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介绍了面向下一代运载火箭分布式模块化电子系统(DIMA)的集成技术及系统架构。针对下一代运载火箭复杂电子系统的特点,按照系统集成的路线,对系统设计目标、系统功能需求分析、系统抽象机制、系统综合技术等多方面进行论述。首先,根据电气系统功能获得系统需求,采用功能抽象和层次抽象定义系统抽象模型,提取出高内聚低耦合的原子功能模块,并对模块的属性、交换关系、时序约束关系等进行定义;然后采用可视化表征方法对系统进行深入分析,利用系统综合技术实现了从系统功能到硬件资源的映射,从而给出了集成控制单元和模块的种类;随后采用分时分区的设计理念对系统节点分区划分方案及容错架构进行了定义,并对分区操作系统的调度模型和交换式的数据交互网络进行了论述,最终给出了系统软硬件架构。  相似文献   
This paper investigates a time-varying anti-disturbance formation problem for a group of quadrotor aircrafts with time-varying uncertainties and a directed interaction topology. A novel Finite-Time Convergent Extended State Observer (FTCESO) based fully-distributed formation control scheme is proposed to enhance the disturbance rejection and the formation tracking performances for networked quadrotors. By adopting the hierarchical control strategy, the multi-quadrotor system is separated into two subsystems: the outer-loop cooperative subsystem and the inner-loop attitude subsystem. In the outer-loop subsystem, with the estimation of disturbing forces and uncertain dynamics from FTCESOs, an adaptive consensus theory based cooperative controller is exploited to ensure the multiple quadrotors form and maintain a time-varying pattern relying only on the positions of the neighboring aircrafts. In the inner-loop subsystem, the desired attitude generated by the cooperative control law is stably tracked under a FTCESO-based attitude controller in a finite time. Based on a detailed algorithm to specify the cooperative control protocol, the feasibility condition to achieve the time-varying anti-disturbance formation tracking is derived and the rigorous analysis of the whole closed-loop multi-quadrotor system is given. Some numerical examples are conducted to intuitively demonstrate the effectiveness and the improvements of the proposed control framework.  相似文献   
This paper focused on online scheduling of distributed Earth observation satellite system in a dynamic environment. The objective was to maximize the total profit of the overall system by efficiently coordinating the different satellites with stochastic arrival of urgent tasks, subject to rigid communication and observation time window constraints. We formulated this problem as a single-task, single-robot, time-extended assignment problem with intra-schedule dependency using the multi-robot task assignment taxonomy and formulated the sub-problem after releasing urgent tasks in a mixed-integer linear programming model. We first described the online scheduling algorithm for a single satellite, then we proposed the modified consensus-based bundle algorithm (m-CBBA) and modified asynchronous consensus-based bundle algorithm (m-ACBBA) with synchronous and asynchronous communication, respectively. Compared with initial versions of CBBA and ACBBA, the modified versions added the communication loop prediction phases to efficiently utilize scarce communication opportunities and reduce the communication requirements. Additionally, we introduce two contract net protocol (CNP)-based algorithms for comparison, respectively SingleItem-CNP-based (SI-CNP) algorithm and Batch-CNP-based (BA-CNP) algorithm. Computational experiments indicated that both the total profit and percentage of scheduled urgent tasks