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不同直径圆球诱导燃烧的振荡机制与频率特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘帅  张子健  滕宏辉 《推进技术》2021,42(4):745-754
为了分析不同直径圆球诱导振荡燃烧的规律,并揭示圆球大小在振荡燃烧现象中所发挥的深层次作用,本文采用二维轴对称Euler方程和基元反应模型,对不同直径的圆球在H2/air预混气体中诱导振荡燃烧的现象开展数值模拟研究。研究发现,振荡频率并不是简单地随直径增大而逐渐从高频向低频连续过渡,而是存在两次突变,形成了超高频、高频以及低频三种振荡燃烧模态。在两种模态间过渡时,振荡达到稳定状态前,会存在一段双频耦合的振荡阶段。三种不同振荡燃烧模态的产生是受到了不同振荡机制的作用,而两种模态间过渡时的双频耦合现象则是两种机制相互竞争的结果。  相似文献   
To address the flow imbalance rapidly of the asymmetric Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA), this paper presents a novel architecture of asymmetric EHA with the Digital Distribution (EHA-DD). It also improves the flow nonlinearity and control accuracy of the pump, especially in the low-speed condition. The digital distribution with two High-Speed on–off Valves (HSVs) not only balances flow instead of the check valves, but also replaces the pump at the low-speed to control output flow by adjusting the PWM signal. The pump and HSVs are the crucial components to control flow output. Firstly, the flow calculation models of the pump and the duty ratio inversed model of the HSV are obtained through experimental tests and the identification method. To get the control input signal for the required flow, the pump speed and PWM duty ratio for the HSVs are inversed to compensate for flow output. Further, a multimode digital flow distribution control method based on pump speed, mainly including the pump-controlled mode for large flow demand and valve-controlled mode for little flow demand, is proposed to control the accurate flow output actively. The step extension experiments based on the flow calculation models are conducted on the EHA-DD prototype under elastic, opposite varying load. The results demonstrate that the EHA-DD realizes little position error by accurate flow control, and it is also beneficial to improve the service life of the pump.  相似文献   
The measurement of position and attitude parameters for the isolated target from a high-speed aircraft is a great challenge in the field of wind tunnel simulation technology. This paper proposes a remote-controlled flexible pose measurement system in wind tunnel conditions for the separation of a target from an aircraft. The position and attitude parameters of a moving object are obtained by utilizing a single camera with a focal length and camera orientation that can be changed based on different measurement conditions. Using this proposed system and method, both the flexibility and efficiency of the pose measurement system can be enhanced in wind tunnel conditions to meet the measurement requirements of different objects and experiments, which is also useful for the development of an intelligent position and attitude measurement system. The position and the focal length of the camera also can be controlled remotely during measurements to enlarge both the vertical and horizontal measurement range of this system. Experiments are conducted in the laboratory to measure the position and attitude of moving objects with high flexibility and efficiency, and the measurement precision of the measurement system is also verified through experiments.  相似文献   
在纹影技术应用过程中,纹影光源的性能一定程度上决定了拍摄结果的优劣。不同种类的光源,得到的拍摄效果不同,对于某种特定拍摄需求,光源的选择和设计也不同。如何选择和设计合适的纹影光源,对于最终拍摄结果的好坏至关重要。结合纹影技术在工程实际中的应用,分析了不同被测对象对光源的需求,总结了几种常见光源的应用情况及其特点,提供了一种光源参数设计的方法。在实验室典型超声速自由射流流场测量中,对卤钨灯、氙灯和激光3种纹影光源的应用进行了对比分析。所提出的纹影光源的选择与设计方法,具有一定的工程实验参考价值。  相似文献   
姜宏  杨孟飞  刘波  刘鸿瑾  龚健 《宇航学报》2019,40(9):1071-1079
针对航天高速SpaceWire总线系统对协议IP的高可靠性要求,提出一种用于静态随机访问存储器(SRAM)型现场可编辑逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的增强三模冗余(TMR)方法。该方法对传统三模冗余和部分三模冗余做了改进,将需要进行三模冗余的原设计分为一般单元集和可靠性薄弱的关键单元集,对一般单元集中的每个单元做三模冗余,对关键单元集中的每个单元做顺序四模冗余。给出了顺序四模冗余的可靠度计算式和表决器的布尔表达式。建立了系统可靠性的马尔科夫模型并基于模型开展了可靠性仿真。仿真结果表明增强三模冗余系统的可靠性不仅明显优于传统三模冗余系统,而且优于部分三模冗余系统,使系统可靠性得到有效提高。  相似文献   
激光位移传感器高速数据采集与处理系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于FPGA和单片机的激光位移传感器高速数据采集与处理系统的工作原理与软硬件设计,该系统采用FPGA作为核心控制器,主要完成A/D转换时钟控制、CCD像点位置提取、数据缓冲异步FIFO三部分功能。单片机负责键控、显示以及系统协调。这种基于FPGA和单片机的同步采集、实时读取采集数据的方案,可以提高系统采集和传输的速度。该硬件电路结构简单、成本低廉、可靠性高、功耗较低,满足了实际应用中的要求。  相似文献   
高速摄像是光学测量的重要手段。分析了高速摄像三维图像分析技术的处理过程,重点讨论了像机标定、自动目标检测与跟踪技术、多目标匹配技术和三维姿态测量技术等关键环节所面临的问题及解决方法,并以无人机回收测量系统为例说明了高速摄像三维图像分析技术在无人机位姿参数测量中的应用,对构建高速摄像测量系统提供了参考。  相似文献   
采用金刚石模拟高脆性、高熔点微流星体材料,对航天器典型Whipple防护结构进行高速撞击试验.试验表明,撞击产生的高温高压效应导致金刚石部分或全部转化为石墨,金刚石对防护结构的损伤主要体现在中低速阶段,当撞击速度大于4.3km/s时,对后板的灼烧损伤极为显著。  相似文献   
合成孔径雷达回波数据速率一般高达3GSPS,如何采集、存储、压缩、传输如此高速率的数据成为一个难点。文章在分析了SAR回波数据特点的基础上,设计并实现了一个SAR高速实时信号处理系统。该系统以FP-GA为核心处理器、ADC08D1500为高性能的AD采集芯片、DDR_SDRAM为数据存储器、TLK2711为数据传输芯片。实验结果表明:本文设计的高速实时信号处理系统性能良好,能够很好地实时处理高速率的SAR回波数据。同时该系统易于实现,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   
高速数字图像数据传输的研究及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖龙  万旻  李涛 《航天返回与遥感》2009,30(2):50-55,69
随着CCD相机几何分辨率和辐射分辨率的提高,其数据传输速率越来越高,传输通道也越来越多,因此对相机与采集卡之间(或者数传设备)的接口性能提出了更高的要求。文章基于并/串(串/并)转换功能的芯片.研究探讨了一种高速数字图像传输方法,可提高数据传输率,减少电缆数量,提高可靠性,为实现航天相机的轻型化、小型化作出一定的贡献。  相似文献   
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