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在定向炉中分别采用籽晶法制备了[001]、[011]和[111]3种不同取向的第四代单晶高温合金DD15,在800℃研究了不同取向的高周疲劳性能,分析了合金不同取向的显微组织、疲劳断口形貌和疲劳断裂组织。结果表明:在凝固方向横截面上不同取向合金的铸态枝晶和热处理γ′相组织明显不同。合金800℃的高周疲劳性能存在各向异性,疲劳极限按[111]、[001]、[011]取向的顺序降低。不同取向合金的高周疲劳都是沿平面断裂,断裂平面与试样中心应力轴线的角度不同,角度按[011]、[001]、[111]取向的顺序逐渐减小。不同取向高周疲劳断口特征基本相同,可见疲劳源区、疲劳扩展区和瞬断区。疲劳裂纹起源于试样表面或亚表面并沿{111}平面扩展。扩展区上可见河流状花样和疲劳条带。瞬断区可见撕裂棱和解理台阶特征,其断裂机制都为类解理断裂。由于试验温度较低,不同取向疲劳断裂后的γ′相仍保持立方形状。  相似文献   
赵圆圆  曾飞  李洋  甘明瑜  施圣贤 《航空学报》2021,42(10):524158-524158
叶片气膜孔的几何参数对其冷却效率具有十分重要的影响,需采取有效手段对加工的气膜孔几何参数进行检测。基于光场成像原理,初步探索了单光场相机快照式三维测量技术在气膜孔检测上的应用。与其他光学测量技术相比,该技术仅通过一次拍摄,即可快速从捕获的单张原始光场图像中计算得到气膜孔的三维点云数据,其数据采集效率很高。实验中对一组标准量块进行了测量,展示了单光场相机应用于工业级精密测量的潜力。对实际叶片上气膜孔几何参数的检测结果初步表明了该技术应用于气膜孔三维测量的可能性。由于单光场相机成像系统的结构简单,易于操作且便于与其他传感器设备集成,可为气膜孔三维测量问题提供一种新的解决方案。  相似文献   
空间站主动热控系统的作用是提供和保持航天员、仪器设备和结构部件所要求的温度、湿度和风速等热环境。本文以空间载荷机柜为热控系统的基本单元,建立了以单相流体循环回路为基础、采用液冷结合风冷的冷却方式的载荷机柜数学模型;介绍了模糊增量控制算法的工作原理;提出了采用模糊增量控制算法,以液冷支路进出口温差和风冷支路冷却量占总冷却量的比值为控制目标的反馈控制策略。同时文章采用数值模拟方法研究了控制系统的动态响应效果。仿真结果显示,模糊增量控制算法具有响应迅速、超调量小、无静态误差的特点,控制策略满足有效性、稳定性和高精确度的要求。  相似文献   
In the last 20?years, and in particular in the last decade, the availability of propagation data for GNSS has increased substantially. In this sense, the ionosphere has been sounded with a large number of receivers that provide an enormous amount of ionospheric data. Moreover, the maturity of the models has also been increased in the same period of time. As an example, IGS has ionospheric maps from GNSS data back to 1998, which would allow for the correlation of these data with other quantities relevant for the user and space weather (such as Solar Flux and Kp). These large datasets would account for almost half a billion points to be analyzed. With the advent and explosion of Big Data algorithms to analyze large databases and find correlations with different kinds of data, and the availability of open source code libraries (for example, the TensorFlow libraries from Google that are used in this paper), the possibility of merging these two worlds has been widely opened. In this paper, a proof of concept for a single frequency correction algorithm based in GNSS GIM vTEC and Fully Connected Neural Networks is provided. Different Neural Network architectures have been tested, including shallow (one hidden layer) and deep (up to five hidden layers) Neural Network models. The error in training data of such models ranges from 50% to 1% depending on the architecture used. Moreover, it is shown that by adjusting a Neural Network with data from 2005 to 2009 but tested with data from 2016 to 2017, Neural Network models could be suitable for the forecast of vTEC for single frequency users. The results indicate that this kind of model can be used in combination with the Galileo Signal-in-Space (SiS) NeQuick G parameters. This combination provides a broadcast model with equivalent performances to NeQuick G and better than GPS ICA for the years 2016 and 2017, showing a 3D position Root Mean Squared (RMS) error of approximately 2?m.  相似文献   
孙明明  郑艺  杨俊泰  史楷 《推进技术》2021,42(3):711-720
