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用时空守恒元和解元(CE/SE)法模拟有无障碍物情况下爆震管二维爆震波的形成和传播过程,分析爆震波的不同机理,研究在较低能量下,点火区温度、爆震管管径以及障碍物对爆燃-爆震转捩过程(DDT)的影响.控制方程采取无量纲形式,用拓展的隐式梯形法实现刚性源项积分.研究表明,点火能量与点火压力相关,在较低的点火能量下,可以通过提高点火温度、减小爆震管径及加入障碍物加强爆震过程,减小爆燃-爆震转捩过程DDT时间和距离.为研究爆震波点火和DDT过程提供了理论依据.   相似文献   
提出了一种基于模糊逻辑的航空发动机数控系统多故障的识别方法.首先采用Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)模糊模型描述一种涡喷发动机数控系统的非线性模型,然后应用全解耦奇偶方程进行多故障的检测和隔离,并结合卡尔曼滤波器识别出传感器和执行器故障参数.仿真结果表明,针对传感器和执行器同时发生故障的情况,此方法能有效检测故障,并能准确识别出故障参数.   相似文献   
采用近似完全数值解法对HKD-1型航空润滑油进行了重载点接触热弹流分析,将两种不同流变模型下的计算结果进行比较,并进行了试验验证.结果表明:重载情况下,润滑油的非牛顿特性较显著,非牛顿特性对于弹流润滑中润滑油的温度、剪应力和拖动力影响较大,对压力分布影响较小.采用牛顿模型计算误差非常大,采用Evans-Johnson模型计算精度较高.滑滚比增加,油膜温升增加显著,压力变化不大,只是二次压力峰的峰值有所减小.   相似文献   
冰雹的数值模拟方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰雹的撞击对于飞机的整个结构存在着巨大的威胁,偶尔的一次遭遇冰雹袭击也是对飞机结构性能的严峻考验。由于实验测试需要投入大量的人力财力,因此,建立冰雹的数学模型显得尤为重要。目前所建立的数值模型主要有三种:有限元(FE)模型,任意拉格朗日一欧拉(ALE)模型和光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)模型。首先论证了这些数值模型与实验测试结果吻合的情况,接着模拟了冰雹撞击飞机发动机进气道的过程,最后通过对这三种冰雹模型的比较,得出了SPH模型是分析冰雹撞击飞机问题的最有效、最好的模型的结论。  相似文献   
An analytical methodology was developed to investigate the effect of fiber/matrix interface debonding on matrix multicracking evolution of fiber-reinforced CMCs(ceramic-matrix composites). The Budiansky-Hutchinson-Evans shear-lag model was adopted to analyse the micro-stress field of the damaged composites. The critical matrix strain energy criterion, which presupposes the existence of an ultimate or critical matrix strain energy with matrix, was obtained to simulate the matrix multicracking evolution of CMCs. With the increase of the applied stress, the matrix multicracking and fiber/matrix interface debonding occurred to dissipate the additional energy entered into the composites. The fiber/matrix interface debonded length under matrix multicracking evolution was obtained by treating the interface debonding as a particular crack propagation problem. The conditions for no-debonding and debonding during the evolution of matrix multicracking were discussed in terms of two interfacial properties, i.e., the interface shear stress and interface debonded toughness. When the fiber/matrix interface was bonded, the matrix multicracking evolution was much more intense compared with the interface debonding; when the fiber/matrix interface was debonded, the matrix crack density increased with the increasing of interface shear stress and interface debonded energy. The theoretical results were compared with experimental data of unidirectional SiC/CAS(calcium alumina silicate), SiC/CAS-Ⅱ and SiC/borosilicate composites.   相似文献   
为了在X射线脉冲星地面实验系统仿真源模拟产生X射线的基础上,能够快速稳定地得到脉冲轮廓,采用硬件历元叠加的方法获得脉冲轮廓。研究了用硬件实现历元叠加及其数据整合的算法,该算法首先在MATLAB现场可编程逻辑阵列(FPGA)中实现,再通过MATLAB硬件描述语言(HDL)代码生成模块把算法转换成HDL,经编译后获得配置硬件的Bit文件,最终在开发板FPGA上实现数据处理的硬件模块。一段时间内的光子到达时间数据通过MATLAB算法得到的脉冲轮廓数据与通过硬件模块处理后得到的数据结果存在误差,在单个时间窗口内误差最大值为2个光子数,误差平均值占光子数统计平均值的0.084%;两组统计的脉冲轮廓数据中不同数据占总数据个数的9.481%,这样的误差不影响后端模拟导航模块的导航。利用硬件实现的历元叠加及其数据整合模块具有处理速度快、设备紧凑、功耗低的特点,为航天器利用X射线脉冲星导航提供了一种可行的硬件数据处理技术上的支持。  相似文献   
无源定位中,由于观测站安放在运动平台等原因造成的观测站位置误差会影响无源定位精度性能。另外到达时间差(简称时差)(TDOA)的转发式测量需要将不同观测站截获到的辐射源信号都转发到同一位置,如主观测站。针对这两个问题,提出了基于约束总体最小二乘(CTLS)的无源定位算法。首先将转发式时差的非线性定位方程转化为不需要中间变量的直接线性方程,再基于CTLS算法依次转化为约束优化问题和无约束优化问题,最后推导给出定位近似闭式解。仿真实验表明在观测站误差较大时,该算法与其他算法相比定位精度性能较好。  相似文献   
讨论了正十七烷与正十八烷(C17,C18)对燃料运动黏度、密度、表面张力理化性能的影响,探究了直链烷烃对SMD(Sauter mean diameter)的影响.将Key's混合规律、Tat混合规律和多项式拟合应用于密度公式的拟合,并将Key's混合规律与对数拟合应用于运动黏度公式的拟合,得出的理化性能拟合公式精度较高;通过测量纯煤油及C17,C18混合油雾化的SMD,实验发现随着直链烷烃的质量分数的增加,混合油的运动黏度增加,SMD也随之增加,雾化效果与纯航空煤油的相比较差,而C18混合油的SMD要比C17混合油要大,并且利用密度、运动黏度的拟合公式对SMD进行预测的偏差小于0.3%.   相似文献   
