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随着红外探测技术的不断发展,基于中波红外热成像的测温技术得到了越来越广泛的应用。在研究中波红外成像系统测温原理的基础上,探讨了黑体辐射定标技术,以及环境辐射和定标数据处理方法对测温准确度的影响,提出了一系列的处理方法,实现了一套基于红外成像的温度场测量方案,并有效补偿了环境辐射对测量结果的影响,同时降低了定标数据拟合引起的误差,使测温准确度得到了很好保证。  相似文献   
In this paper, an improved Kalpana-1 infrared (IR) based rainfall estimation algorithm, specific to Indian summer monsoon region is presented. This algorithm comprises of two parts: (i) development of Kalpana-1 IR based rainfall estimation algorithm with improvement for orographic warm rain underestimation generally suffered by IR based rainfall estimation methods and (ii) cooling index to take care of the growth and decay of clouds and thereby improving the precipitation estimation.  相似文献   
Rotating machinery is widely applied in industrial applications. Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery is vital in manufacturing system, which can prevent catastrophic failure and reduce financial losses. Recently, Deep Learning (DL)-based fault diagnosis method becomes a hot topic. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is an effective DL method to extract the features of raw data automatically. This paper develops a fault diagnosis method using CNN for InfRared Thermal (IRT) image. First, IRT technique is utilized to capture the IRT images of rotating machinery. Second, the CNN is applied to extract fault features from the IRT images. In the end, the obtained features are fed into the Softmax Regression (SR) classifier for fault pattern identification. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated using two different experimental data. Results show that the proposed method has a superior performance in identification various faults on rotor and bearings comparing with other deep learning models and traditional vibration-based method.  相似文献   
设计了一种用于红外导引头性能测试的红外动态目标模拟器,利用数字微镜阵列(DMD)对黑体红外辐射进行反射调制,并由光学准直系统实现红外场景生成系统与红外导引头的光学耦合。用光学设计软件(ZEMAX)对准直光学系统进行了设计和优化,准直光学系统成像质量良好,接近衍射极限,点列图直径小于艾里斑直径,畸变小于0.1%。结果表明该系统环境适应性强,能很好地用于红外导引头动态图像的校准。  相似文献   
介绍了航空橡胶密封件的力学、泄漏、损伤、接触变形等特性的无损检测技术及应用情况。其中,橡胶密封件泄漏压差测量方法,用于获得不同压差下的气体泄漏率;橡胶密封件接触应力超声检测技术,实现了橡胶密封接触应力的准确测量;橡胶密封件损伤与泄漏的红外热成像测试技术,可以得到泄漏点的定位与泄漏量的精确测量;橡胶密封件接触变形数字图像相关技术,获得了织物接触界面变形场与应力场的演化规律等。同时,对航空橡胶密封件的非接触测量技术进行了展望。  相似文献   
隐身技术作为提高作战生存力的关键环节,是复杂对抗环境下武器装备信息化作战的最重要技术指标。飞翼布局以其独特的隐身优势,成为无人作战飞机首选布局形式。文章以超低RCS亚声速飞翼布局无人机平台为基础,从多频谱隐身特征平衡设计出发,针对其采用低发射率材料前后的红外隐身特性进行了对比分析,验证了红外隐身措施的有效性。  相似文献   
The GOES Precipitation Index (GPI) technique (Arkin, 1979) for rainfall estimation has been in operation for the last three decades. However, its applications are limited to the larger temporal and spatial scales. The present study focuses on the augmentation on GPI technique by incorporating a moisture factor for the environmental correction developed by Vicente et al. (1998). It consists of two steps; in the first step the GPI technique is applied to the Kalpana-IR data for rainfall estimation over the Indian land and oceanic region and in the second step an environmental moisture correction factor is applied to the GPI-based rainfall to estimate the final rainfall. Detailed validation with rain gauges and comparison with Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) merged data product (3B42) are performed and it is found that the present technique is able to estimate the rainfall with better accuracy than the GPI technique over higher temporal and spatial domains for many operational applications in and around the Indian regions using Indian geostationary satellite data. Further comparison with the Doppler Weather Radar shows that the present technique is able to retrieve the rainfall with reasonably good accuracy.  相似文献   
InGaAs探测器热电制冷方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
InGaAs探测器在短波红外领域具有良好的探测率,对空间遥感和探测有重要的价值。为了实现空间红外仪器的高灵敏度要求,使用热电制冷技术设计了探测器制冷系统,使探测器稳定地工作在合适的温度,以相对较小的体积和功耗代价显著地提高红外仪器的探测灵敏度。  相似文献   
通过三维流场、介质的质量浓度场与辐射场耦合求解方法,计算了1台有中心锥的轴对称喷管的空腔-喷流组合红外辐射特性.利用专门为自由剪切流动发展的Tam-Ganesan湍流模型,有效提高排气系统红外辐射模拟精度.采用有限体积法(FVM)结合窄带模型(NBM)计算了排气系统在3~5μm波段的辐射传输问题,并考虑大气衰减作用.对比了采用标准k-ε模型和Tam-Ganesan模型对排气系统核心区长度的影响,以及由此引起的排气系统红外辐射特性的变化.通过与试验数据对比证明了该结果的准确性,结果表明选择合适的湍流模型对计算排气系统红外辐射特性有重要的意义.  相似文献   
以四氯化碳为吸收液采集压缩气体中的油类物质,用红外光度法测定油含量,依据JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》,评定了红外光度法测定压缩气体中油含量结果的不确定度。分析了影响不确定度的因素,对各不确定度分量进行了分析和计算,当压缩气体中油测量结果为5.52mg/m3时,扩展不确定度为0.68mg/m3。  相似文献   
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