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A thermal-solid-liquid complex operational environment induces structural interface developing a typical coupling sliding/impact wear behavior. It results in contact damage until systems fail, which may cause significant economic losses and catastrophic consequences. The key point of solving this problem is to reveal the coupling damage mechanism of the sliding/impact behavior in typical systems and life characterization under a complicate evolving environment. This has been a hot topic in the area of mechanical reliability. The main work in this paper can be concluded as follows. Firstly, the main industries in which the “sliding/impact behavior” takes place have been introduced. Then, existing studies on the wear mechanism and degree analysis are presented, which includes surface morphology analysis, wear debris analysis, and wear degree measurement. Meanwhile, existing problems in theoretical modeling and experiments in current research are summarized, so as to point out a bright direction for future research on wear prediction. They include interface contact modeling, mathematic coupling mechanism modeling, wear equation establishment, and wear life characterization, which can provide some new ideas for improving the existing studies on the sliding/impact wear behavior.  相似文献   
为提升高动态低信噪比环境下卫星导航信号的捕获性能,提出了一种基于分数阶傅里叶变换(FrFT)及部分匹配滤波(PMF)的捕获方法。在该方法中,接收机首先利用PMF对接收信号做分段相干积分,随后借助快速傅里叶变换(FFT)对分段积分结果做离散快速FrFT,最后通过检测FrFT输出的峰值完成信号的捕获。由于具有多普勒频率变化率的卫星导航信号在FrFT后呈现能量聚焦特性,所提方法能够显著提高信号的长时间相干积分增益。同时对所提算法的捕获概率、平均捕获时间以及算法复杂度等性能指标进行了理论分析及计算机仿真验证。仿真表明,与传统的PMF-FFT方法相比,所提方法能够通过延长相干积分时间的方式有效提升高动态低信噪比卫星导航信号的捕获概率、降低捕获时间。  相似文献   
李献斌  王建  范广腾 《宇航学报》2020,41(5):592-598
为提高低轨指向性信息分发链路的频谱利用效率,从天基分发平台与地面用户的相对位置关系入手,建立了分发指向、编码增益与信道传输容量的量化关系。在此基础上,提出一种低轨天基信息定向分发区域分割编码控制方法,该方法针对不同信息分发区域,采用最小均方误差(MMSE)作为区域分割准则选择编码方式,既提升了信道传输效率也便于工程实现。最后,本文通过仿真分析了方法的效能和性能影响因素,并与现有自适应编码方法进行了对比,验证了本方法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   
邱实  曹喜滨  王峰 《宇航学报》2021,42(6):687-696
为实现约束条件下的精准可控撞月,提出了基于Lambert问题的精确撞月轨道设计方法。通过求解Lambert问题,可得到撞月轨道轨控时刻的速度脉冲初值解,然后通过打靶法迭代得到撞月轨道的精确解。以"龙江二号"微卫星轨道为例,对撞月点经纬度的覆盖性,以及燃料约束下同一撞月点可行的轨控弧段进行全面分析。最后,通过月球南极水冰探测的撞月轨道设计案例,以验证本文提出的轨道设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   
兰胜威  柳森  覃金贵  任磊生  李毅  黄洁 《宇航学报》2018,39(9):1054-1059
为了研究冰冻天体表面撞击坑的形成与演化,开展了水冰的超高速撞击成坑实验。使用二级轻气炮发射1.0 mm直径的球形弹丸,以3 km/s、5 km/s和7 km/s速度对圆柱状冰块进行撞击。弹丸材料包括聚碳酸酯和不锈钢两种,冰块温度为253 K。实验观察到了不同弹丸和不同速度条件下,冰块中撞击坑的形貌特征。对撞击坑直径、深度和剖面形状进行了测量,并与文献中铝弹丸对水冰的撞击坑进行了比较分析。获得了水冰撞击坑特征随撞击参数的变化规律,结果表明:撞击坑直径和深度的主导机制不同,坑深主要由弹丸侵彻作用形成,而坑径主要由冰块的剥落所致;坑深比坑径具有更强的对于弹丸密度的依赖性,高密度弹丸撞击坑直径具有比低密度弹丸更强的对于撞击速度的依赖性;撞击坑体积与撞击能量成正比,高密度弹丸形成的撞击坑直径表现出“能量缩比”行为,而低密度弹丸形成的撞击坑直径表现出“动量缩比”行为。  相似文献   
姚山峰  贺青  欧阳鑫信  夏畅雄 《宇航学报》2018,39(11):1275-1283
针对低轨双星组合接收低脉冲重复频率(LPRF)雷达信号的频差(DFO)估计存在模糊的问题,提出一种基于时差差分的频差无模糊高精度估计算法,该算法通过对高精度的时差测量值进行中心差分获得无模糊的频差估值。仿真结果表明,新算法能对PRF低至300 Hz的雷达信号进行无模糊的频差估计,估计精度在信噪比高于15 dB时逼近克拉美劳下界,可有效扩大低轨双星时/频差定位系统对LPRF信号的适用范围。  相似文献   
张超凡  董琦 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723755-723755
针对复杂环境下的固定翼无人机飞行控制问题,考虑输入饱和以及复杂外界干扰的影响,提出一种基于自适应滑模控制方法的固定翼无人机飞行控制策略。首先,对固定翼无人机模型进行介绍,将模型分为姿态子系统和速度子系统;其次,针对姿态子系统和速度子系统的特点以及控制需求,分别采用自适应多变量螺旋滑模和自适应快速超螺旋滑模设计姿态控制器和速度控制器,该策略无需设计干扰观测器对外界干扰进行估计,仍然可以实现固定翼无人机对姿态参考指令和速度参考指令的有限时间精确跟踪,并基于Lyapunov的稳定性分析方法证明了闭环系统的稳定性。最后,对本文所提出的控制策略进行了仿真验证,结果表明该控制策略具有良好的控制性能。  相似文献   
