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GNSS9916(GPS/GLONASS)接收机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍七○四所独立研制开发的 GNSS991 6(GPS/ GL ONASS)接收机性能、指标、组成和工作原理。  相似文献   
基于GNSS的高轨卫星定位技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)进行导航定位具有全球、全天候、实时和高精度的优点,应用于高地球轨道(HEO)卫星的定位,能够提供精确的轨道和姿态确定,并且可以克服目前主要利用地面测控系统对HEO卫星进行定位的设备复杂、投资高等缺点,使得自主导航成为可能.本文对利用GNSS的高轨卫星定位相关技术进行了研究,分析了单一GNSS系统和多个GNSS组合系统的卫星可见性、动态性和几何精度因子(GDOP).通过仿真分析表明,利用组合GNSS系统并通过提高GNSS接收机灵敏度的方法,可以解决GNSS进行HEO卫星定位的相关问题,并能保证HEO卫星定位精度的要求.   相似文献   

针对如何利用GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)数据进行电离层扰动监测的问题,提出了一种基于GNSS数据表征全球电离层扰动的方法。利用大约400个GNSS地面站点的观测数据,计算总电子含量(Total Electron Content,TEC)变化率的标准差——ROTI(Rate of TEC Index)。将该计算结果作为扰动观测量,在纬度与经度的网格上投影形成1 h分辨率的ROTI地图。ROTI地图能够体现几千米到几十千米的电离层不规则体,分析2015年3月期间电离层平静和扰动剧烈时ROTI地图发现,这种大尺度的不规则体主要分布在高纬和低纬区域,磁暴期间ROTI地图会出现数值和扰动面积上的变化,ROTI地图在一定程度上能够表现全球电离层不规则结构的扰动。在此基础上提出了新的全球ROTI扰动指数(Global ROTI index, GROTI),分析结果表明高纬区域的GROTI与地磁指数KpAE指数存在良好的相关性。

The purpose of this work is to report the experimental evidences for the influence of perturbations in the electron density in the dayside mid-latitude ionosphere, that are caused by high-frequency heating of the F2 layer, on the GNSS signals. The experiments were carried out at the Sura heater (Radio Physical Research Institute, N. Novgorod). During the sessions of ionospheric heating with different time modulations of the radiated power the rays linking the navigational satellites with the ground receiver intersected the heated region. Variations in the total electron content (TEC) were studied; these variations are proportional to the reduced phases of navigational signals. It is shown that with the square-wave modulation of the radiated power (with periods of 1, 6, 10 and 15 min), perturbations with periods of the main modulation of heating and its harmonics appear in the spectrum of TEC variations. Examples are presented of identification of the heating-induced variations in TEC, including determination of the amplitudes and time characteristics of these variations.  相似文献   
The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) has not been developed as a meteorological data source provider, but with a careful and sophisticated processing strategy it might be used as one. The term GNSS tomography refers to the usage of the ray traced GNSS signal as scanning rays in the tomographic model input. The model is divided into a number of voxels. The system is inverted and value of refractivity is obtained. Typically, as in the most of the inverse processing, there is a problem of the undetermined system and as a consequence the cofactor matrix is close to singular. To avoid singularity additional conditions or constrains should be added to the system. Here, additional parameters are derived with the help of the air flow analysis in the Sudety mountains (south-west region of Poland), and special Slant Wet Delay (SWD) trimming procedure. The flow’s synthetic parameters like the Bruint-Väisälä frequency and the Froude number are determined. This way the type of the flow is recognized and the analysis of the impact of orographic barrier has been quantified. The SWDs from the GNSS observations were tested against, SWD from raytracing through the COAMPS model field. The modified GNSS tomography model was tested for the real GNSS observations delivered from the GNSS network Karkonosze located in the Sudety mountains and compared with the COAMPS model. The solution shows a considerable improvement in comparison with plain tomographic model results.  相似文献   
We present first results of using the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Galileo for determining the Total Electron Content (TEC). Furthermore, we describe a calibration technique which can be used to determine GNSS inter-frequency and inter-system biases along with calibrated TEC.  相似文献   
惯性/卫星组合导航开发平台的可视化仿真和实现   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对惯性/卫星组合导航开发平台的可视化仿真及其实现进行了研究。该开发平台采用Visual++6.0语言进行编程,可进行实时导航动画显示,对惯性导航、GNSS及多种组合模态进行仿真运行,其结构和参数可由操作者根据实际情况选择或自行设定;特别针对不同的应用对象,可灵活地设置航迹和航路点,因此有较高的应用价值和实用意义,不失为设计组合导航系统的有力工具,在实际应用中对惯性/卫星组合导航系统研制和设计具有前瞻性和指导性。同时,模块化设计使该软件中的核心算法已方便地移植应用于实际工程组合导航系统中,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   
矢量跟踪是一种将全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收机的信号跟踪与导航解算融为一体的跟踪算法。传统的基于矢量延迟/频率锁定环(VDFLL)的跟踪算法普遍采用延迟锁定环(DLL)和锁频环(FLL)鉴别器计算伪距和伪距率偏差观测量,由于锁频环鉴别器存在近似误差和一步延迟效应,在高动态环境下容易造成环路失锁。从直接估计卫星信号特征参数的角度出发,基于中频信号模型构建码相位和载波多普勒的极大似然代价函数,采用非迭代估计算法得到各通道码相位和多普勒频移的估计偏差,转换为卡尔曼滤波器的观测矢量,提出一种基于极大似然估计器(MLE)的矢量跟踪算法。理论分析和仿真结果表明:新算法结合了极大似然估计和矢量跟踪的优点,克服了FLL的延迟效应,与基于VDFLL的矢量环路相比,高动态环境下的跟踪稳定性更好,可以对被遮挡的卫星保持持续的跟踪。  相似文献   
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