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Swirl-Loop Scavenging (SLS) improves the performance of 2-stroke aircraft diesel engine because the involved swirl may not only benefit the scavenging process, but also facilitate the fuel atomization and combustion. The arrangement of scavenge port angles greatly influences in-cylinder flow distribution and swirl intensity, as well as the performance of the SLS engine. However, the mechanism of the effect and visualization experiment are rarely mentioned in the literature. To further investigate the SLS, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation are adopted to obtain its swirl distribution characteristics, and the effect of port angles on scavenging performance is discussed based on engine fired cycle simulation. The results illustrate that Reynolds Stress Turbulence model is accurate enough for in-cylinder flow simulation. Tangential and axial velocity distribution of the flow, as well as the scavenging performance, are mainly determined by geometric scavenge port angles αgeom and βgeom. For reinforcement of scavenging on cross-sections and meridian planes, αgeom value of 27° and βgeom value of 60° are preferred, under which the scavenging efficiency reaches as high as 73.7%. Excessive swirl intensity has a negative effect on SLS performance, which should be controlled to a proper extent.  相似文献   
滚动轴承作为许多机械设备的关键组件,被广泛应用于机械制造、航空航天等领域,其健康状态直接影响了相应设备的剩余寿命,因此在设备故障预测与健康管理(Prognostics and Health Management, PHM)领域,滚动轴承寿命预测具有很高的研究价值。目前基于数据驱动的轴承寿命预测方法主要利用特征提取并构造健康因子(Health Indicator, HI),然而在这一过程中特征的选择与融合依然依赖于专家先验知识,并且健康因子也很难从复杂的时序数据中进行提取。因此,提出了一种新型的数据驱动寿命预测算法,在特征提取方面,通过连续小波变换(Continuous Wavelet Transform,CWT)将传感器振动信号转换为时频谱图,再通过深度残差网络(Deep residual network, ResNet)结合时空卷积网络(Temporal Convolutional Network, TCN)将时频谱图中的时域频域特征构造成为健康因子,最后完成剩余寿命预测。本研究在PRONOSTIA数据集上与现有的数据驱动算法进行了对比,证明了该算法可以更准确地完成剩余寿命预测。  相似文献   
The aircraft system has recently gained its reputation as a reliable and efficient tool for sensing and parsing aerial scenes. However, accurate and fast semantic segmentation of high-resolution aerial images for remote sensing applications is still facing three challenges: the requirements for limited processing resources and low-latency operations based on aerial platforms, the balance between high accuracy and real-time efficiency for model performance, and the confusing objects with large intra-class variations and small inter-class differences in high-resolution aerial images. To address these issues, a lightweight and dual-path deep convolutional architecture, namely Aerial Bilateral Segmentation Network (Aerial-BiSeNet), is proposed to perform real-time segmentation on high-resolution aerial images with favorable accuracy. Specifically, inspired by the receptive field concept in human visual systems, Receptive Field Module (RFM) is proposed to encode rich multi-scale contextual information. Based on channel attention mechanism, two novel modules, called Feature Attention Module (FAM) and Channel Attention based Feature Fusion Module (CAFFM) respectively, are proposed to refine and combine features effectively to boost the model performance. Aerial-BiSeNet is evaluated on the Potsdam and Vaihingen datasets, where leading performance is reported compared with other state-of-the-art models, in terms of both accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   
电子经纬仪是一种高精度的测角仪器,由多台高精度电子经纬仪构成的测量系统可以实现三维坐标测量,用于对大型工业产品的几何检测。但经纬仪在测量过程中仍然需要人工瞄准目标,存在速度慢、效率低、人为因素影响大等不足。实现经纬仪自动照准目标功能将是一个新的发展方向。提出一种基于图像的自动瞄准技术,通过在经纬仪上安装一台相机获取待测目标点的图像,利用图形目标识别技术获取目标点图像坐标,依据相机与经纬仪的空间关系可以获得各目标点相对于经纬仪的初始角度,从而实现目标点的快速概略定位,理论推导及实验证明本方法能够准确有效的获得目标点的概略位置。  相似文献   
针对8 m×5 m的柔性太阳翼在倒立状态下进行模态试验,设计数字摄像视觉测振系统,基于图像特征跟踪法实现了从相机标定、图像采集、信息提取到三维振动数据获取的过程,通过工况模态辨识方法获取了柔性太阳翼模态频率及振型等动力学参数。并考虑空气和重力影响建立太阳翼有限元模型,通过与基于基恩士激光位移传感器的传统模态试验结果及仿真分析结果进行对比,验证了基于视觉测振工况模态试验方法的准确性,为柔性太阳翼在轨模态辨识奠定基础。  相似文献   
We studied the cyclic evolution of the latitudinal distribution of solar coronal active regions based on daily images from SOHO EIT for the period 1995–2017. Fully automated software was used, which included the following steps: initial preparation of images in the data series, normalization of histograms and correction of limb brightening, segmentation of images using threshold intensity values obtained from their histograms, scanning of segmented images in heliographic coordinates and obtaining profiles of latitudinal distribution of coronal active regions for each image of the data series. From the output data, we obtained a temporary change in the latitudinal distribution profiles and the migration of activity centers on the solar disk. From the period of minimum activity to the next minimum in both hemispheres, activity centers begin to migrate from high latitudes towards the equator. At the same time, the general center of activity repeatedly changes the direction of migration. The latitudinal distribution of the so-called presence factor of coronal active regions closely resembles the magnetic butterfly diagram, which proves their direct causal relationships. Variations in the presence factor of coronal active regions are correlated with cyclic variations in the sunspot daily numbers.  相似文献   
根据示温漆(TIP)图像特征及相关实验结果,提出了一种基于模糊C均值(FCM)聚类的示温漆图像分割算法。该算法以FCM聚类算法为核心,应用双边滤波器平滑图像,提高图像分割质量。通过颜色空间转换,提高图像聚类的迭代效率。实验表明:该算法增强了示温漆温度判读需要的特征信息,可以提取人眼无法识别的等温线,同时消除了等温线崎岖等现象,测温误差为±10℃。算法应用效果良好,满足工程要求,已用于示温漆自动判读软件开发。   相似文献   
针对现有对刀方法存在的各种不足,提出了一种微小刀具的同轴全息对刀方法。在对全息成像原理和全息图像关键问题进行研究与分析的基础上,搭建了一套微细铣刀的全息对刀检测装置,并利用标准刀具在五轴加工中心进行了微细铣刀的对刀测量试验。试验结果表明:该对刀装置能够高效地进行微细铣刀的对刀检测,系统相对检测精度达5.1μm。在相同检测条件下,与高精度机外预调仪的测量结果相比,接触式对刀仪的相对误差为0.033%,而全息对刀样机的相对误差为0.007%,后者更能有效地实现微小刀具的对刀检测。该结果验证了微小刀具的同轴全息对刀方法的可行性,即全息测量可用于微细铣刀的高精度对刀。  相似文献   
针对海上船舶甲板的监控需求,本文提出了一种基于系留无人机的图像遥测系统设计方法,即通过系留无人机上的图像采集装置对被监控目标进行视频信号实时采集、压缩,再经过遥测装置的编码、调制、放大后由天线进行辐射,最后由数十公里外的遥测接收机完成接收、解调、解码,可实时显示船舶甲板图像信息。文中介绍了系统的软硬件组成、关键设备的设计方法、综合性能的分析,对相关图像遥测技术应用有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
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