯液压成形时,赤道位置发生破裂;变径筒坯液压成形时,当胀形压力为16 MPa即发生贴模;液压成形时,筒端口自适应补料,所以上半球的壁厚分布均匀;随着底部圆角越大,筒底部减薄越小,筒壁厚越均匀;当底部圆角为r=60 mm时,开口球壳赤道位置壁厚减薄最严重,减薄率为11.1%,球底部减薄率为9.8%,开口球壳上半球壁厚差为0.17 mm,下半球壁厚差为0.43 mm。  相似文献   
汪鹏  王婕 《航空发动机》2020,46(1):86-90
针对某航空高强钢零件大尺寸面轮廓度数控加工合格率较低问题,利用精益6σ方法,依据DMAIC的研究路径,充分运用箱线图、等方差检验、单因子方差分析等方法和工具,分析了“人、机、料、法、环、测”6大方面的操作者、加工刀具、装夹方式、主轴转速、切削量、进给速度、切削方式7个因素,确定刀具尺寸、切削量、进给速度为关键影响因素;通过建立面轮廓度与7个影响因素之间的GLM模型,得出影响流程输出的3个关键影响因素的最佳组合,并在此基础上对工艺参数进行优化。结果表明:该零件的数控加工工艺流程改进后,减少了加工过程中的人工调试检查环节,缩短了加工调试验证时间,大尺寸面轮廓度数控加工合格率从80%提高到96%以上,取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   
针对MBD环境下的零件分类问题,研究MBD信息提取、零件编码转换和深度学习分类算法技术,并创建MBD-计算机辅助零件分类系统(MBD-CAPC),实现从输入MBD模型到输出零件分类结果的自动化。  相似文献   
The precision forming of thin-walled components has been urgently needed in aviation and aerospace field. However, the wrinkling induced by the compressive instability is one of the major defects in thin-walled part forming. The initiation and growth of the wrinkles are interac-tively affected by many factors such as stress states, mechanical properties of the material, geometry of the workpiece and boundary conditions. Especially when the forming process involves compli-cated boundary conditions such as multi-dies constrains, the perturbation of clearances between workpiece and dies and the contact conditions changing in time and space, etc., the predication of the wrinkling is further complicated. In this paper, the current prediction methods were summa-rized including the static equilibrium method, the energy method, the initial imperfection method, the eigenvalue buckling analysis method, the static-implicit finite element method and the dynamic-explicit finite element method. Then, a systematical comparison and summary of these methods in terms of their advantages and limitations are presented. By using a combination of explicit FE method, initial imperfection and energy conservation, a hybrid method is recommended to predict plastic wrinkling in thin-walled part forming. Finally, considering the urgent requirements of com-plex thin-walled structures’ part in aviation and aerospace field, the trends and challenges in wrin-kling prediction under complicated boundary conditions are presented.  相似文献   
零件在外圆磨床上加工时受两个力的作用,一是受零件磨削力的影响,二是受外圆磨床尾座对顶力的影响,尤其细长杆零件受力变形较为明显。为了在加工过程中避免零件变形而影响加工精度,通过使用ANSYS对零件进行有限元分析,控制两个方向力的大小,并对这两个方向力进行逐一分析,并配合高速磨削加工,确定进刀量、磨削速度、零件转速及对顶力等磨削参数,并对上述分析方法进行延伸扩展。  相似文献   
复杂曲面零件的几何特征提取对加工质量的检测及逆向重构具有重要意义。提出了一种复杂曲面零件散乱点云特征点提取方法。首先,提出了基于高斯权重的邻域主成分分析的方法,通过估计每一点邻域的局部变化程度对点云模型进行初始标记;然后,采用基于标记的自动识别法实现特征点的提取;最后,通过特征点聚类的方式去除了特征点集中的异常点,完善了提取的点云特征。该方法直接操作于散乱点云,无需任何的拓扑连接信息。试验结果表明:该方法简单、有效,不需要过多地人为调节参数,特征点提取完整。  相似文献   
航空复杂锻铸件毛坯海量的扫描点集与CAD数模进行精确配准时,由于点集数量巨大数模面也较多,同时点集与数模面之间无任何关联关系,给配准算法带来了巨大的计算量,严重制约加工效率。为提高配准效率,提出一种快速精确配准毛坯点集与CAD数模的自适应方法,即利用配准面提取参与配准的数据点,建立点面之间的一一对应关系,通过对配准面进行分类并不断选取参与配准的特征面及相应的数据点加入配准,直至各面都很好地满足加工要求。最后利用实例验证了本算法的高效性和可靠性。  相似文献   
针对国内航空企业飞机结构件数控编程中存在的重复工作量大、效率低、质量不稳定、规范性差等问题,通过面向多主机厂推广基于特征的数控编程技术,切实提高飞机结构件数控编程的效率与质量.首先概述了基于特征的快速程编(FBM NUAA)系统的整体架构,并且介绍了基于特征的数控编程技术在多家主机厂中的推广与应用情况,以及前期推广中遇到的问题,并提出了解决方案.根据多主机厂多机型过百项飞机结构件的实际应用结果表明采用基于特征的快速程编系统进行数控编程,刀轨平均自动生成率超过90%,编程时间较传统编程方式平均缩短70%以上.  相似文献   
来流条件对热流组分扩散项影响效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用数值模拟的方法研究了高超声速热化学非平衡流动中不同来流条件对热流组分扩散项的影响。以RAM-CII飞行试验外形为例,使用AUSM+-up格式耦合LU-SGS方法求解带化学反应源项的多组分NS方程。得到如下结论:在非平衡热环境数值模拟研究中,完全催化壁时组分扩散项热流所占比率表征了壁面催化效应的强弱;在同一高度下,随着马赫数升高热流组分扩散项比例越来越显著,而马赫数相同时,随着高度增高热流组分扩散项所占比例越来越小,主要原因在于当地化学反应进行程度不同。  相似文献   
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