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The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) comprises geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellites as well as inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites. Owing to their special orbital characteristics, GEO satellites require frequent orbital maneuvers to ensure that they operate in a specific orbital window. The availability of the entire system is affected during the maneuver period because service cannot be provided before the ephemeris is restored. In this study, based on the conventional dynamic orbit determination method for navigation satellites, multiple sets of instantaneous velocity pulses parameters which belong to one of pseudo-stochastic parameters were used to simulate the orbital maneuver process in the orbital maneuver arc and establish the observed and predicted orbits of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites of BeiDou regional navigation satellite system (BDS-2) and BeiDou global navigation satellite system (BDS-3). Finally, the single point positioning (SPP) technology was used to verify the accuracy of the observed and predicted orbits. The orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered satellites can be greatly improved by using the orbit determination method proposed in this paper. The overlapping orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered GEO satellites of BDS-2 and BDS-3 can improve 2–3 orders of magnitude. Among them, the radial orbit determination accuracy of each maneuvered satellite is basically better than 1 m. simultaneously, the combined orbit determination of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites does not have a great impact on the orbit determination accuracy of the non-maneuvered satellites. Compared with the multi GNSS products (indicated by GBM) from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the impact of adding the maneuvered satellites on the orbit determination accuracy of BDS-2 satellites is less than 9 %. Furthermore, the orbital recovery time and the service availability period are significantly improved. When the node of the predicted orbit is traversed approximately 3 h after the maneuver, the accuracy of the predicted orbit of the maneuvered satellite can reach that of the observed orbit. The SPP results for the BDS reached a normal level when the node of the predicted orbit was 2 h after the maneuver.  相似文献   
为保证飞行汽车在空中安全飞行、地面稳定行驶的功能需求,机翼折叠机构设计是其中的关键技术。在通过多方案对比分析后,采用折叠机构与传力结构一体化设计技术,设计了基于槽轮原理的机翼折叠机构/结构方案,研制了折叠机构原理验证样机。通过ADAMS运动仿真、结构强度分析和原理试验验证,机翼折叠机构满足折叠功能和承载性能要求。探索了特殊构型下,机翼折叠机构/结构的设计分析方法,为特殊构型飞行器设计和研究提供了技术积累。  相似文献   
吴云章  周锐  吴勇 《飞机设计》2022,42(6):18-21
针对直升机飞行参数进行飞行动作识别问题,利用直升机实际飞行、操纵、飞行动作和动力学模型分析将 300 多个飞行参数降维为 112个特征参数:利用主成分分析提取参数相关度、利用线性判别分析进行特征提取,实现 PCA 和 LDA 双降维,进一步构建深度置信网络。与支持向量机和随机森林对比,经实际应用验证,该算法能有效实现飞行动作识别准确率,具有较强的实用性和机型之间迁移性。  相似文献   
基于等效模态应变/动能理论,提出了一种利用实际结构的测试数据识别结构中损伤位置的方法。在此基础上,研究了利用模型修正技术识别结构中损伤强度的方法。分别以一个单损伤平板结构和多损伤平板结构为例,通过仿真分析了以上方法的有效性。结果表明,以上方法可以有效识别结构中的损伤位置和损伤强度。  相似文献   
为快速响应航空市场需求,提供高效、低成本的集成飞机产品,全球飞机主制造商均在探索更加科学的飞机集成方案。波音和空客公司采用的是大部段模块化集成方案,2家飞机制造巨头每月可完成10~17 架宽体客机的总装。EWIS线束集成安装是制约飞机,总装快速完成的关键因素,因此,进行 EWIS 模块化研制改革迫在眉睫。模块化设计技术需要在飞机型号设计初期,在气动布局,总体布置,性能参数,电气互联,机体结构等方面按照确定参数与可变参数,进行通用模块与专用模块的划分。EWIS 在模块之间的分离与快速对接是实现模块化设计优势的关键技术之一,所以分离面方案在 EWIS 顶层方案中更加重要。通过模块化技术在 EWIS 的应用实现并行研制,降低研制后期的设计更改,减少机体产品和系统产品的总装周期。  相似文献   
The far-infrared (FIR) regime is one of the few wavelength ranges where no astronomical data with sub-arcsecond spatial resolution exist yet. Neither of the medium-term satellite projects like SPICA, Millimetron or OST will resolve this malady. For many research areas, however, information at high spatial and spectral resolution in the FIR, taken from atomic fine-structure lines, from highly excited carbon monoxide (CO) and especially from water lines would open the door for transformative science. These demands call for interferometric concepts. We present here first results of our feasibility study IRASSI (Infrared Astronomy Satellite Swarm Interferometry) for an FIR space interferometer. Extending on the principal concept of the previous study ESPRIT, it features heterodyne interferometry within a swarm of five satellite elements. The satellites can drift in and out within a range of several hundred meters, thereby achieving