It is a known fact that ionosphere is the largest and the least predictable among the sources of error limiting the reliability and accuracy of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and its regional augmentation systems like Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) in a safety-of-life application. The situation becomes worse in the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region, where the daytime ionization distribution is modified by the fountain effect that develops a crest of electron density at around ±15° to ±20° of the magnetic equator and a trough at the magnetic equator during the local noon hours. Related to this phenomenon is the appearance of ionosphere irregularities and plasma bubbles after local sunset. These may degrade further the quality of service obtained from the GNSS/SBAS system of the said periods. Considering the present operational augmentation systems, the accuracy and integrity of the ionosphere corrections estimate decreases as the level of disturbances increases. In order to provide a correct ionosphere correction to the user of GNSS operating in African EIA region and meet the integrity requirements, a certified ionosphere correction model that accurately characterizes EIA gradient with the full capacity to over-bound the residual error will be needed. An irregularities detector and a decorrelation adaptor are essential in an algorithm usable for African sub-Saharan SBAS operation. The algorithm should be able to cater to the equatorial plasma vertical drifts, diurnal and seasonal variability of the ionosphere electron density and also should take into account the large spatial and temporal gradients in the region. This study presents the assessment of the ionosphere threat model with single and multi-layer algorithm, using modified planar fit and Kriging approaches.  相似文献   
喷雾器喷嘴出口喷流流场特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过定性定量实验手段研究了以水为单介质流体的某农用喷雾器喷嘴出口流场。首先采用单反相机常规拍摄方法,记录了喷雾压力在50~4 000 Pa范围内的喷嘴出口流场,发现了随着喷雾压力增大,喷嘴出口射流的形状经历了形成液泡到液泡破裂的过程,以及射流发展及最终稳定过程。然后通过PIV测速技术对喷雾压力在1 000~4 000 Pa范围内的喷嘴出口流场进行了定量测量实验研究,获得了在纵向截面上,喷嘴出口速度随喷雾压力增大而增大,且在中心线上的速度随着离喷口距离的增加均呈现振荡衰减的变化规律。在同一位置横向截面上,随着喷雾压力的增加,旋流强度越强,流速越大;而在同一喷雾压力下,离喷嘴出口距离越近的横截面处旋流强度越大,流速也越大。本文实验研究结果验证了PIV测速技术可以用于水雾滴的速度场测量。  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate temporal and spatial magnetosphere response to the impact of interplanetary (IP) shocks with different inclinations and speeds on the Earth’s magnetosphere. A data set with more than 500 IP shocks is used to identify positive sudden impulse (SI+) events as expressed by the SuperMAG partial ring current index. The SI+ rise time (RT), defined as the time interval between compression onset and maximum SI+ signature, is obtained for each event. We use RT and a model suggested by Takeuchi et al. (2002) to calculate the geoeffective magnetospheric distance (GMD) in the shock propagation direction as a function of shock impact angle and speed for each event. GMD is a generalization of the geoeffective magnetosphere length (GML) suggested by Takeuchi et al. (2002), defined from the subsolar point along the X line toward the tail. We estimate statistical GMD and GML values which are then reported for the first time. We also show that, similarly to well-known results for RT, the highest correlation coefficient for the GMD and impact angle is found for shocks with high speeds and small impact angles, and the faster and more frontal the shock, the smaller the GMD. This result indicates that the magnetospheric response depends heavily on shock impact angle. With these results, we argue that the prediction and forecasting of space weather events, such as those caused by coronal mass ejections, will not be accurately accomplished if the disturbances’ angles of impact are not considered as an important parameter within model and observation scheme capabilities.  相似文献   
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