achieved by the m-ACBBA and m-CBBA algorithms were much higher than those achieved by both SI-CNP and BA-CNP. Additionally, the number of communications needed by either m-ACBBA or m-CBBA algorithm was lower than that by SI-CNP. When the communication cost in the system is high, the m-CBBA algorithm is preferred because it balances the profit and the required number of communications. When the communication cost is low, the m-ACBBA algorithm is preferred because it achieves high total profit and high percentage of scheduled urgent tasks.  相似文献   
为确定失效航天器等非合作目标的相对位姿,提出一种通过纹理边界检测的椭圆特征提取方法。该方法假设椭圆特征是航天器表面两种不同纹理的边界,利用上一时刻相对位姿信息,将对接环离散几何模型投影到像平面,并沿各离散点的法向方向通过概率方法检测纹理边界点。利用随机抽样一致(RANSAC)方法剔除边界点中的粗大误差,进而拟合出椭圆参数。纹理特征对光照变化具有鲁棒性,因此该方法能够在变光照、星体表面反光不均匀等复杂情况下快速准确地提取图像中的椭圆特征。本文以对接环图像特征提取为例进行仿真校验,分析了算法参数和噪声对提取椭圆精度和时间的影响。利用真实图像与基于梯度边缘的椭圆提取方法进行对比,结果表明,所提出的算法具有较高的精度和速度。  相似文献   
This study proposes a new simulation platform named Simulation Integrated Management (SIM) for the analysis of parallel and distributed systems. The platform eases the process of designing and testing both applications and architectures. The main characteristics of SIM are flexibility, scalability, and expandability. To improve the efficiency of project development, new models of early-warning satellite system were designed based on the SIM platform. Finally, through a series of experiments, the correctness of SIM platform and the aforementioned early-warning satellite models was validated, and the systematical analyses for the orbital determination precision of the ballistic missile during its entire flight process were presented, as well as the deviation of the launch/landing point. Furthermore, the causes of deviation and prevention methods will be fully explained. The simulation platform and the models will lay the foundations for further validations of autonomy technology in space attack-defense architecture research.  相似文献   
为更好地开展深空无线电干涉测量试验,基于DiFX(Distributed FX,分布式FX型相关处理)、SPICE(Spacecraft Planet Instrument Camera-matrix Events,航天器行星仪器照相机矩阵事件)、HOPS(Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System,Haystack克天文台后处理系统)及AIPS(Astronomical Image Processing System,天文图像处理系统)等开源软件,搭建了一套可用于深空探测器信号相关处理的无线电干涉测量数据处理系统。首先介绍了该系统的整体架构及组成,然后介绍了系统各组成模块的功能及工作原理,最后利用该系统对嫦娥三号着陆器开展了观测试验,并对观测数据进行了处理。试验结果表明,该系统能成功实现深空航天器信号的相关处理、条纹拟合,以及时延解算等功能,有望为我国嫦娥五号任务及火星探测任务数据处理提供支持。  相似文献   
带角度约束的多飞行器编队协同拦截制导律设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对多枚飞行器协同拦截同一目标的问题,在最优控制与时间调整相结合的基础上,设计了一种带有时间约束与角度约束的协同制导律。首先,在初始时刻(或中段制导结束时刻),根据初始状态及终端角度约束情况,以指定策略为编队中的各飞行器分配拦截角度。其次,采用线性化最优控制的设计方法,解算带有拦截角度约束的最优导引指令。最后,在求解针对运动目标的飞行器剩余时间估计的基础上,根据一致性的方法推导时间调整项的导引指令。仿真结果表明,在典型背景下,设计的制导律能够使多枚飞行器以特定的编队构型协同拦截同一目标,从而有效提高拦截概率。  相似文献   
工程实际应用受限于DSP芯片在线解算能力、器件精度的约束,无法在短时导航周期内完成大量高精度迭代运算,尤其一般的单DSP芯片无法满足系统庞大的数字处理需求和实时性要求,只能采取调整算法或者在软件上降低计算精度来让步处理,增加了系统复杂度的同时也影响了算法最终的解算精度。利用多嵌入式DSP系统同步处理高效、编程方便和应用程序容易维护的特点,配合一种多元统计的主成分分析方法,设计了分布式滤波计算方法,用于解决动基座对准运算复杂、矩阵计算量大等问题,具有较强的应用价值。  相似文献   
孔繁锵  吴宪云 《宇航学报》2011,32(2):367-379
基于干涉多光谱图像特点和应用环境要求,提出一种基于分布式信源编码和感兴趣区域编码的干涉多光谱图像压缩算法。编码端通过关键帧预测出边信息帧,然后联合估计的边信息帧和插值分布的概率模型在编码端进行比特平面码率估计,最后采用基于率失真提升的感兴趣区域编码,调整图像不同区域的率失真斜率来进行更合理的码率分配。实验结果表明,该算法比传统算法更好地保护了多光谱图像的光谱信息。在不同压缩比的情况下,这种编码方式在干涉多光谱图像压缩系统中可获得较好的效果,算法复杂度低。  相似文献   
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