栅极间距变化是影响离子推力器在轨环境下从冷态条件正常点火启动的重要因素,同时也决定了离子推力器的在轨工作时机和热控实施策略。本文采用有限元仿真与地面热平衡试验验证相结合的方法,建立起30cm离子推力器有限元分析模型并进行了模型校验,之后对离子推力器在轨受太阳光照影响的栅极温度场分布和间距变化,以及推力器在5kW工况下的三个典型温度点所对应的栅极间距变化进行了仿真分析,最后考虑了主动热控干预对推力器最恶劣工作点的栅极间距变化影响。结果显示:纯太阳光照影响下的栅极组件存在周期性温度变化,栅极最大温差可达到100℃,栅间距缩小量在0.06mm~0.16mm范围内波动;在太阳光照基础上实施60W的主动热控后,栅极最大温差降低至60℃,栅间距缩小量波动范围则变为0~0.03mm;栅极最高温度点和最低温度点分别是推力器冷态启动最容易和最困难的两个工作时机点,两点所对应的启动后屏栅和加速栅最小间距分别为0.22mm和0.04mm;在10W、70W和120W的热控加热功率下,从最低温度点启动后的屏栅和加速栅最小间距分别为0.06mm、0.20mm和0.29mm;采取主动热控措施能够有效降低推力器工作过程中的栅极热形变位移峰值,且加热功率为120W即温控点温度为50℃的主动热控可以满足30cm离子推力器在轨冷态启动时的0.25mm安全栅极间距要求。  相似文献   
图结构异常检测可以发现金融欺诈行为、网络入侵和可疑的社交行为。针对当前检测图异常算法的计算复杂度高、不能处理大规模动态图的缺点,研究并提出了一种增量并行式的算法以便更有效地发现和检测大规模动态图中的异常。该算法使用时间滑动窗口对图进行划分,在初始化阶段选取N个子图,使用最小描述长度(MDL)原理并行检测正常模式和异常模式,并行迭代地检测其他子图中的正常结构和异常结构。在多个大规模图数据集上的实验结果表明,检测动态图结构异常准确率达到96%,召回率达到85%,运行时间减少了一个数量级。同时还讨论了滑动窗口大小和并行数量对算法运行时间的影响。  相似文献   
针对带筋板的超声波喷丸成形,采用正交试验法研究了撞针速度、撞针直径、成形轨迹间距、喷丸区域宽度对带筋板超声波喷丸成形弧高值的影响,得出最佳参数组合方案,并以此作为样本数据,建立多元回归分析数学模型。通过实验验证模型的准确性,试验数据和回归分析数据相符较好,可以用回归分析的数学模型来预测喷丸弧高值,提高工艺设计效率。  相似文献   
The unsatisfied surface quality seriously impedes the wide application of incremental sheet forming (ISF) in industrial field. As a novel approach, the interpolator method is a promising strategy to enhance the surface quality in ISF. However, the mechanism for the improvement of surface quality and the influence of interpolator properties on surface roughness are not well understood. In this paper, the influences of process variables (i.e. tool diameter, step size and thickness of interpolators) on the forming process (e.g. surface roughness, forming force and geometric error) are investigated through a systematic experimental approach of central composite design (CCD) in two-point incremental sheet forming (TPIF). It is obtained that the increase in thickness of interpolators decreases the surface roughness in direction vertical to the tool path while increases the surface roughness in direction horizontal to the tool path. Nevertheless, the combined influence between thickness of interpolators and process parameters (tool diameter and step size) is limited. Meanwhile, the placement of interpolator has little influence on the effective forming force of blank. In addition, the geometric error enlarges with the increase of step size and thickness of interpolator while decreases firstly and then increase with an increase in tool diameter. Finally, the influencing mechanism of the interpolator method on surface quality can be attributed to the decrease of the contact pressure due to the increase of contact area with the unchanged contact force. Meanwhile, the interpolator method eliminates the sliding friction on the surface of blank due to the stable relative position between the blank and the interpolator.  相似文献   
为了解决机载托架传统校准方法精度低、耗时、费力等问题,设计了一种高精度、高效率并且操作简单的成品托架自动校准系统。该系统运用调平精度较高的"循环多次"最高点不动调平方法,建立高精度机载托架校准的静力学数学模型,运用VC与Matlab的COM接口编程技术开发机载托架自动校准系统,并建立良好的人机交互界面。试验结果表明,利用该方法对机载托架进行校准,无论是校准精度还是校准效率都较传统方法有很大提高。  相似文献   
在光照强度和温度变化时,常规的最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)算法难以快速准确地跟踪光伏系统最大功率点。针对此问题,设计了一种改进粒子群优化算法(PSO)的模糊控制器。首先,依据常规MPPT特性,设计了一种带调整因子的模糊控制算法以快速收敛到最大功率点;然后,采用参数自适应PSO对设计的模糊控制器调整因子进行动态优化。仿真结果表明:所设计的参数自适应PSO优化模糊控制器能快速准确地跟踪最大功率点,保证了MPPT的动态响应速度和稳态精度,提高了光伏系统的工作效率。  相似文献   
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