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基于邻接表的分水岭变换快速区域合并算法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
针对图像分水岭变换存在的过分割问题,提出了一种快速区域合并算法.该算法先对梯度图像进行Lee滤波以降低分水岭变换的过分割程度,在传统分水岭变换初步分割的基础上,利用区域邻接图(RAG, Region Adjacency Graph)的邻接表数据结构描述过分割区域之间的关系,采用分级阈值合并的方式完成区域合并,以降低合并计算的复杂度.合并过程中,将基于区域相对边界强度和边界长度的相似度度量准则与传统的区域灰度均值差异度准则相结合,构成新的区域可合并度综合评价函数,以保证区域合并准确可靠.实验结果表明,与传统的分水岭变换区域合并算法相比,该算法有效地提高了区域合并的准确性,并大幅提升了运算速度. 相似文献
Y. Kobayashi M. Kato K.T.A. Nakamura T.K.M. Nakamura M. Fujimoto 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(8):1325-1330
We have done two-dimensional simulations of the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) with super-sonic flow using the CIP method. The linear analyses of a simple uniform density case show that the KHI cannot grow vigorously when the velocity jump is more than twice the sound speed (when the flow speed relative to the vortex is super-sonic). In this study, by situating a high density contrast across the shear layer, we set the flow in only one of the sides to be super-sonic and then show that the KHI does grow and rolls up a vortex. The formation of a shock is essential for the KHI vigorous growth and the structure of the vortex is strongly influenced by the shock geometry. The results should have substantial implications to velocity shear layer dynamics involving large density jump, such as planetary magnetospheric boundary layers. 相似文献
Image segmentation remains one of the major challenges in image analysis.And soft image segmentation has been widely used due to its good effect.Fuzzy clustering algorithms are very popular in soft segmentation.A new soft image segmentation method based on center-free fuzzy clustering is proposed.The center-free fuzzy clustering is the modified version of the classical fuzzy C-means ( FCM ) clustering.Different from traditional fuzzy clustering , the center-free fuzzy clustering does not need to calculate the cluster center , so it can be applied to pairwise relational data.In the proposed method , the mean-shift method is chosen for initial segmentation firstly , then the center-free clustering is used to merge regions and the final segmented images are obtained at last.Experimental results show that the proposed method is better than other image segmentation methods based on traditional clustering. 相似文献
新近发布的JJG30—2002《通用卡尺检定规程》。取代了原先相关测量器具:游标卡尺、带表卡尺、数显卡尺、深度卡尺等的5个检定规程。新老规程相比较,有5条条款发生较大的变化。现就5条变化条款,从新老规程所改变的表征、改变的原由以及将会产生的后果等方面进行探讨。 相似文献
射流式旋涡发生器对涡轮流动分离控制 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
通过数值计算,研究了稳态小孔射流式旋涡发生器VGJs(Vortex Generator Jets)对低雷诺数涡轮流动分离的控制。通过对VGJs射流孔径、孔间距的几何参数研究,分析了射流对分离流动的控制机理。在此基础上,提出并详细研究了多种不同孔径射流孔组合排列结构对分离流动的控制效果与作用机理。研究结果表明,射流孔组合排列结构,以大孔射流为主,采用小孔小流量射流对大孔射流控制的分离流场进行\"弥补\"与调节,可实现总压损失进一步降低22%,射流流量减小25%。 相似文献
用端壁造型减小涡轮叶栅二次流损失的数值研究 总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5
分别对常规叶栅、下端壁上凸和下端壁下凹叶栅的流场进行了详尽的数值模拟,通过将下端壁上凸和下端壁下凹叶栅中的通道涡的发生、发展过程与常规叶栅进行对比分析,对非轴对称端壁造型减小涡轮叶栅二次流损失的机理进行了初步的探讨。结果表明:下端壁上凸叶栅出口处的总压损失比常规叶栅下降了4.2%,下端壁下凹叶栅出口处的总压损失比常规叶栅增加了11.9%;在下端壁上凸叶栅中,下通道涡的形成比常规叶栅和下端壁下凹叶栅滞后,失去了充分发展的\"机会\"。这是非轴对称端壁造型能够减小涡轮叶栅二次流损失的根本原因。 相似文献