spatial resolutions of <0.1 arcsec over the whole wavelength range of 1–6 THz. Precise knowledge on the baselines will be ensured by metrology methods employing laser-based optical frequency combs, for which preliminary ground-based tests have been designed by members of our study team. We first give a motivation on how the science requirements translate into operational and design parameters for IRASSI. Our consortium has put much emphasis on the navigational aspects of such a free-flying swarm of satellites operating in relatively close vicinity. We hence present work on the formation geometry, the relative dynamics of the swarm, and aspects of our investigation towards attitude estimation. Furthermore, we discuss issues regarding the real-time capability of the autonomous relative positioning system, which is an important aspect for IRASSI where, due to the large raw data rates expected, the interferometric correlation has to be done onboard, in quasi-real-time. We also address questions regarding the spacecraft architecture and how a first thermomechanical model is used to study the effect of thermal perturbations on the spacecraft. This will have implications for the necessary internal calibration of the local tie between the laser metrology and the phase centres of the science signals and will ultimately affect the accuracy of the baseline estimations.  相似文献   
何林杰  孙毅 《飞机设计》2021,41(3):63-67
飞行试验测试参数是反映飞行试验情况,分析飞机、系统特性的主要信息来源,是飞行试验评估的基础。以往的民用飞机研发过程中,主制造商对飞行试验参数的统筹管理不足,往往以试飞单位为主,大量测试参数标识不清、冗余度高。通过定义测试参数种类、标识方法,规范了测试参数名称,提高测试参数可读性;通过测试参数单一数据源化流程,实现了测试参数单一数据源管理,形成了面向设计人员的3类主要测试参数表,同时建立了参数层级管理模式;提出了参数定义表与参数配置表的概念,给出了测试参数配置分发方法。该方法在某飞机研制中起到有效作用,可以为国内民用飞机试飞测试参数的管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper explores methods for approximating and analyzing the dynamics of highly perturbed spacecraft formations with an emphasis on computationally efficient approaches. This facilitates on-board computation or rapid preliminary mission design analysis. Perturbed formation dynamics are often approximated as linear time-varying (LTV) systems, for which Floquet theory can be used to analyze the degree of system instability. Furthermore, the angular momentum of the relative orbital state can be computed with the approximate dynamics to provide additional insight. A general methodology is developed first and then applied to the problem of unstable formation dynamics in asteroid orbits. Here the dominant perturbative effects due to low-order gravitational harmonics and solar radiation pressure are modeled. Numerical simulations validate the approach and illustrate the approximation accuracy achieved.  相似文献   
In this paper, on–off SDRE control approach is presented for spacecraft formation flying control around sun-earth L2 libration point. Orbits around libration points are significant targets for many space missions mainly because of efficient fuel consumption. Furthermore, less propellant usage can be achieved by considering optimal control approaches in spacecraft formation flying control design. Among various nonlinear and optimal control methods, SDRE has shown to be a popular controller in various missions due to the privileges including efficiency, accuracy and robustness. The spacecraft are assumed to have on–off thrusters as actuators. It requires them to be fed with a sequence of on–off pulses which is regarded as a challenge for spacecraft designers. Hence, the main contribution of this paper is designing an on–off SDRE approach for the formation flight around sun-earth L2 point with uncertainty with energy and accuracy considerations. Including on–off input as a constraint is not feasible for SDRE implementation because it makes the system non-affine. An alternative is utilizing an integral action technique and an auxiliary control to make the system affine which leads to on–off SDRE approach. It has also been shown that the proposed method is robust against parametric uncertainties of the states. Present study aims to design an energy-beneficial, simple and attractive controller for a complex nonlinear system with on–off inputs and uncertainty in CRTBP. Simulation results show that the on–off SDRE control could provide the formation flight around L2 point with high accuracy using less energy consumption.  相似文献   
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