Numerical analysis and optimization of boundary layer suction on airfoils   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Numerical approach of hybrid laminar flow control(HLFC) is investigated for the suction hole with a width between 0.5 mm and 7 mm. The accuracy of Menter and Langtry’s transition model applied for simulating the flow with boundary layer suction is validated. The experiment data are compared with the computational results. The solutions show that this transition model can predict the transition position with suction control accurately. A well designed laminar airfoil is selected in the present research. For suction control with a single hole, the physical mechanism of suction control, including the impact of suction coefficient and the width and position of the suction hole on control results, is analyzed. The single hole simulation results indicate that it is favorable for transition delay and drag reduction to increase the suction coefficient and set the hole position closer to the trailing edge properly. The modified radial basis function(RBF) neural network and the modified differential evolution algorithm are used to optimize the design for suction control with three holes. The design variables are suction coefficient, hole width, hole position and hole spacing. The optimization target is to obtain the minimum drag coefficient. After optimization,the transition delay can be up to 17% and the aerodynamic drag coefficient can decrease by 12.1%.  相似文献   
Nanoparticles with the anti-wear and friction reducing features were applied as cooling lubricant in the grinding fluid. Dry grinding, flood grinding, minimal quantity of lubrication(MQL), and nanoparticle jet MQL were used in the grinding experiments. The specific grinding energy of dry grinding, flood grinding and MQL were 84, 29.8, 45.5 J/mm3, respectively. The specific grinding energy significantly decreased to 32.7 J/mm3 in nanoparticle MQL. Compared with dry grinding, the surface roughness values of flood grinding, MQL, and nanoparticle jet MQL were significantly reduced with the surface topography profile values reduced by 11%, 2.5%, and 10%,respectively, and the ten point height of microcosmic unflatness values reduced by 1.5%, 0.5%,and 1.3%, respectively. These results verified the satisfactory lubrication effects of nanoparticle MQL. MoS2, carbon nanotube(CNT), and ZrO2 nanoparticles were also added in the grinding fluid of nanoparticle jet MQL to analyze their grinding surface lubrication effects. The specific grinding energy of MoS2 nanoparticle was only 32.7 J/mm3, which was 8.22% and 10.39% lower than those of the other two nanoparticles. Moreover, the surface roughness of workpiece was also smaller with MoS2 nanoparticle, which indicated its remarkable lubrication effects. Furthermore,the role of MoS2 particles in the grinding surface lubrication at different nanoparticle volume concentrations was analyzed. MoS2 volume concentrations of 1%, 2%, and 3% were used.Experimental results revealed that the specific grinding energy and the workpiece surface roughness initially increased and then decreased as MoS2 nanoparticle volume concentration increased.Satisfactory grinding surface lubrication effects were obtained with 2% MoS2 nanoparticle volume concentration.  相似文献   
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